

Twenty eight menfolk, including 1 FNG, threw common sense and claims of damages to the curb. Shuffle to the lower lot…about 50 yards out, I notice Bugeater’s “My First Kettlebell” (by Mattel) and call out a switch for the remainder of the mosey.

Reunite with your KB (and it feels so good), flap about to get loose, run around the church, then get at it.


  • 4 snatch R / 4 snatch L, Run to first median and back (2 x 25 yards)
  • 8 snatch R / 8 snatch L, Run to second median and back (2 x 50 yards)
  • 12 snatch L / 12 snatch L, Run to road at top of hill and back (2 x 100 yards)
  • Run around the church. Lock it out while you wait.
  • Reps were 5/10/15 for KBs 35# and less.


  • 4 high pull R / 4 high pull L, Run to first median and back (2 x 25 yards)
  • 8 high pull R / 8 high pull L, Run to second median and back (2 x 50 yards)
  • 12 high pull L / 12 high pull L, Run to road at top of hill and back (2 x 100 yards)
  • Reps were 15/10/5 for KBs 35# and less.
  • Two handed swings while you wait.


  • 4 Press R / 4 Press L, Run to first median and back (2 x 25 yards)
  • 8 Press R / 8 Press L, Run to second median and back (2 x 50 yards)
  • 12 Press L / 12 Press L, Run to road at top of hill and back (2 x 100 yards)
  • Reps were 5/10/15 for KBs 35# and less.
  • Lock it out while you wait.


  • 4 clean R / 4 clean L, Run to first median and back (2 x 25 yards)
  • 8 clean R / 8 clean L, Run to second median and back (2 x 50 yards)
  • 12 clean L / 12 clean L, Run to road at top of hill and back (2 x 100 yards)
  • Reps were 5/10/15 for KBs 35# and less.
  • Rack it while you wait.


  • 4 1L RDL R / 4 1L RDL L, Run to first median and back (2 x 25 yards)
  • 8 1L RDL R  / 8 1L RDL L, Run to second median and back (2 x 50 yards)
  • 12 1L RDL L / 12 1L RDL L, Run to road at top of hill and back (2 x 100 yards)
  • Reps were 15/10/5 for KBs 35# and less.
  • Plank while you wait.

ROUND 6 – Pax Choice

  • 10 Dolly with KB Press, run to first median and back
  • 12 Russian Twists, run to second median and back
  • 10-15 Louganis, run to the top of the hill and back


  • 20 two-handed swings, Run to first median and back (2 x 25 yards)
  • 30 two-handed swings, Run to second median and back (2 x 50 yards)
  • 40 (50 for bonus, to round round out to 100) two-handed swings, take your bell to the top of the hill (x100 yard)

Shuffle back to COT. Burpees for a bit until Q returns.



  • Recycled the Weinke (and most of the backblast) from my last Q at Skunk.  The short-limbed led the way again–notably Alf and Bulldog.  And the fleet of foot Sussudio.
  • This is one of those workouts that has a little something for everyone.  Or put another way, everyone is sure to be dissatisfied with something.  Too much running for the meatheads,  and maybe too much KB for the runners.
  • The Pax were quick to name Hacksaw’s FNG, J Hansen, now known as MMMBop.  Official credit/blame goes to someone in the direction of Brown or Bananas.  MMMBop, It may not look like it now, but that’s one strong moniker.  To celebrate your first workout, let’s all enjoy the song together:
  • Good to see hibernation is over for Bug and Pretty Boy Quarterback.  Flannel jammies are packed away until September.


About the author

Tiger-Rag author

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Hair Band
10 years ago

Great Q, even if recycled!

The only challenge I would say to the bb above is it can’t be too much kb for runners if they post to Skunkworks, that would be like me of all people posting to Fast Twitch and complaining about too much running.

Can someone pass on Headers twitter handle, I am curious what the F3 Dads is about.

10 years ago

Smoker of a workout TR. Nice one. I would like to take joint credit with Brown on the quickest FNG naming in F3 history. It was just meant to be. What a solid name and what a gem of a song!

10 years ago

Awesome video. That’s a heck of a workout to FNG and then get named MMMBop, good job MMMBop for grinding through. Who’s got odds on who comes back first….MMMBop or Bugeaters dinner bell after the abuse it took this morning. Good to see PBQB and Bug, two of Windyrush’s finest members getting ready for the pool to reopen.

Reply to  Bananas
10 years ago

Looking forward to summertime at Windyrush nanas. Water volleyball awaits. Pudding Pop, Cheese Curd, Champagne, Dracula, Daisy are all members too. Good F3 representation.

Flutie Flakes
Reply to  Bugeater
10 years ago

Me too! “Carbo loading” at the pool. Work it off in the morning.

Reply to  Bugeater
10 years ago

speaking of Dracula – he hasn’t posted in months…

10 years ago

Great job as always TR. So good, this meathead was looking forward to some running!! BD, what can I say, our show of childish creativity, in unison, and a nameorama record, was…EPIC!!! Mmmbop, thanks for coming out, great work, and congrats on being a little part of F3 Area 51 history! Hope to see you back in the gloom!

10 years ago

Total smokefest today. Somehow seemed different than your last Q but I think my O2-deprived brain was just blocking out the bad memories. Alf is a BEAST. He was cranking through that workout at an impressive speed on running and reps.

Reply to  Harley
10 years ago

A great Q today TR. The running and the KB combination jacks the cardio. Plus the workout gave me and a few others the short-arm snatch advantage. Sometimes it pays to be shaped like a T-Rex.

10 years ago

..and the awaited reply after that tremendously executed KB callout and switch out this morning…

“Do not judge a man by the size of his kettle bell.
Instead judge him by the size of his balls.”

…and this is exactly why I dig F3 so much. I will play this forward TR…and will consider bringing my 35-pounder next time. I am on Q for skunk in June and can only imagine the hazing otherwise.

Good Hands
10 years ago

Great workout, as always TR. Thanks for the beatdown, and thanks for posting that link. Hilarious, but now I can’t get the stupid song out of my head.

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