Monthly Archive October 2014

Home on the range

28 strong for the launch of what is sure to be a strong site for the F3UnionCo #movement.

The Thang:

1 lap around the LARGE parking lot. .33 miles

2nd lap with exercises on the corners:
Corner 1: 25 Merkins
Corner 2: 25 Squats
Corner 3: 25 Carolina Dry Docks
Corner 4: 25 Squats

3rd lap:
Corner 1: 25 hand release merkins
Corner 2: 25 Dolly’s
Corner 3: 25 Manmaker Merkins
Corner 4: 25 LBC’s

Plankorama led by those Pax that are faster than YHC. (Ice-9, Hops, Tiger Rag)

Mosey accross the campus to the picnic tables
Pain Stations: 3 Rounds of
20 decline merkins
30 dips
40 squats

Mosey around the back of the building to the brick retaining wall
Partner up
P1 up and over the wall run to the top of the hill and back around while P2 Planks

Round 2: P1 over and run, P2 Low Slow Squats, Flapjack

Round 3: P1 over and run, P2 Freddie Mercury, Flapjack

Round 4: P1 over and run, P2 Maktar Ndjaye, Flapjack

Jog to the top of the lot, Indian Run back to the COT/Lot

Directionally challenged Q led to some confusion on the corner which led to a lot of mumblechatter, which led to Merkins to quiet and calm the Pax back down.

Return to 2 line formation and indian run back to the lot.

COT: 20 LBC’s in Cadence


Very animated and energetic group led me to get the group moving quickly. Less talking, more breathing. Appreciate the A51 support! It’s still a strange land for me and I look forward to working with my beat up comrade Bratwurst in getting this bad boy rolling. Sorry it wasn’t a bit more FNG friendly but I couldn’t forego the chance to show off the AO. I also like for the Pax to know they’ve worked out.

Preblast: Devil’s Turn – Tempo to the Track

It is tempo / track day again at Devil’s Turn. We will launch from the 4 Mile Creek Greenway parking area at the corner of Rea & Bevington on Thursday morning at 0515. There are 4, 6, and 7+ mile options available.

See below for the options:

1) 4.4-miles – run 1 mile warmup at fellowship pace then remaining 1.2 miles to track, rest or stretch, and then run 2.2 miles back to COT by 6:10.  Pace is up to you, but marathon pace recommended after the warmup period.

2) 4.4 to 7.5 miles –  run 1 mile warmup at fellowship pace then remaining 1.2 miles to track, continue onto the track circling it until it is time to leave to run 2.2 miles back to COT by 6:10.  Pace is up to you, but marathon pace recommended after the warmup period.

3) Red Pill – Do some creative variation of speed between “Easy”, “Marathon”, and “Threshold”.  If Bratwurst is there, you can just try and follow him for a while (good luck).

See your proposed paces at using the 1-mile race time from the speed showdown.

See you in the AM!

The perfect Rock-Webb

The Thang’

11 men converged upon Stonecrest for a glimpse of my tights. Well since it was 66 degrees all they got was another angry Q workout.

So 12 men set out, we moseyed past the movie theatre, past the drive through window at Wendy’s to avoid the leaf blower guy.

  • SSH x50 (in cadence)
  • Burpees x20 (OYO)
  • IW x25 (in cadence)
  • Burpees x15 (OYO)
  • Mountain Climbers x20 (in cadence)
  • Burpees x10 (OYO)
  • Nipplers x20 (in cadence)
  • Burpees x5 (OYO)
  • Mosey past chick-fil-a to Starbucks grab a low wall
  • 2 Rounds of Dirkens
  • Round 1
  • x20 Dirkens – Hold plank until all are complete immediately go into Round 2
  • x15 Dirkens

Mosey across Johnson Rd to St. Mathews Catholic Church 

  • 5 min wall sit with arm raises x150 (in cadence)

Mosey to rock pile, the perfect ‘Rock’ Webb 

  • 1 Mirken x 4 Arm Raises w/Rock 
  • 2 Mirkens x 8 Arm Raises w/Rock 
  • 3 Mirkens x 12 Arm Raises w/Rock 
  • Continue until Failure..

Mosey back through parking stop at each speed ‘hump’ for 20 Mirkens at each speed ‘hump’ Total Mirken count 100.

Line up and run suicides in front of Movie Theater.


