Hit ‘Em High, Hit ‘Em Low

Hit ‘Em High, Hit ‘Em Low

The shovel flag was planted on the grounds of McAlpine and 25 (including 4 FNGs) hearty souls set off for another #F3DayZero painfest. Bananas and Radar took the Q and the East Meck HS buddies were clearly in cahoots with a plan to crush the will and spirit of the Pax.

The Thang:

Bananas Q – Hit ‘Em High

A little baby jog around the parking lot then circle up for COP:

  • SSH, 20 (cadence)
  • IWs, 20 (cadence)
  • Squat, 20 (cadence)
  • Merkins, 20 (cadence)

Mosey down to the field.

  • 25 merkins, sprint ~100 yds to end of field, 25 merkins, sprint back, plank
  • 20 diamond merkins, sprint ~100 yds to end of field, 20 diamond merkins, sprint back, plank
  • 25 CDDs, sprint ~100 yds to end of field, 25 CDDs, sprint back, plank
  • 10 burpees, sprint ~100 yds to end of field, 10 burpees, sprint back, plank

Mosey to playground for pain stations…3 rounds of:

  • 10 pull-ups
  • 20 dips
  • 20 LBCs
  • 20 merkins

Radar Q – Hit ‘Em Low

Mosey back to field for some calf raises…20 (cadence) each set. 1st set – feet out, 2nd set – feet straight, 3rd set – feet in.

Partner up (size matters) and line up abreast on the beginning cone with an eye on the 3 cones set ahead ~20 yds apart.  Perform called exercise at each cone, partner drag to first cone, flapjack partner drag to 2nd cone, partner carry to last cone, flapjack partner carry to first cone on way back, sprint back to the beginning, including 1 backwards sprint back.  Chair plank while waiting for all the Pax to finish. Called exercises:

  • Deep squats (touch the sides of your shoes) – 25 count
  • Deep squat high jumps – 10 count

Chair plank hold for one minute followed by another round of calf raises (see above). Called exercises:

  • Duck jump squats – 25 count
  • Sister Mary Catherine – 25 count

Chair plank hold for one minute.  Mosey back to parking lot for 6 MoM, with a lunge walk up the hill for good measure.

Mary: Flutter kicks, 50 (cadence); Russian twists, 20 (cadence)



  • A lot of all over body pain was felt today as Bananas and Radar went on the attack early and often.  Their plan to break down the Pax this morning was obvious.  Survival was questionable…but the best that could be hoped for.
  • The groans started early when Bananas circled the Pax up in the side parking lot for COP.  While McAlpine has the best grass in all of Area 51, it also has the roughest parking lot and the call for merkins had everyone wishing they had grabbed their gloves.  However, the abrasions were quickly forgotten when the real fun began and O2 deprivation allowed us only to focus on the task at hand.
  • Bugeater worked out front on most of the sprints.  Nice job!  However, the rules committee is reviewing whether he was aided by the same nitrous-oxide he brought out to last week’s Day Zero. #anotherpairofshortsruined
  • The call for 20 diamond merkins and 25 CDDs on back to back sets was unsavory and crushed all chatter in its wake.  The pain stations finished off the upper body in grand fashion.  One of the Pax commented that is seemed as though Bananas was trying to pack an hour workout into his 30 minute Q.  Nice work brother!
  • Radar is building quite the reputation for breaking down the legs and today he came with routine to bolster that notion.  And while he looked more like a ballerina when leading the calf raises, the burn felt by all the Pax kept us from commenting.  No one wants an angry Radar.
  • All the called leg exercises, the chair planks and the partner drags and carries brought big time pain…for those who completed them all.  Apparently, Bananas was under the impression that once you Q the first half of the workout, you can take some plays off in the second half.  But, alas, this ain’t Clemson football.
  • YHC was partnered with Radar during the drags and carries and was chastised constantly for my form, mostly while I was being dragged and carried.  YHC wasn’t aware you could mess that up.  However, the emotional violation was the least of the worries, after some questionable feel ups. #2ndbase #3rdbase.
  • Awesome work today by the 2.0s and FNGs…keep coming out.
  • T-claps to Stagecoach and Champagne for double down at Day Zero and the pre-Rock kettlebell and rope workout.  And to Stagecoach for wearing his ruck.  And to The Hoff for wearing his weigh vest…who knew they made a 5XL weight vest to go across this man’s chest.


  • July 4th convergence at South Charlotte Middle School – 0700
  • RSVP to the Pig Pickin – 7/13 at OP baseball fields


About the author

Purple Haze author

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11 years ago

Thanks for letting me lead such a lively group on this beautiful Saturday morning. Haze, those plays off were due to my anti man spooning rule that I think you all should consider…. Broad jump burpees were a suitable replacement. The 2.0’s were pacesetters with Busch light and Busch ice on their first post. Great stuff boys.

11 years ago

Great pain handout today. i must say pulling a grown sweaty stinking man (no offense champagne but that italian meal you had last night with extra garlic was unflattering) across a field was my low point. I can say I was following the rules set forth last Saturday by day zero Q leadership committee and ran yiengling-free but was fueled by extra protein by way of gnat intake on opening COP. Also field dimensions were called into question by some of the pax with sentiment that the square fields were somehow to advantage bugeater. My reply to that nonsensical banter, bring your heat gentlemen. I was inaccurately blamed for a 2 or 3 g-force release during the 50 flutter flurry. I would like to take credit but believe that whomever blew a 3-4 inch hole in their shorts can take full credit proudly. The last thing of note was radar’s peculiar stretching motions before his Q reign began. Had many of us questioning what was in store and had the 2.0’s in stitches as radar claimed it was how he went #2 at home (or something of that crazy sort).

11 years ago

Looks like a doozie boys! Bugeater that was hilarious! Saturday workouts being taken to another level at Day Zero! Looking forward to getting out there lads.

Good Hands
11 years ago

Great Q today boys. My whole body is smoked. I too am starting to wonder why Radar loves the partner drags and carries so much??? #dontberadarspartner

11 years ago

Purple Haze was chastised during partner drags because he was squirmy and combative. I was able to wrangle him in but he was a fighter. I don’t think he likes the up close and personal work out routines.

The Hoff
The Hoff
11 years ago

Nice work Qs. I believe Day Zero neednto get more recgonition because it is consistently PainFUL, However we need to check Banana’s blood for performance enhancers….either he is juicing or skipping reps because he looked like psycho T out there.

11 years ago

Lads there’s nothing wrong with a little Saturday morning spooning action amongst work out buddies. It’s when it turns into sporking that we need to get concerned. Aye?

The Hoff
The Hoff
Reply to  Bulldog
11 years ago

Ok, so just re-read this BD… never, ever, is spooning ok..

Big League Chew
11 years ago

Looks like I missed a good one. Proud #fartsacker…oh well…there is always next sat. Thats what makes f3 so great!

11 years ago

Great Q guys, i’m feeling it this morning – especially the calves after Radar’s twinkle toes workout. And I do owe you an apology bugeater for the combined garlic / champagne of beers induced funk – did notice you were a little woozie acting after the fireman carry.

T-Claps to both The Hoff for wearing what was, I’m sure, a weight vest that weighed as much as I do, and for Stagecoach for the double down and then rucking it thru the workout. You guys are beasts.

Stage Coach
11 years ago

Great workout Q’s. Strong work by Stone Cold too. Word of advice though…never say “I need a partner” next to someone wearing a ruck, who also doesn’t have a partner yet.

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