Hit it and Quit it

Hit it and Quit it

Posted on behalf of Mermaid

19 PAX came out to enjoy a 70 degree morning at Centurian.  The rain held off and the workout began.

The thang:

Mosey from lower parking lot to upper lot near school.  Circle up:

30 SSH

20 Merkin

8 Burpees (OYO)

30 Mountain Climber

20 Wide Merkin

8 Burpees  (OYO)

30 squat

20 Carolina Drydocks

8 Burpees (OYO)

Exit to adjacent entrance to school.  Partner up.

Partner 1: Run to 1st Steritech sign and back

Partner 2: Alternate between LBC and Imperial Walker (20/each)

Switch when partner 1 returns.

Plank when partner 2 returns from run.  Plank-o-rama provided by Hops.  Recover

Indian run up hill to shopping center at 51 and Carmel.

Get with partner.  Partner 1 ascend stairs rapidly.  Run to stairs on opposite end.  Descend rapidly.  Partner 2: 12 merkins and follow partner 1.  Repeat.

Plank-o-rama while waiting for PAX to finish.

Mosey to front of school near picnic tables.  Find a bench.

15 step-up

15 dips

15 derkin

Plank when done


Mosey to front entrance of the school.  2 groups split up by 1 and 2.

Wall walk

Lunge walk ramp

Crab walk to steps; plank when done

REPEAT x2.  Lunge walk changed to bear crawl (#2); Crab walk swap for bear crawl (#3)

Mosey to lower parking lot for partner sprints.

1: Partner 1 sprint approx 50 yds and back; 2 burpees.  Switch

2: Sprint; Jumping squats

3: Sprint; LBCs


Jail break to lower lot for COT.


A pleasure to lead a fine group of men this morning for my virgin Q at Centurian.   Thanks to all of the F3 Q’s I have followed and learned from to allow me to make a go at Q.  The workout theme was: hit it and quit it.  More specifically, QIC intended to move locations frequently with a quick, intense burst of exercise, then move on to the next one.  Heart rates were high and oxygen levels were low.  Great work by all PAX this fine morning.  T-claps to Hops for hijacking and providing a plank-o-rama for the PAX.  T-claps to Chelms for offering clarification to QIC’s instructions when necessary for the benefit of the group.


•Centurian continues to need Pax to step-up to Q.  Consider doing so.  Today was my day.  Chelms told me I would be happy I did it.  He was right.  Several veteran Q’s will help if you need it or you can ask someone to split a workout.

•Still time to sign up for the USMC Mud Run in April in Columbia, SC.  More info: . http://www.ultimatechallengemudrun.org/

•01/04/2014 Convergence at Fort Mill prior to the Joe Davis Memorial 5K run.  Details: http://f3nation.com/2013/10/20/convergence-and-5k-run/

•Christmas Party eVite has gone out – 12/7 at TR’s crib.  Contact Baracus (Brian.T.Anderson@bankofamerica.com or 704-957-8130) if you didn’t get the evite or have questions.

•3rd F at Panera following Friday Centurian workout.  All welcome.

Deadly combos at Kevlar

Some deadly combinations were the order of the day at Kevlar on a balmy morning where no ear muffs or arm tights were needed.


Mosey to lot
SSH x 23
IW x 17
Merkins x 18
Burpees x 10
Diamond merkins x 8
Burpees x 9
Squats x 15
Burpees x 8
Wide arm merkins x 10
Burpees x 7
Lunges x 12
Burpees x 6
Dry docks x 10
Burpees x 5
Tricep extensions x 8 each arm
Burpees x 4
Stagger merkins x 5 each side
Burpees x 3
Military merkins x 10
Burpees x 2
Cant remember (O2 deprivation)
Burpees x 1 dozen

Hills with jump squats at bottom and Turkish get ups at top x 8 and work down to 0.

Mosey to soccer field and partner up.

Partner 1 plank with legs on tire and lift legs alternately as partner sprints – 100 total reps combined.
Partner 1 decline merkins with feet on tire as partner sprints – 80 total reps combined.
Partner 1 dry docks as partner sprints – 65 total reps combined.
Partner 1 squats with tire overhead while partner sprints – 50 total reps combined.
Partner 1 plank to elbows and up to plank with feet on tire while partner sprints – 100 total elbow touches.