Naked Mole Skin:

  • A number of Area 51 PAX will be heading up to Greensboro to help support their new workout which launched a few weeks back.  If interested in joining the Clown car please reach out to Skywalk_F3 on Twitter. Wheels up on Nov. 15
  • Calling all those men looking to step-up, it’s time to Q! Please see your site Q  (Mic Check)


Hammer Strike

Shovel flag planted (thanks, Mermaid) and disclaimer proclaimed, 16 studs marched off into the gloom for the weekly Anvil beatdown. Here’s what we did:


Divide into 2 groups based upon weight. Pick a partner from the other weight class. Partner in hand (figuratively for most), mosey to the rock pile and pick a respectably heavy rock. Raise boulder to shoulder and mosey to the COP.


  • Drop boulder (avoid toes)
  • SSH x25 and Imperial Walkers x20 — important joint loosening, blood flowing exercises.
  • 10 burpees OYO
  • Pick-up boulder to perform Rock Combo: squat/curl/overhead press. 10 Rock Combos OYO
  • Drop boulder

The Circuit

  • Run to Entrance #4, bear crawl down first half, run to bottom, 10 hand-release merkins, sprint up Entrance #4 and run back to your rock.
  • 10 burpees OYO
  • 10 Rock Combos OYO
  • 10 hand-slap merkins w/partner
  • Run to bottom of North Face, sprint up North Face, 10 jump squats, run back to your rock
  • 10 burpees OYO
  • 10 Rock Combos OYO
  • 10 hand-slap merkins w/partner
  • Continue with circuit until Q calls time (approx 30 minutes): Partner 1 runs toward Entrance #4, Partner 2 runs toward North Face. Meet back at rocks for burpees/rock combos/hand-slap merkins. Flapjack and repeato as many times as possible.
  • LBCs to regroup. Once regrouped, shoulder your boulder, return boulder to rock pile, run back for COT near cars.



Given that we’ve recently had 50% turnover at the site-Q level, I wanted to make sure everyone knew that Anvil is situation normal, full steam ahead. The Anvil standard was met today: use the unique variety of the AO (the “Anvil”), map out a strenuous exercise (the “Hammer”), encourage fellowship (10 hand-slap merkins = at least 10 high-fives every 5 minutes or so) and repeat for 45 minutes.

Good to see a couple new faces out there. Good also to see no tights. Tights are not part of the Anvil standard, in case anyone wondered.

Yes, this was a slightly-modified version of a workout I led back in April ( Full disclosure: I warned you it would come back. It’s a good one. 2x a year good.

#paystobeawinner: Team Radar and Lobstah Roll. We were chasing these guys all morning. Not sure which one of you was the heavy weight… which means you followed the pre-tweeted instructions and chose wisely. Well done.


Standard fare: 3rd F Aftermath (SBUX-Piper Glen) and HDHH are every Wednesday. As one guy said, “I drink coffee all day until it is socially acceptable to drink beer.” Well said, my friend, well said.

Extraordinary fare: Joe Davis Run coming in January. Sign up for 5K and/or 10K. It’s with your F3 buddies and it’s for a great cause. Don’t think too much. Just sign up.

#soleredemption – Bring your shoes. Give them to Boutique (the Shoe Q). Going on in Area 51 until 11/22, but 11/19 is last day to deliver to Anvil. If you haven’t donated by then, leave the ones you come in.

Is the Q being sneaky?

16 men posted to get their weekly fix of Death Valley.  Some members earlier than others, choosing to do the KB’s @0500.  However, 0530 was called and off we went.



Quick warm up run around the parking lot to grab the one or two of the pax, around the street light (thanks gummy) and to the football field we went. But first we stopped at YHC’s ride and we each picked up a 10lb plate from a old weight machine (thanks Salt Lick). After some butt kickers, high knees we circled up at the 50


On the field (chest to the plate-no short arms today)

15 diamond merkens

20x SSH

15 wide arm merkens


15 merkens

20  bunny hop/ ski jumps over the plate

15 burpees

One arm circles with plate x10 each

Grab your weight over head and move back to the parking lot


Why did I want the plates- Hair Burners


Partner up- hair burner and 5 burpee chaser around the 2 parking lot islands


5 min of marry with weight plate-cadence count

LBC x20

Dolly- lost count as someone lost their ass

Mason or Russian Twist x20

Work our way to the flag pole in between the island


Around the flag pole

Plank and move left until YHC says stop

On your feet and various speed curb toe taps 45 sec

Back to plank, move right until back to beginning position

Calf raises- 45 sec

Grab weight above head and run back to field


Football field run sideline to sideline (each exercise x2 with plate)

