19 Grown men showed up in the dark and got to work by 4’s and 13’s. This is how it went down.
Run to childcare parking lot to begin the 4:13’s.
4:13 #1-Warm up
Run back through school and down to the track.
4:13 #2-Run around the track and in each of the corners stop for exercises
4:13 #3-Partner up, run opposite ways around the track. when you meet up do called exercise, first back lead Mary.
Head over to the bleachers, stop for 1 rock per pair.
4:13 #4-Rocks and Running
4:13 #5-Rocks and Running Remix
4:13 #6-The finisher, we were at 2.87 miles so I considered making it three but decided to keep the theme going.
I had lots of options for workout themes this morning.
It has been an honor to serve as a site Q at Base Camp. Thanks everyone for your help in making this a great site.This is a solid bunch of guys and still one of my favorite workouts. Drano is stepping up to run things with Goonie. I trust the site is in good hands, but I promised I would be around to serve as quality control.
Holy Moley
Until next time!
Twas a cold Winter’s morn when 21 men gathered in the CDS Middle School parking lot to see what was the matter.
Disclaimer given, which was promptly questioned by Gummy, that pattern continued throughout the workout. But Young Love gave the thumbs up so after an extra hit from the inhaler we were off with some quick footwork avoiding hacksaw Jim Duggan’s Truck (thankfully no one was decapitated)
Mosey to the tennis courts, spot Steinbrenner rolling in late, so COP in the street.
The Thang
Find a partner and each choose a rock
One lap around the outer loop of the church parking lot.
At each of the 5 cones:
Questionable Mary: Orange Whip and Rhapsody finished first and had their choice of Mary…they chose SSH.
Head to the side doors of the church at the bottom of the hill. Pause at the school entrance for some Flutter.
What’s this? Is this a part of the workout…Yep, it’s
The Gift that Keeps on Givin’
At the side entrance of the church we found a box wrapped in christmas wrapping paper filled with lots of exercises for grown men.
Here is what we did (I think):
Return the rocks then plank.
Mosey down Cov Church lane to the first Middle School entrance, Then AYG to the end.
Back at launch finish with some old favorites:
Mole St. Skinoclause (That doesn’t sound right):
After the workout Gummy ran to his RV and started handing out F3 Stickers and Jelly of the month club certificates, but the sweat from under his green dickie had soaked through his white sweater so no one was willing to make eye contact.
Lots of groans when I said we were running with the rocks…Witchdoctor looked at me like I had betrayed him.
Pick up your rocks and follow me…Unintentional teachable moments.
Orange Whip and Rhapsody are best friends, they are fast, and they refuse to partner with anyone else. I think I saw Harley move towards Whip with a hopeful glimmer in his eye, but he got the Heisman.
BLC ran off part way through the workout. When he realized there was not a port-o-john behind the bushes he eventually came back.
Protip: arriving home after your son’s basketball practice and deciding to eat a piece of cake for dinner the night before you Q can result in Q Wobble…I may have put Hops on standby somewhere between the Good Mornings and the Burpees. #DinnerOfChampions
Bushwood is currently in China so that he can bring his little girl home. He promised that if I got this BB out before 8:30 that he would do this workout in the hotel…I think it would be best executed in the Lobby. ‘Merica.
Joe Davis Run, if you don’t know the details you stopped coming to F3 a long time ago.
Bulldog took us out, thankful for how he always focuses our eyes on the cross. BD and HH, Thanks for the opportunity lead. HH get back soon, F3 is better when you are there.
“She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” – Matthew 1:21
The Panthers game yesterday wasn’t only a loss it was boring. What has become of our team from yesteryear? Sure the O-Line is struggling…….and the secondary is thin (we miss you Josh Norman)…..and maybe Cam’s mind is rattled from all of those helmet to helmet cheap shots in week 1, but we still have lots of good pieces, right? I think we are better than our record shows, but hey they lost so we had to pay the price. Here is what the 27 playas did at the Mandatory workout just hours after the game ended.