After a great week of F3 workouts it was time to step up the game to finish the week in style at Kevlar. Deadly combos were the name of the game with the merkin/burpee combo warm up, the squat jump (or jump squat)/Turkish get up combo on the hills, finished off with the tire/sprint combo as the finisher.
Not much time to chatter this morning as we got right into it after a few of the old chestnuts to get the body moving. The O2 deprivation almost caused YHC to forget the next exercise 3/4 of the way down the burpee ladder. Only ALF seemed to have the lungs to keep the counts going in the warm up with all eyes on Bananas’ merkin form or lack thereof. Apparently with the Q facing the other way Header was just planking it up during the push-o-rama which he must have learned during his Go Ruck training (if you’re not cheating you’re not trying.)
Clowncar and PBQB were certainly trying to find their lungs again after many weeks of fartsacking but they pulled through and it was good seeing the old faithful. Shout out also to Tommy Boy who,as the War Daddy, continues to impress week in and week out.
A pleasure taking the lead again this morning lads and have a great weekend.


Saturday workouts as scheduled with the new KB Olympus workout at Elizabeth Lane tomorrow at 7am lead by Gullah and The Hoff.

Who needs to begin with a circle?

11 pax including 1 FNG decided to not fartsack on a warm Halloween gloom and see what YHC had in store. No one showed up in a costume, but there were some comments about YHC being a joker regarding his workout scheme.
Jog in front parking lot to end 20 Merkins OYO.
Jog to other end front lot 20 military Merkins
Jog to other end front lot 10 diamond Merkins.
Jog to benches
20 jump-ups
20 CDD
20 step ups. Plank with r and l arm high.
Repeat with 10 jump ups, 10 CDD and 20 step ups. Plank.
SSH x25 in cadence.
IW x25 in cadence
Jog to wall back of school
People chair 90 sec
Everyone on one side for BTTW ladder. First in line bear crawls 10 yds to other wall, then back. Next person goes when person ahead of them reaches first wall. Shoulders were feeling rubbery after this.
People’s chair 60’sec
10 Burpees OYO
LBC x25 in cadence
Dolly x25 in cadence
People’s chair 60’sec with arm presses
10’burpees OYO
Jog to back lot for The Fan.
Start at sidewalk, for 3 stations(each hoop) jog back to starting position for 5 Burpees
Station 1= 20 Russian twists
Station 2= 20 Parker peters
Station 3= 20 peter Parker’s
Repeat without the Burpees
Jog to side of school for 10 Merkins at each pole, 8 poles.
Back to start and circle up for LBC and Rosalita x25 in cadence

Great work by the whole pax. My intention was to mix it up, I think this was accomplished. As we started our jog/Merkins, wingman comes flying in. He owed us some Merkins and pushed those out during the bench work. Nice work brother. I think I may have also heard a comment “about time ” when we finally did SSH. Like I said, trying to mix it up some. As for the BTTW ladder, this needs some work or people need to just move faster. Either way great job. That was a painful attempt at a new workout.
Thanks for allowing me to lead you on this Halloween gloom.

Ever feel like the way a Zombie looks?


That’s what we felt like at SPEARHEAD this morning. On paper it really didn’t look that hard…Maybe it was because it was the morning after Halloween; at least that is the excuse we will tell ourselves…because 4 strong and tenacious Men pulled themselves out of the fart sack for a morning of nausea and pain. 

