Is it a sand dollar?

  • When:07/23/14
  • QIC: Hannibal
  • The PAX: Baracus (PR), Lobster Roll, Mermaid (KB), Cane (KB), Bieber, Prime Time (Owen Tappy, 2.0, FNG), Creeper (Austin Tepper, FNG), Swanson (PR), Pluffmud, Rehab, Simba, Young Love, Billie Jean, Beaker, Strawberry, Passport, Champagne (PR), Hops, Abacus (KB), Brushback, Iron Horse (WD), Steinbrenner, Escargot, Boutique (PR), Hannibal (QIC)

Is it a sand dollar?

The shovel flag was planted sometime before 0520 when YHC rolled into the Calvary parking lot, clearly by one of the crazies (Abacus, Mermaid, and Cane) rocking a pre-KB workout or one of the runners (Champagne, Boutique, Swanson and Baracus) who got in up to 3 miles before the main event started.  Maybe should have warned them?


The usual disclaimer (with resident Anvil attorney present (Young Love)) and 25 of South Charlotte’s finest, including 2 FNGs, were off (ok, maybe 24 – I think I saw a shadow darting across the parking lot to catch us during the warm-up lap).


  • Run around the parking lot, with a little karaoke mixed in, and end up center lot near church entrance
  • SSH (x25), IW (x20), Slow squat (x20), mountain climber (x20), Peter parker (x20)

Mosey to Entrance 4 while trying to act as if 25 guys working out at 5:30 a.m. in church parking lot is “normal” as we run by two occupied police cruisers.

  • 20 decline burpees, pick your poison based on the grade of the hill you choose to perform your exercise

Mosey towards North Face, stopping midway in parking lot for a brief COP

  • 25 LBCs (in cadence)

Complete the run to the bottom of North Face

  • Jacob’s Ladder (merkins at top, jump squats at bottom)

Backwards run across field in front of sanctuary, finishing with a normal run to church entrance with turf “hill” (no idea what to call this location)

  • Inverted wall walk, bear crawl and lunge circuit (x3)
  • 35 LBCs (in cadence)

Mosey to athletic fields, partner up in 3-man teams (size/speed do not matter)

  • 75 yard AYG sprint relay (x8)

Return to home base for Mary

  • Dolly, Rosalita, Flutter (x20 of each)


In 94% humidity, nothing’s easy, and this workout didn’t seem to disappoint.  Heavy breathing was heard during the warm up lap, and there were plenty of hands on knees following the decline burpees.  And we had just begun.  Nonetheless, that didn’t stop the PAX from poking the bear during the first round of LBCs, buying few more for the group in round #2.

Originally, YHC had planned to do a “starfish” type workout, but in reading backblasts from the last week or so, decided something more original needed to be created.  So, I introduce “The Sand Dollar” – all the work around the perimeter.  With that in mind, we got a nice tour of the Calvary campus, working around the edges (mostly) and finding plenty of pain stations along the way.

We had a number of folks, Hops, Young Love and Simba come to mind, that were running on fumes completing their third workout in as many days, which is extremely impressive in the oppresive humidity.  Well done.  I’m sure there are others – please sound of below and let us know of your feats.  As mentioned above, three brave men posted for the pre-KB workout, with another four doing the pre-run.  #amazing

That was a great effort by the PAX today, as everyone pushed through and we are all (hopefully) better for it.  Also noticed quite a bit of 2nd F and even 3rd F following the workout.  Nice work.  It’s a privilege to lead this group of men.


F3 Dads at Francis Beatty Park – 9am Saturday

BRR – Course changes have occurred.  Also, get orders in for BRR shirts.  See your captain for information on both.

Swanson is smoking BBQ on Friday and selling pulled pork for $10/lb.  If you’re interested, email him at


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Hannibal author

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10 years ago

Great Q today Hannibal – Jacobs ladder on NF is not nice at all.
And there seemed to be quite a bit of chatter bout Pluff Mud’s name – so for those of you not from the low country, here is the definition of Pluff Mud:

A term used to describe the aromatic, gooey tidal mud in Lowcountry such as Charleston, South Carolina area. As the locals describe it, if you step in it, you will quickly sink up to your knees. When you extricate your foot, you will undoubtedly lose your shoe and hear a sucking

10 years ago

Strong Q Hannibal. Particularly enjoyed the 7’s on NF and the sprint work at the end. Decline burpees are not much fun. T-claps to Cane for the KB Q.

10 years ago

Great Q Hannibal. A warning would have been great as it would have kept me from making the mistake of going for the pre-run in the 94% humidity. I never really recovered. So much for “dri-fit” or “moisture wicking” shirts. The only way for me to get the sweat out was to wring it out after the workout.

10 years ago

Didn’t get near Pluff Mud…but certain there was nothing aromatic emanating from him, rather, a putrid stench consisting of sweat, grass, and Anvil Soup.
Apologize to the pax for poking the bear…but not really…hard work and extra reps pay off.
Good Q Hannibal. Great mix of hillwork, sprints and core work. First time I’ve done downhill burpees..I’ll be using that soon at an AO near you.

Reply to  Hops
10 years ago

Hops, you were quite vocal this morning, I appreciate that, keeps me going. Also, then I had someone to blame for the extra hard stuff.

10 years ago

Awesome Q Hannibal. I was praying for an audible on the leg down the North Face, but didn’t get the answer i was wanting. Decline burpees were nasty.

Young Love
10 years ago

I agree, downhill burpees are brutal. Congrats on finding a way to make burpees harder.

Reply to  Young Love
10 years ago

Of all the exercises to make harder, that’s the one!

10 years ago

Strong work Hannibal, always fun following you into the gloom. Well the 7’s on North Face were quite terrible but still…you invite chatter (Hops was the key culprit this morning) and that keeps it fun. Great group of guys this morning.

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