Warm up
Speed and Agility on 51
Run to Davey Park stop at every other stoplight streetlight for:
At the park, find a partner, grab a lifting rock and meet at the entrance to the playground
One Round on the Playground
Take One for the Team
Back down 51, stopping at each stoplight to pick up a gear to carry back to launch
Gear included:
Finish up
-Udder and Marge were out front on the run over to Davey…they must have been feeling the kale in their pre-workout protein shakes.
-When we arrived at Davey I congratulated Hammer on the Clemson win and let him select a Mary exercise for everyone to do while we waited for the six. After giving it much thought he selected LBC’s…because we hadn’t done those in a while, and because they are widely known as Desean Jackson’s favorite ab exercise.
-After one of the rock sets Triple 7 led some plankorama, when he said Left leg high…if you’ve got it some thought you could only modify if you had a prosthetic.
-On the first loop Drano came out of the gates fast and was way out in front of everybody…until I heckled him cheered him on, then he slowed down.
-Big Top selected a “rock” he could hold between his fingers, was that why Drago left part way thru and came back with a boulder?
-On the way back Spackler got the helmet, but instead of forcing it on his large sweaty head he decided to wear it like a top hat. I have no idea where he got the cane and monocle, I didn’t put those in the bushes.
-Hannibal is back from Ireland, and he has a new beard to show for it. When I saw him and M Hannibal working in the church nursery yesterday I asked her thoughts…she just stared at Hannibal, showed her claws and made a cat noise. I left the room.
Southern discomfort. It isn’t in august so it should be even better this year than it was last year.
Verse of the Day (texted by Hannibal post workout):
“Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own.” -Philippians 3:12
Posted by Simba on behalf of BTizzle
Like the 11th floor roof access of 525 N Tryon, someone left the door open at Base Camp this morning and in walked YHC for his VQ. 18 men didn’t know what they were in for (well 1 did I suppose) when they arrived at SCMS sporting tightened braces, dried Clearasil on their faces, and a note in their pocket for the hot popular girl asking her to the Spring Fling #CheckYesOrNo. Oh we worked out.
The Thang:
Perfunctory laps around parking lot,lap 1 high knees, lap 2 butt kickers (picked up Wolfman), lap 3 karaoke x2.
Circle up for COP. With a proper disclaimer, SSH x20, Merkins x10, IW x20.
After instructions OYO pace run to Davie Park, stop at every street lamp for 5 burpees on 51, Mary waiting on six.
Playground circuit work: (10 dips, 15 regular or supine pull-ups, 20 low slow squats, 15 CDDs, 1 lap around parking lot, Mary) x3. Donkey XC (10 donkey kicks, 1 lap around parking lot) x 2. OYO pace run to Strawberry Lane,
Mary waiting on six. AYG to SCMS parking lot. Mary to close it out – 20 LBCs, 20 Freddie Mercury.
The Worm Was Gotten
It was my VQ so had to get there early right? Arrived to find #CreepyWhiteJetta hanging out in the SCMS parking lot, car running and middle aged man inside. Called 911 to report possible pred and had to cancel when I recognized Ralphie, in the #CreepyWhiteJetta. Seriously though, great job Ralphie – you got after it despite a bum knee; thanks for coming out and supporting me in my VQ.
Feels LIke The First Time
YHC’s VQ was a shout-out to my first F3 workout. It was also at BC and we did a modified murph at Davie Park in heavy rain. I wore a full body rainsuit with hiking boots #Truth. I’m pretty sure Ralphie was wearing Merrill’s today.
How Many Street Lamps Could There Be
Google Maps Street View pictures could be a little less grainy #JustSayin. Audibled to every other street lamp after the 1,000th burpee. Doc(k) would be proud.
What Did You Say Simba
Every time Simba spoke I swore I could see the lion’s mouth on his t-shirt moving #HappyBirthday.
I Have A Short What
You can thank Geraldo for the donkey kick send off from Davie Park. That was not in the plan but after saying I had a #ShortWeinke something had to be done. We agreed to meet in the parking deck after work to settle it once and for all.
Geraldo with an announcement about F3 Dads this summer and Simba said there’ll be a special announcement next week for Base Camp, don’t miss it. Thanks for sending us out Smokey with an awesome prayer; great way to start the day.