The Thang:

Warm up

Indian Run with 45lbs Kettle Bell as coupon

End Zone to End Zone Torture: With Rucks On

Round 1

1) End Zone: Selection Style Merkins x 10 / Frog Jump to 10 yard line

2) 10 Yard Line: Selection Style Merkins x 10 / Duck Walk to 20 yard line

3) 20 Yard Line: Selection Style Merkins x 10 / Frog Jump to 30 yard line

4) 30 Yard Line: Selection Style Merkins x 10 / Duck Walk to 40 yard line

5) 40 Yard Line: Selection Style Merkins x 10 / Frog Jump to 50 yard line

6) 50 Yard Line: Selection Style Merkins x 10 / Duck Walk to 40 yard line

7) 40 Yard Line: Selection Style Merkins x 10 / Frog Jump to 30 yard line

8) 30 Yard Line: Selection Style Merkins x 10 / Duck Walk to 20 yard line

9) 20 Yard Line: Selection Style Merkins x 10 / Frog Jump to 10 yard line

10) 10 Yard Line: Selection Style Merkins x 10 / Duck Walk to End Zone

Round 2

1) End Zone: Selection Style Squats x 10 / Low Crawl to 10 yard line

2) 10 Yard Line: Selection Style Squats x 10 / Bear Crawl to 20 yard line

3) 20 Yard Line: Selection Style Squats x 10 / Low Crawl to 30 yard line

4) 30 Yard Line: Selection Style Squats x 10 / Bear Crawl to 40 yard line

5) 40 Yard Line: Selection Style Squats x 10 / Low Crawl to 50 yard line

6) 50 Yard Line: Burpee Squat Thrusts with Ruck x 5 / Bear Crawl (Pushing Ruck)  to 40 yard line

7) 40 Yard Line: Burpee Squat Thrusts with Ruck x 5 / Low Crawl (Pushing Ruck)  to 30 yard line

8) 30 Yard Line: Burpee Squat Thrusts with Ruck x 5 / Low Crawl (Pushing Ruck)  to 20 yard line

9) 20 Yard Line: Burpee Squat Thrusts with Ruck x 5 / Low Crawl (Pushing Ruck)  to 10 yard line

10) 10 Yard Line: Burpee Squat Thrusts with Ruck x 5 / Low Crawl (Pushing Ruck)  to End Zone

Partner Work:

P1 Overhead Press with Ruck; P2 Sprint 100 Yards; Flapjack

P1 Upright Row with Ruck; P2 Sprint 100 Yards; Flapjack

P1 KB Swing with Ruck; P2 Sprint 100 Yards; Flapjack

P1 Bicep Curl with Ruck; P2 Sprint 100 Yards; Flapjack

P1 Tricep Curl with Ruck; P2 Sprint 100 Yards; Flapjack

Flutter x 25

Dolly Single Leg x 20

Dolly Single Leg x 20

LBC x 50


It was a quiet morning as most of us were worn out from late night out with the kids or whatever folks go into last night.  Not much to say here in that I believed this routine looked a whole lot easier on paper.  I’ve got to admit, there was a time when I considered calling an audible and letting Check Point take over (since that guy never gets tired…beginning to think he is an android like Data from Star Trek Enterprise)

T-Claps to everyone for giving it their all today and for coming out to SPEARHEAD.  Our site is honored to have men like you.  Angler and LC are warriors and I believe addicted in some strange way to Rucks and Pain.  Nice work gentlemen.


The Hoff

The Halloween Ranger Physical Fitness Test

9 men conquered the (adjusted) Ranger Physical Fitness Test (RPFT) this Halloween morning with 3 cleared for service.  Here is the synopsis of the event.   

The adjusted test was comprised of 4 parts:

1)    2 minutes of perfect form merkins (goal = 49)

2)    2 minutes of full sit-ups (goal = 59)

3)    Pull-ups (dead hang with no lower body movement x 6 minimum)

4)    5 mile run (goal = 40 min or 8min/mi)

While many excelled at individual challenges, only 3 (Fletch, Mighty Mite, and Turkey Leg) passed all 4 to gain figurative entry into the Rangers basic training. Great job guys on your all around fitness! 

Here is a summary of each event:

1)    Merkins: Range 49 to 80 with Haggis, Turkey Leg, and Fletch in the lead

2)    Sit-ups: Range 35 to 65 with Mighty Mite, Fletch, and Turkey Leg in the lead

3)    Pull-ups: Range 6 to 13 with Haggis, Frasier, and Mighty Mite in the lead

4)    5-mi Run: Range 36:05 to 43:40 (7:13 to 8:44 min/mi) with Frasier, Turkey Leg, Fletch, and YHC in the lead

Overall, it was a great morning with cool breezes and good 2nd F throughout.  As always, YHC appreciates the opportunity to train next to this great group of men.  Aye!

