

Thirty men (including 1 FNG) put on the big boy pants this morning to experience the Best of Skunkworks. Not a lot of surprises here…

Warm Up

  • SSH x 30
  • I-Wokka x 25

Greatest Hit #1:  100 Burpees.  10 minute cap.

Mosey to Ring Road

Greatest Hit #2: Partner up. KB Farmer Sprint with 10 merkin chase.  Take it to main entrance.

Grab a plate from the grass, line for….

Greatest Hit #3: Hairburners.

  • Pax 1:  Hairburn 2 x 25 yards
  • Pax 2-end of line: various KB exercises

A Few Minutes of Mary, Pt. 1:

  • KB Flutter x 10 (KB press)
  • Flutter x 10
  • KB Dolly x 10
  • Dolly x 10
  • KB Rosalita x 10
  • Rosalita x 10

Greatest Hit #4:  Hairburner chase sprints to the house.

  • Pax 1:  burn hair
  • Rest of team 5 merkins, then chase sprint with KBs.
  • Repeat for .3 miles.

A Minute of Mary, Pt. 2:

  • 6″ 
  • 6″ Dolly
  • 6″
  • 6″ Dolly



  • The backblast for the original Skunk Works is lost to posterity (I can’t find it–Google black belts, if you can please post in comments), but I know this:  we started with 100 burpees on May 22, 2012 (I can still see the look on NIbbler’s face). And so I thought it was fitting to honor the #BigBang with a 100 burpee reprisal this morning.  I don’t think burpees ever get easier, but we’ve gotten stronger.
  • What Runstopper and Bulldog lack in height, they make up with shortness.  Also, they are burpee machines.  Both are in great shape, no doubt, but there is a decided #dwarfmanburpeeadvantage. I think Runstopper knocked out his 100 in under 5 min.  Bulldog wasn’t far behind, though I am not sure.  I was concentrating on not yakking up my spleen.  Everyone, it appeared, knocked out their 100, though.  Even Hops with his Three-Toed-Sloth Burpees.
  • Lots of strong work on the KB Sprint Chases.  Big crowd waiting for those of us with man-sized bells.
  • Look, just the threat of hairburners made runners out of two non-runners, and they fled to Fast Twitch.  Hope you puked your guts out.  For those who chose to #embracethesuck, they got a couple of rounds on out and backs but the #crowdpleaser was pushing them back to the parking lot, a little over a 1/4 mile away.  Lots of fun.
  • T-Claps to Geraldo who has turned into a hairburner beast and for Crab Cake who actually brought a present  to celebrate one year:  a bottle of Woodford Reserve Bourbon.  It would have come in handy this morning to deaden the pain, but we’ll save it for the June 8, A51 Pool Party in a few weeks (sign up).
  • One year ago, we had two workouts in Area 51.  By Monday we’ll have 16, with three new ones this week alone. But apart from quantity, the quality has grown as well.  We are faster and stronger physically.  We are better men.  We are stronger leaders.  Great work, guys.  Looking forward to the next year and more.

About the author

Tiger-Rag author

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11 years ago

Plates were smokin’ Enjoyed it TR, great work!

Stone Cold
11 years ago

TR, great anniversary Q today…it brought back many memories: the good, the bad and the ugly. Could the Century set return? T-claps to TR for founding Skunk- the experimental F3 workout. Special Thank You to Crab Cake for the gift. #poolpartyfun Totally agree with your last point; we are stronger men- physically, mentally, and spiritually. Let’s lead as strong men in our homes, work, and community.

Run Stopper
11 years ago

aye,very similar to the bench press or my squat being short has its advantages. And yes throwing myself to the ground to perform a burpee is also at teh top of the list (well so is tree climbing and spelunking) and riding is a trunk if there are no seats left in the car. Anyway, great workout today.

Bulldog is my hero, you are my savior and stone cold is the man!

11 years ago

TR – well done, fitting celebration. Solid work over the past year to you and Stone Cold. One of the best and worst parts of my week, all in one.

11 years ago
11 years ago

This old backblast was so long ago it was BDK [Before Donkey Kong], back in the days was Donkey Kong was know as “Heinz.” And I demand a return of the slosh pipe… get back to your lab TR.

11 years ago

Great workout today TR. thought we had avoided those plates only for them to be unveiled half way around the church. Very slick. Anyone else find scorch burns on random parts of their body afterwards? Yo Yo Ma, Radar, and Busch that was a strong 4 man team on the way home! Felt like a part of the Jamaican bob sled team..

11 years ago

Suddenly doing “elevens” across the length of the DV football field doesn’t sound as bad. Fast Twitch was a hit this morning though #oxygenplease.

11 years ago

I arrived this morning after Matlock… Just in time for 100 Burpee’s. Glad skunkworks isa part of my weekly routine…. Equally as glad that TR doesn’t lead every week.
Strong work by my partner Crabcake on the KB farmer sprint

11 years ago

There’s Greenwich Mean Time, there’s the atomic clock and then there’s Matlock time: They are all accurate and reliable. Its just a matter of taste and style!

My hip hurts! Was it the burpees or the hair burners? Heck of a session to return to after two weeks of inactivity! Thanks for a great time.

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