13 = unlucky number @ Skunkworks for those that prefer not to run and/or the chronic mumblechatterers

13 = unlucky number @ Skunkworks for those that prefer not to run and/or the chronic mumblechatterers

The shovel flag was not planted as Harley was gone, so we’ll say the VSF was planted and then 24 of Area 51’s finest would-be mumblechatterers got after a Combine-like approach to Skunkworks.

The Thang:


Mosey to field w/KB

SJs x 20, SSHs x 25, H-R Merkins x 13, Goblet Squats x 13


  • P1 – KB 2-handed swings, P2 – AYG Sprint Lap; Flapjack
  • 13 H-R Burpees
  • P1 – High Pulls – Alt 3R/3L/Etc., P2 – AYG Sprint Lap; Flapjack
  • 13 H-R Burpees
  • P1 – Push Press – Alt. 3R/3L/Etc., P2 AYG Sprint Lap; Flapjack
  • 13 H-R Burpees

Start with exercise, then AYG lap after each, so we did 10 total laps after the following:

  • KB Push Press – 5R/5L, 7/7, 9/9
  • KB Goblet Squat – 3, 5, 7, 9
  • High Pulls 5R/5L, 7/7, 9/9

MoM: Mason Twists w/KB x 13, CCVs – 13R/13L

Hand-off to Tiger Rag for the last few minutes for the following:

  • Viking (racked bell, lunge, press, stand, re-rack = 1) x 5 ea side
  • Lunge with high kick x 8 ea side
  • Side lunge with press x 8 ea side


Skunkworks started off in somewhat predictable fashion other than the SJs – which got the “tough guys” mumblechattering something to the effect that the exercise wasn’t manly enough….as if the pax looks manly doing any of these exercises in the gloom.  Didn’t hear any of the aforementioned tough guys mumblechattering once we started the 13 AYG laps in between the metalwork.

All Merkins and Burpees were hand-release variety, so to eliminate the poor form, head-bobbin’ merkins, spartan burpees, etc, etc.  #crowdpleasers

Safe to say the pax would have welcomed more than the one 10-count that Young Love called out.

A few other comments:

* Great to see the return of Brown’s Mushmouth lid, rivaled only by Semi-Gloss’ yellow Garlock lid and Udder’s workout beret.

* A few of the smokeboot-wearing pax lamented the tight track not allowing for passing.  Agreed.  #shorttrack #rubbinsracin

* Site Q Harley will undoubtedly be disappointed that YHC’s regimen did not elicit any merlot spillage.  #qfailure

* TR did ask for a 10-count of sorts after finishing the 13th lap, so YHC did a couple Mary exercises prior to TR’s launching the Viking attack on the pax.


TR on Q at The Charge tomorrow.  Radar on Q at DV.  A pax to be named later on Q at Anvil & The Maul.

Also, could be a good time to check out a 3rd F workout if you haven’t done so already: Aftermath (Wed @ Sbux-Piper Glen), The Yardstick (Thu @ Panera-SoPk), Compass (Fri @ Arbo-ChikFilA), and The Stand (Fri @ Panera-Carmel Village).  0630 – all pax are welcome – come just as you are.

Lone Survivor Movie Premier – Evite that came from Stone Cold now functional (email went out 12/12).  Friday, January 10th – join the pax for a solid 2nd F opportunity; then be sure to post at an Area51 site near you Saturday morning for The Murph at all 7 Saturday workouts – Area 51, Outland, Stonehenge, The Rock, Day Zero, Ascent (modified), & Olympus.

Skunkvergence on Christmas Eve to be Q’d by TR.  Fast Twitch to converge at CDHS with the Skunkworks pax.  No word from the Bagpiping SOBs yet?  Coffeteria to follow Skunkvergence at Arboretum somewhere.

Don’t forget the Joe Davis 5k Memorial Run on Saturday, Jan. 4th.  Worthy cause and also great way to support our brother Rock Thrill.  The Fort will host a convergence at 7am, followed by onsite coffeteria then the 5k.

Other announcements – check website, twitter, or ask a brother of the pax who’s more in-the-know than you.


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Hops author

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10 years ago

Sounds like I missed a good one. Disappointed in no spillage but love the goal!

Purple Haze
10 years ago

Fast Twitchers converging at SkunkWorks? I hope the bulky muscles we obtain don’t slow us down.

10 years ago

If you are going to make everyone run and talk junk, you should find a kettlebell larger than the Christmas ornaments that my kids decorated at school yesterday.

or maybe it was just cold

just sayin . . .

Reply to  Hops
10 years ago

I was just joking. Mine is only 30. It has pretty stickers on it too.

Young Love
Reply to  Hops
10 years ago

Aww, you guys are sweet.

Take it from a guy who decided to step-up in weight today, it does make a difference. Not sure I chose the best day to teach the new bell how to fly, but I suppose if I could heft it today, I should be able to heft it most any day. Nice job today, Hops. I almost had to find a nice quiet corner to hide in after lap 7 (and 8 and 9…).

Reply to  Hops
10 years ago

After she loaned you her kettlebell, she felt guilty and gave me the stickers.

10 years ago

Here’s the deal on next week’s Skunk-vergence (I will post again next week):
All Tuesday Site Qs have confirmed participation: Bagpipe, Fast Twitch and even the SPEARHEAD (ALL CAPS!) crew.

We will meet at the regular time (0530) and place (Covenant Day HS) and go for an hour, or however long it takes. I am thinking an hour should do it.

You will need a KB so those of you who have extras, bring them.

Since most will take the day off, we’ll meet for coffeeteria afterwards (most likely at Arboretum Panera but need to check on hours on 12-24).

10 years ago
10 years ago

Thanks for the mileage this morning…I think?! What a pleasant surprise! My Mushmouth hat was obviously weighing me down on the runs! No merlot spillage, but plenty of oysters from the lungs were spread around the yard!

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