Greyhound – F3 Legend

19 young men and one 75 year old badass named Greyhound took on Hydra today.

The Thang:

-Jog 2 laps around mini track.

-Alternating wide arm and diamond merkins.

-Jog to transition area (T-Ball field) and partner up.

-Man A runs to bleachers at concession stand and completes 25 dips and 15 wall jumps then runs back to transition area.

-Man B runs to playground and completes 15 pull ups (or knees to chest)  and 25 LBC’s then runs back to transition area.

-At transition area each 2 man team completes a team total of 50 merkins then flapjacks.  Run circuit for 30 minutes non stop.

-Circle up for burpee Jack Webb’s (1 burpee, 4 shoulder presses up to 6, 24).

-6 MOM: LBC’s, dollies, slow Peter Parkers on back, slow bicycle.

-Indian Run back to parking lot for COT.


-Anyone who has posted at Hydra over the past 2 months or so has been introduced to Greyhound.  He has become a Hydra regular and is one of the toughest and fittest 75 year olds that many of us will probably ever meet.  So as Q this morning I knew that I was going to pick Greyhound to be my partner.  His response to me was “I’ll try my best to keep up with you”.  He did not let me down.  He is not the fastest runner out there, but takes anything the Q’s throw at him and he always pushes himself to the limit as can be seen from the sweat.  When coming into the transition area each time I would tell him how many more merkins we needed to get to 50 and his response to me was “yes sir!” A couple of times he even tried to do more merkins than our team needed!  It’s amazing and inspiring to see a man old enough to be your father and even grandfather to some come out and make his weekly downPAINment.  This morning he even asked what the F3 workout schedule was on Thanksgiving day!  So the the question is… If a 75 year old can post every Thursday… why can’t you (YHC included)?  Take that fartsackers!

-Thanks for the inspiration Greyhound!  Hopefully I can make it another 30 years and will join you for an F3 workout when I’m 75.  See you in the gloom.

-Strong effort out there today by all.  Happy Halloween!


-New Wednesday workout starting next week at Providence Day School.  Double D’s and Bulldog are Q’s.  Check website and Twitter for more info.

-Workout on November 10th honoring the Marine Corps birthday at Myers Park High School.  Gunny will be Q.


Diamonds are a Pax Best Friend

Twelve of South Charlotte’s finest got a lesson in geometry this morning at Anvil. Really, YHC got the lesson (compliments of Purple Haze) but we all shared in the pain. The main event featured a four corner circuit and was planned as a square (four equal sides, right?). Turns out two of the sides were a good bit longer than the others, which provided a little extra burn.

The Thang

Quarter-mile jog through parking lot, circle up


  • SSH x 20
  • Suspended Turle x 10
  • Merkin x 10

Diamond Circuit

Divide into four groups – one group at each light post (forms a quasi-diamond shape). Each pax performs stationary exercise x 40 then moving exercise to next light post (clockwise) – 50-75 yds. Four sets per round, four rounds total. 

  • Round one: merkins x 40, butt kicks to next light post – x4
  • Round two: squat jumps x 40, walking lunge to next light post – x4
  • Round three: dips x 40, butt kicks to next light post – x4
  • Round four: LBCs x40, bear crawl (crowd pleaser) to next light post – x4

Hill of a Good Time

Five minutes left on the clock means plenty of time for some hill work. Divide into two groups at top of hill at entrance to Calvary.

  • Group one forward run down hill, backwards run up hill. Group two plank.Flapjack
  • Group one face right shuffle down hill, face right shuffle up hill. Group two plank.Flapjack
  • Group one face left shuffle down hill, face left shuffle up hill. Group two plank.  Flapjack
  • Everyone sprint down hill, sprint up hill, jailbreak back to cars.


Great effort by everyone today. We did a lot of reps and covered a lot of ground. The “diamond” ate up a lot of time (and the less-than-smooth parking lot ate up a few hands – sorry) but provided great burns for the legs, chest and arms. Next time I’ll be sure to allow more time for the hill! It seemed like there was pretty good chatter among the four groups, which always helps. It was a pleasure to lead you all this morning – thanks for the opportunity.

