man after the storm last night I was purposely looking for a low lying area at the Matrix to get the PAX nice and muddy. Anyway that was my plan, which never goes the way you plan it.
Start with a quick disclaimer, informed the PAX that I just finished splitting wood all weekend so was not very excited about the lead th8s morning. But we headed around the parking lot and onto the soccer field, up the enpmbankment to the rock quarry.
Select a respectable liftin’ rock- line up on the field for some non traditional F3 action.
The Thang’ called out exercise and sprint 40 yards and back
Rinse and repeat – last set x20
return rocks
head to play set
Partner up 3 sets of following:
x10 burpee pull up
x15 leg push (left/center/right 1,2,3 =1)
x50 squats
Reverse COT
elbow plank (raise right leg 6 inches, switch leg) 1 min.
flutter x15 in cadence
circle up- tight shoulder to shoulder plank hold
Runner leads PAX mirken: 1 mirken- run around and next PAX 2 mirkens, 3 mirkens, 4 mirkens etc.
I came in hot and fast listing to some drake and wondering why I signed up to lead when Im still feeling the need to recover and rest my arm after as my dr said too much use (that’s code for too many burpees, yard work and chopping wood). Anyway, we headed to the hotbox to get at it- then I decided to take the PAX to the sandbox, a once feared, nasty little place where we lost a number of PAX in the past (I mean we literally lost them, I think they ran away)
SSH x20
LBC x20
LOW SLOW Squat x20
Line up along the sand pit 2 deep
– Lunges down and back
– Bear crawl
– Wounded bear crawl – right leg up
– Wounded bear crawl – left leg up
Head to hotbox/ 3 sets x10 increase by 10 each set.
– Squats
– Step up
– Lunges
Mosey to William R Davies park
– x10 – 3 sets
– Pull ups
– Swing reverse crunch
– Squats
Grab a big rock and a a buddy- head to the upper soccer field.
3 sets intertwine legs sit up and hold rock above head pass to partner x10, x15, x20
Turn over partner merkins x10, x15, x20
Return rocks and wall sit 100 arm raises in cadence. Head back at a painfully slow pace (that’s because we were all a little jelly-legged).
Circle back up for LBC and Mary
So in my head I knew the sand pit would be a winner, and reaffirmed after all when grumbling started and swiper didn’t want to get his shoes sandy.
Firman ed kept trying to strong arm me into more upper body, but I held strong. It was a leg day and I wanted to make a statement that I’m not a one trick pony show.
Rachel, Purelle, Swiper decided they would head out like a bunch of runners to William R Davies park, leaving the rest of us in the dust- that’s okay I got them back with the rock work and the wall sits.
In all seriousness, great work this morning. I love leading workouts and am always humbled by the PAX that keep coming back.
Yup, wasn’t too chilly this morning so I broke out the 3/4 length tights. They are perfect for wheel barrows or tunnel of love, so I was all set…
Circle of Trust (COT)
Partner Up: Criteria= like speed, like size, like minded
Line up for Tunnel of Love, 60 yards
Line up sprint 50 yards x6
Tunnel of Love, 40 yards
Partner up again; mosey to playground cycle through 3 sets
Line up along the fence for fence Burpees- x10
Mosey to parking lot for Prairie Fire Mary – everyone plank in a circle, first person takes off running around the circle, everyone does 1 merkan, second person runs, everyone does 2 etc… reached 10, time expired..
Okay today I have to admit was a little disappointed in the effort of about 3 maybe 5 guys. The tunnel of love is a staple of our workouts and a small number of the PAX felt holding a plank was too difficult and decided to stand. I said it during the workout, this is not the Y and I expect everyone to give it all they have. Anyway, when the ants started biting I called off the exercise, but again I was very disappointed.
I have decided to go back to the 5 basic principles (T.M.P.M.H) yes I just made this up) of a workout (at least the one’s I lead) to help ensure that we get a full body workout and are no longer focused on 100% anything. Total body fitness involves every muscle group, so if you want to get stronger, and a little uncomfortable I ask you to join me whenever you see my name pop up on the weekly Q list.
Rant over.
Good hands got bit by like 10,000 ants, he seemed fine. Harley, always a champ killed it; Puddin’ Pop and Bugeater were all grins when we finished the tunnel of love in fact I think Bug showed some signs of PTSD (thinking back to his rucking’ good livin’ days. #SNOWRUCK class of 421. Jet fuel basically hurdled the fence on the burpee broad jump!
Solid work by the majority.
Sign up for Southern Discomfort
Love your family, cherish your wife, protect and guide your children, care for those less fortunate. Give back when possible.
16 men gathered in the shadows. Most were excited, some were confused, others were just downright giddy with excitement, I mean after all I was on Q..ha
The ‘business’
labor day convergence – check site for metro and area 51
Instead of #Rocknation it really should be #thatworkoutsucked
Well not exactly the blues, more like holy crap.. I can’t believe I signed up to Q on the Monday after running in my first 9 man BRR team. What could I do to limit the running? Oh, I could make 20 men sit on the wall in peoples chair for 20 minutes, that should do it!