Partner 1 run / Partner 2 exercise

Round 1-Lateral raise

Round 2- Squats

Round 3- Shoulder roll

Round 4- Front raise

Round 5- Chest

Plate to the sky and run to concession stand


1 min wall sit with weight on lap


And done


Naked Moleskin

– Thanks Salt Lick for the freebie weights, hope you all enjoyed them today.  Not the heaviest things around, but we could have done 200 Dive Bomb Merkens (last lead at DV).

– I really had plans for more hair burners, but I think my legs were tired from Spartan, so only one lap today

– According to Alf, it’s ALWAYS a race.  Be warned if he’s on your 6…dude means business

– Not sure who fired that Ass missile (?Bug?), but the collateral damage was mind blowing…BOOM!

– Stage Coach, I have NO idea about the shoes in that bag.  My neighbor gave me a full plastic kitchen bag of shoes and it was in my possession for less than 10hrs

– Any one still reading this to figure out if I was being sneaky this AM….possibly.  I had plans to drop the weights as a surprise, but audibled and decided it would be more fun to carry an extra 10lb around.  I did however go off property to review my winkie before the workout.  I didn’t want to get sucked into a pre KB prior to Q’ing

-I really don’t Q enough, but as always, fun to lead this group of men.

– Thanks Sussido for the closing prayer again this week- what, no mention of anyone’s husband…



– Shoe drive still on ( Bug really wants them at Hydra tomorrow)

– Threshold today…Bojangles




Grind it out – Aye, Aye Captain Kirk

Here’s what we did:

Mosey to COT near soccer field

SSH x 25 I/C

Grinders in teams of three: With rock one end/other end no rock

  1. Overhead press/LBCs
  2. Squat/Mountain Climber
  3. Chest Press/IW
  4. Tricep/Freddy Mercury

Plank to get PAX together while returning rocks.  Hand over Q to Hamlet.

Run to track for Kirk x3

  1. CDD x7
  2. Burpies x14
  3. Merkins x21
  4. Squats x28
  5. LBC x35
  6. Run one lap

Strong showing by the PAX, and thanks to DDs for the opportunity to lead.

Announcements: 1) Shoe drive; 2) One-year Charge convergence next Wednesday, November 5th.

Swift with a Sub

With our fearless leader out with a face injury, YHC took the reins and 5 Swift SOB’s took to the rough streets of Ballantyne to put in some speedwork.

The Thang included a 1 mile warmup followed by various prancing / ballerina type movements.  The main event was 4 x 200m, 2 x 400m, 1 x 800m, 2 x 400m, 3 x 200m.  Total distance was roughly 5.5 miles.

Long Haul was kickin’ it this morning.  There was a strong conclusion that he sandbagged the 1-mile time trial last week because he was blowing that pace out of the water this morning.

The Madame is on a mission for speed and has a program laid out to get him to total domination of the mud run circuit.  You will also need to work on your pre-game routine of going in the woods to get your mind right (Haggis trick).

Strange Brew and Wing    (space)     Man are deep in the training routine and are working it.  Intervals are good for you (they must be because they suck – SB).

Thanks for the good run brothers.  Always a good time!

Pre-Blast for The Maul – Tights are making a comeback

YHC is all recovered from the weekend doubledown at the #SpartanBeastandSuper and ready to Q at the Maul tomorrow morning. So here is a preview of the workout I have scetched out in my head. #Adjustmentsmaybeneeded

  • Yes, we will break the century mark on Burpees
  • Yes, we will hit 300+ Mirkens
  • Yes, we will do some sprints, wheelbarrows, balls2wall, tunnel of love and some other ramdom stuff
  • Yes, I will wear tights
  • No, we will not leave anyone behind
  • No, we will not quit when we are tired
  • No, we will not work alone
  • No, you are not required to wear tights 

Run Stopper

Getting Decked

26 men for Bagpipe this morning and another 5 for Swift makes 31.  Here’s how things went at Bagpipe:

Disclaimer is read and while we wait for some late arrivals, a few of the PAX chat about last night’s Cowboys/Redskins game, prompting Frehley’s to comment on the injury to Troy Aikman.  Wow.  He might never live this down. Congrats to the PAX who followed with questions about Don Meredith and Danny White… nice references both.  And with that…

The Thang: Mosey to BB&T lot for warm up (all IC): 25 SSH, 20 slow squats, 15 merkins, 20 mountain climbers.  Then over to the parking deck for the main event.