From Simba: BB posted the day of…
The title of this back blast is intended to be sung to the tune of Steve Winwood’s greatest hit “back in the high life again.” Make your day better by clicking on that link, then sit back and sing along.
This morning Geraldo was scheduled to Q, and he had declared this “The Winwood Special” TM (Don’t even think about stealing this you Sofa-Wib guys). The plan was for everyone to come dressed as good ole Steve. Although we weren’t sure where he was going with this most guys showed up in rented Winwood Wigs. Gooney, however, went all out. He was in Wig, shades and had and an electric guitar with a mini amp that he played throughout the workout.
As the time neared Geraldo, aka the Big Steve, was no-where to be found…so being an always ready site Q I called foreverone to follow me. And just like that 12 men with the breeze rustling our flowing Winwood-like locks, departed from the launch point and made a right onto Strawberry lane.
Once departed we noticed Insomniac roll into the lot late so we looped back not wanting him to miss out on “The Finer Things.” After picking him up we warmed up with 15 LSS IC, and 15 IW’s.
With Insom in tow we headed back down strawberry to the speed bump. Then we partnered up and I pointed out a street light which would be the destination of each round.
Back to Launch, flutter as we wait for the 6, then down to the bleachers for circuit work.
2×100 yard AYG sprints inspired by coaching my son in his first season of flag football…Focus…Finish…
Mosey up to the bathrooms. Peoples chair, drop it low.
Finish with 10 burpees back in the parking lot.
The Steve Molewood:
Little Mike told about a great event coming up on Memorial Day which offers the chance for a triple down (workout, 5k and go the extra mile) all designed to support and thank those who have served our country in the armed forces. More details to come.
Thankful to lead the strong men of Base Camp. There is a core of solid guys that make this a great site! Thanks for coming out.
Thought to consider this week:
“The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45
posted by Simba on behalf of Knight Rider
17 brave (or foolish) men posted for a cold 34 degree morning at Base Camp. YHC gave the disclaimer that not only am I not a professional but this was also my first Q and made sure there was fair warning in advance before leading the PAX into the cold and dark unknown.
Mosey ~1/2 mile around campus with a couple repeats of the stairs by the concession stand to regroup before heading to the track.
Partner up with Muggsy Bogues (aka size doesn’t matter) and try to pick someone you don’t know. Almost everyone was able to grab someone they either didn’t know or didn’t know well. YHC explained these partners were purely for encouragement and/or heckling. To be there for each other to motivate (and be motivated by) an unfamiliar face (not that we could see each other’s faces).
SSH x 20 IC, Merkin x 10 IC, LBC (30 seconds OYO), Imperial Walkers x 20 IC, I feel like we did something else in here… not sure what, but I know we didn’t do burpees!
Short interval ladder on the track (50 meters, 75m, 100m, 200m, 100m, 75m, 50m) with various exercises (no burpees) between for recovery. These were run ~75% maximum effort with the last two (75m & 50m) run all out.
YHC had a few objectives when planning this workout… Since I had previously coached track at South Charlotte, I had to make use the track and I also wanted to try to keep the PAX grouped together and not too spread out. At 1am (a few hours before the workout) I was on FB and learned there would be meteor showers so I added another objective… spend time on our 6 to get a chance to see God’s light show.
In the true spirit of keeping this moderate and ‘modifying as needed’ part of the group was given the option to return to the parking lot from the track while the rest split off for a mosey around the baseball field to the bottom of the dirt road hill. YHC introduced the PAX to ‘Hillga’ as the track kids nicknamed her and after a run/sprint to the top everyone was finished just in time.
By the end of the workout we had sprinted 650m on the track, run a little over 2 miles total, completed a decent number of exercises, witnessed 4+ shooting stars and Mars, Jupiter and Venus.
Thank you to those who led the Mary exercises between intervals and great job to everyone for putting on their sprinting shoes (especially Lorax who led almost every sprint) and for making it out!
