16 men posted to get their weekly fix of Death Valley. Some members earlier than others, choosing to do the KB’s @0500. However, 0530 was called and off we went.
Quick warm up run around the parking lot to grab the one or two of the pax, around the street light (thanks gummy) and to the football field we went. But first we stopped at YHC’s ride and we each picked up a 10lb plate from a old weight machine (thanks Salt Lick). After some butt kickers, high knees we circled up at the 50
On the field (chest to the plate-no short arms today)
15 diamond merkens
20x SSH
15 wide arm merkens
15 merkens
20 bunny hop/ ski jumps over the plate
15 burpees
One arm circles with plate x10 each
Grab your weight over head and move back to the parking lot
Why did I want the plates- Hair Burners
Partner up- hair burner and 5 burpee chaser around the 2 parking lot islands
5 min of marry with weight plate-cadence count
LBC x20
Dolly- lost count as someone lost their ass
Mason or Russian Twist x20
Work our way to the flag pole in between the island
Around the flag pole
Plank and move left until YHC says stop
On your feet and various speed curb toe taps 45 sec
Back to plank, move right until back to beginning position
Calf raises- 45 sec
Grab weight above head and run back to field
Football field run sideline to sideline (each exercise x2 with plate)
Partner 1 run / Partner 2 exercise
Round 1-Lateral raise
Round 2- Squats
Round 3- Shoulder roll
Round 4- Front raise
Round 5- Chest
Plate to the sky and run to concession stand
1 min wall sit with weight on lap
And done
Naked Moleskin
– Thanks Salt Lick for the freebie weights, hope you all enjoyed them today. Not the heaviest things around, but we could have done 200 Dive Bomb Merkens (last lead at DV).
– I really had plans for more hair burners, but I think my legs were tired from Spartan, so only one lap today
– According to Alf, it’s ALWAYS a race. Be warned if he’s on your 6…dude means business
– Not sure who fired that Ass missile (?Bug?), but the collateral damage was mind blowing…BOOM!
– Stage Coach, I have NO idea about the shoes in that bag. My neighbor gave me a full plastic kitchen bag of shoes and it was in my possession for less than 10hrs
– Any one still reading this to figure out if I was being sneaky this AM….possibly. I had plans to drop the weights as a surprise, but audibled and decided it would be more fun to carry an extra 10lb around. I did however go off property to review my winkie before the workout. I didn’t want to get sucked into a pre KB prior to Q’ing
-I really don’t Q enough, but as always, fun to lead this group of men.
– Thanks Sussido for the closing prayer again this week- what, no mention of anyone’s husband…
– Shoe drive still on ( Bug really wants them at Hydra tomorrow)
– Threshold today…Bojangles
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