The Thang’
Disclaimer, start running to Carmel Middle School. On the way, stop at the first speed bump – 20 Mirkins OYO – Second speed bump 20 low slow squats OYO, hold wrestling stance for 1 min.
Continue to bus parking lot- COT
Mosey to the rock pile near baseball field, grab a ‘respectable’ rock head to the school find some wall.
Wall sit – Peoples Chair:
Rinse and repeat 2x
Partner Up – One rock between you and your partner. Cross legs for good ole fashion sit-ups. Passing the rock on each time you sit up.
Back on the Wall – Wall sit:
Replace rocks
Form 2 lines Indian run back to Carmel Park
Naked Mole Skin:
10 (eventually turned into 11) men were circled up in the gloom wondering what runstopper would show up today.. the loud commanding runstopper or the subdued runstopper of the past? Well they soon found out as I quickly said I wasn’t a professional and ask them to follow me… snap, ‘gonna be the latter.
Turn on street near OP, inside voice count for COT:
SSHx20, IW x20
Proceed to nice gradual hill for 11s. Bottom of hill 1 squat, run to top of speed bump 10 burpees. run back down 2 squats, run to op to speed bump 9 burpees… complete – active recovery
Two lines for Indian Run back to the AO
Partner up for following: 2x
Time running out, move to low fence for 10 Burpee Fence jumps (1 burpee, jump over fence, 1 burpee, continue until you reach 10.
Mosey back to parking lot for one final set of Mirkens x20 in cadence.
Naked Mole Skin:
I was operating on 4 hours of sleep due to chauffeuring my son and his girlfriend to the J. Cole Concert, so I actually surprised myself when I woke up and felt 100% for todays beat down.
Good to see so many new and old faces (lol) out there this morning. Thought we missed Puddin-pop in the COT an 11s but he came trucking up the street once we had completed, said he went the opposite direction looking for us. He refused to do his penalty 11s. #whotobelieve
T-claps to Fluty Flakes for managing to keep his ‘boys’ from being hung up on the fence when we were doing the Burpee fence Jumps! I really didn’t want to call Jenn to inform her of your new status.
Young Life mud run – Sign Up
Blue Ridge Relay – Drivers needed, please see your site Que or check the F3weekly email for details.
Done. Run Stopper
COT on the move
Mosey aimlessly along the road looking for places to start the beat down. I have to admit it has been a while since I lead a workout, so I tried to temper my zeal by kicking everyone in the teeth (including myself) in this COT:
Circle up near chick-Fil-A
Locate a wall – found said wall in the courtyard at Starbucks. Queue a series of songs that could be considered ‘classic’ from the outside speakers. While listing to Kris Kristofferson’s classic hit from 1979 ‘SAILING’ we started three sets of the following:
Mosey across Ballantine Commons to St. Matthews Catholic Church
Mosey back to the drainage ‘ditch’ Circle up for Jack Webb with a Rock
Form two lines for Indian run back to the parking lot.
Last 5 light poles were the scene of a horrific plan gone wrong. YHC decided to add 25 Mirkens per light pole as a punishment to myself for focusing on running these past few months and not my guns/chest.
Naked Moleskin:
Solid work by all today and a great way to start the day!
Run Stopper aka, Stop Running aka Webster
23 men headed the warning and posted at F3DMZ this morning, not sure what I ate that caused me to design an arm/shoulder buster but seemed like everyone really enjoyed the challenge.
The Thang’
YHC yelled the disclaimer, and then we ran to Carmel Middle School.
Stop along the way at 2 speed bumps for 20 Mirkens in cadence. #manthissux
Circle up for COT – all in cadence
Mosey to rock pile, find a respectable rock (make the M proud)
Wall Sit – Alternating rock in front .20 secs/ above head .20 secs repeat 2x
Partner up, bring biggest rock – Partner Sit-up rock hand off.
Balls to the Wall Mirkens
Mosey with rock to clearing – Line up along the sidewalk for Jack Webb with your rock
Stagger to the rock pile – return rocks
Mosey to lower Football practice field
Burpee Broad jump 50 yards.
Run back to Carmel Rd Park. Done.
Of the 11 Pax posted at The Reservation yesterday, 10 were warmed up from a pre-mud run .30 minute non-stop workout.
The Thang’
Run to bus parking lot for COT:
Run to lower football field: Partner up.
Run to main building – find wall:
Mosey to Playground:
Find Partner for circuit: Perform 3x
Tight Circle for Jack Webb (1 Mirken, 4 arm raises; 2 Mirkens, 8 arm raises) upto 10 Mirkens, 40 arm raises.
Well that definition stinks, good thing I rarly use the dictionary.
The Thang’
Quick shuffle to the pavilion for some shilding from the down pour.
Mosey to forest for run to William R Davies Park
Arrive at playground:
Round #1:
Round #2:
Round #3:
Rock Webb: Mosey to rock pile – select respectable size rock. Move onto the artifical turf field.
Partner up for 25 yard wheel barrow flapjack to end zone.
OYO – Burpee Broad
January 10, 2015
Convergence this week