Announcements… Third F at Dunkin Donuts right after this (not much info was known or given)
I know it’s late, but we were just building suspense and adding reading material to this day filled with rained out soccer and flag football games. Without further ado.
Posted by Simba on behalf of Marvel
19 men ventured into the gloom to endure Hurricane Marvel (downgraded to a Tropical Storm after overexerting himself during the first exercise).
The Thang:
Two trips around the parking lot for high knees, karaoke, and buttkickers, then circle up
SSH x 20
IW x 20
Squats x 20
Merkin x 20
Burpees x 5
Mosey down to the track, partner up
1st partner runs lap #1
2nd partner does exercises: Lunges (10x per leg), Merkins (20x), LBCs (until 1st partner returns)
1st partner runs lap #2
2nd partner does exercises: Squats (20x), CDDs (20x), Dolly (until 1st partner returns)
1st partner runs lap #3
2nd partner does exercises: Jumpsquats (10x), Widearm Merkins (20x), H2H (until 1st partner returns)
Mosey to the baseball bleachers for circuit work:
Dips (20x), Incline Merkins (20x), Step Ups (15x)
Mosey to the bathrooms and grab some wall
People’s Chair (60 seconds)
People’s Chair with Arm Raises (30x)
Return to the parking lot for Mary
Dolly x 20
LBCs x 20
Protractor w/ degrees set by the PAX (going around the circle with full participation)
Rosalita x 15
Burpees x 5
Marvel-ous Moley:
The group maintained an impressive pace and followed direction well, even in the face of mutinous behavior from certain troublemakers (thinking specifically of Simba’s insubordination during the warmup…turns out his foot was broken).
The men were moving so quickly I had to add in some unplanned wall time to make it to 6:15pm (thanks to Icicle for helping out with the People’s Chair countdown after Sony went into hiding).
A round of Protractor towards the end of the workout proved more interesting than anticipated, with several of the PAX calling out inches instead of degrees…not sure of the conversion rate on that.
This was my VQ and I had a blast…many thanks to the Site Qs (Simba and Fireman Ed) for their pre-workout advice and to the PAX for not mocking me (to my face, anyways). Hope I didn’t embarrass myself too badly out there.
New 3rd F group (‘Rally Point’) meeting at the Dunkin Donuts at Colony Square at 6:30am on Mondays.
Christianity Explored group starting up in the near future. If interested, please contact Simba or Purple Haze.
Columbia was hit badly by the hurricane and is dealing with serious flood issues. Pray that the F3 Columbia group will be able to support / encourage the community, and get involved yourself if possible.
Starting at 6:30 seems like extra slumber for a normal monday, but there was a little grumble as 47 men rolled in to do work before resting from their labors. However even Gummy made it out before having to head home to make waffles for the multiple sleepovers happening at his house. Here is what went down:
Fireman Ed skipped the disclaimer and headed straight for the track and ended up circling up on the football field where he and Alf led the COP.
Fireman Ed led 25 x SSH IC
Alf led 20 x Merkins IC
Fireman Ed calls for Slow Squats (low was not clarified) x 20 IC Skywalker questioned Ed’s form but decided against heading into the circle to correct him.
Count off by 3.
Keep the Mass of Humanity together for one lap of 4 corners before heading off to their sites.
Corner 1: 10 Burpees, Corner 2: 10 Squats, Corner 3: 10 Merkins, Corner 3: 10 LBCs
When finished head off to your first station:
Group 1 with Alf and Dasher on the track
Summary per Alf “We ran around the track like fools”
After some time to recover he added that the original plan was to do field work, but after the sun was up he obeyed the stay off the field sign. They ran backwards until he had an audible then they proceeded with 4 corners and plank work.
Group 2 with Channel and Voodoo in the parking lot
Ladder (2 up to 10 and back down) with KB Swings, one handed swings and thrusters.
And take turns pulling a tire around the lot.
Group 3 with Simba and Fireman Ed at the bleachers
Bear crawl, Bleacher circuit, Burpees (LBCs) baseball field run, Burpees LBCs (repeat). All in Moderation.
After 15 minutes each group rotated until they completed the circuit.
Mary led by Voodoo