Parnter Up.  Take turns doing sets of 10 burpees while other partner does squats.  Finish with 60 burpees total (3 sets each) then AYG to the top of the deck.

Next, P1 runs to the bottom and back while P2 alternates 20 merkins and 20 LBCs.  Flapjack.  Then P1 runs while P2 does people’s chair with shoulder presses.  Flapjack again.  Finally, bear crawl to the end or the deck and back.

For Mary, lunge walks down each ramp.  At each platform, stop for two exercises until we reach the bottom.  20 dollies, 20 flutters, 15 heels to heaven, 10 ski jumps, plank-o-rama, 20 russian twists, 20 rosalitas.

Finish with 30 merkins and 5 burpees then mosey back.  Plan-o-rama to kill ~3 minutes.

Moleskin: Great effort by the group and always a pleasure to lead when everybody is pushing each other through.  The parking deck runs are nobody’s favorite but everybody gave it their all.  A big happy birthday to Blades of Glory who turned 50 today!  Thanks for taking us out as well – hope that Bagpipe was the start of a great day for you

Announcements: 1.) Bring your shoes for the shoe drive.  2.) Group of Area 51 PAX will be traveling to Greensboro to support a new workout launch.  Check web site for details and contact Skywalker if you are interested in a clown car.  3.) New workout “Dromedary” starts tomorrow at Marvin Ridge High.

Skunkworks – Run, lift, repeat

Posted on behalf of Sanka at his virgin Q…Sanka has been crushing it at Skunkworks and other workouts, so I knew he was ready to take the helm and he did not disappoint.

23 men lifted and ran at YHC’s VQ. Here’s how it went down:

The Thang

–          SSH x 20 IC
–          Imperial Walker x 20 IC
–          Merkins x 20 IC

Mosey to the bottom lot of the church.

Recipe for the morning:
Called exercise – 10 reps
Run to first median and back
Called exercise – 15 reps
Run to second median and back
Called exercise – 20 reps
Run to bottom of the hill and back, an audible halfway through took us to the top of the hill and back
Plank-o-rama in between sets

First set:
–          Overhead press
–          Upright rows
–          Snatch (10 each arm)

Second set:
–          Tricep extensions
–          Skull crushers
–          Lawn mowers (10 each arm)

Third set:
–          Diamond merkins on bell
–          Bell press
–          Stagger merkins on bell (10 each arm)
–          50 Swings, run to the top of the hill and back

Fourth set:
–          Goblet squats
–          Russian dead lifts
–          Lunges with bell (10 each leg)
–          50 Swings, run to the top of the hill and back

Fifth set:
–          Flutter with press
–          Louganis
–          Russian twists
–          50 swings, run to the top of the hill and back

Sixth set:
–          Squat and press
–          Swings
–          Clean and press (10 each arm)
–          50 swings, run to the top of the hill and back, bring your bell

10 diamond merkins on bell while waiting for the rest of the PAX to arrive

Mosey back to lot

LBC x 30 IC




The idea was to get a full body workout today with enough cardio to keep the #mumblechatter to a minimum, and those pesky PAX off my back, as I fumbled around the dark like a quintessential VQ. A little nervous speed cadence in the beginning from YHC elicited some Weinke comments (Bulldog, Brown), but overall I think my goal was accomplished.

#T-claps to Susudio for bringing the speed today and leaving us all behind #RespecttheRespect. Orange Whip and Rhapsody, both site FNGs, were also flying around out there in their first taste of the Skunk.

Strong prayer by Splinter taking us out. A good reminder that we, as men, are not invincible, though we often want to think we are. Be careful as you post and take part in the #CSAUP events. Never take for granted the gift of health and ability to participate in the workouts.

Thanks to Harley for tapping me to lead. 6 months in, it was time to stop freeloading and step up to the plate. I had a blast and look forward to doing it again soon.

–          Sanka


Post at The Charge and bring your shoes for #SoleRedemption. Baracus is matching donations with each pair given

If you like the kettle bell workout, check out Meathead on Thursdays at Elizabeth Lane Elementary. Less running, more lifting. #0.0