Running Around With Some 40’s…

F3 - DV_Image_2013-10-30_2

–Posted on bahalf of Snakebite–

Shovel flag was planted and 30 fine men posted for a morning into the gloom at Death Valley.  Little did the PAX know we’d just run around with 40’s.

Jog to football field and circle up on the 40 yard line.


SSH – x 20 (4 ct)

Merkin – x10 (2 ct)

IW – x 20 (4 ct)

Merkin – x 10 (2 ct)

Squats – x 20 (4 ct)

Merkin – x 10 (2 ct)

LBC – x 20 (4 ct)

Merkin – x 10 (2 ct)

Mosey to track for 60% run 2/3 around track, line up on goal line.

Sprinting Jack Webb’s:

1 x 4 Jack Webb, Run to 40 yard line

Repeat to 10 x 40, running back and forth

End at Goal line

Mosey to track for 60% run ½ around track, line up at 40 yard line

Minute Burpees:

10 burpees in a minute, rest when complete – 4 minutes

Count off by twos and mosey to track for ½ lap at 60%.  Line up on the sideline at the 40

Racing Tunnels of Love:

Break up in teams (1 or 2) and plank up high.  Race the tunnel to other sideline

Jog to track for ¾ lap run at 60%

Jog to bathrooms for some peoples chair and balls to the wall

Mosey to parking lot

5 MOM –

Dolly – x 20

Flutter – x 20



Russian Twist – x 20



I would like to thank the PAX for sharing my second Q and 40th birthday with me this morning.  It was truly an honor to lead you men.

I followed Stone Cold’s example by not announcing my birthday to avoid the 40 burpees OYO.  I’ll make them up at some point.  Most everything this morning was based on 40, a theme I swore would get picked up early by the PAX.  Thanks to Bulldog for donning the searchlight to light up YHC.

Strong work by all today.  Breaks were held to a minimum this morning in an effort to keep us all moving and motivated throughout.   Still had some #mumblechatter at the start but it quickly dissipated when the sprinting Webb got under way.   Hope you all liked that one!

Again, thanks to all for allowing me to lead and joining me out in the gloom!


Wednesday 11/6 launch of The Charge at Providence Day School – Boot camp at football field near bleachers.  Bulldog and Double D’s on Q.

Mud Run in Spring 2014 – Signups still available with Stage Coach

3 Pack of headlamps (with batteries) available at Costco for $7.99

HDHH tonight – 6pm at The Lodge


Crabcake on Q for rebel yell tomorrow. Circles not needed in order to dish out pain, just the fact that your at rebel yell is enough. It’ll be fun. Weather is not a reason to fartsack. See you in the gloom.

Who Ordered The Krispy Kremes?

15 faithful rose from their “deads” to shop for downPAINment at the Maul.

Mighty Mite arrived clean shaven and perplexed asking who stole his facial hair when Hops shamelessly admitted to this thievery wearing his pre Halloween bearded mask.

The Thang:

  • COP- SSHx25
  • Merkins x20
  • Mountain Climbers X15
  • IW x20 to warm up

Mosey to the fountain to partner up for a hearty breakfast of Burpee sandwiches:

  • First Partner: 5 burpees, 20 dips, 5 burpees plank when done
  • Partner 2: jog around one building increasing speed each turn, flapjack
  •  Round 2: 5 burpees, 20 derkins, 5 burpees while partner runs around 2 buildings, flapjack
  • On your back for 6 inches until everyone is done, threw in a little protractor just because
  •  Round 3: 5 burpees, 20 dry docks, 5 burpees, partner runs, flapjack, plank until all done
  •  Finish with 10 diamond pushups and 10 jump ups

Mosey to the speed bumps behind Target:

  •  Bearcrawl to first speed bump for one leg squats x10, bearcrawl to second speed bump for opposite leg squats x10, bearcrawl to third speedbump for 10 slow deep squats plank
  •  Turn around and come back with lunges in between speed bumps and single leg plyo squats (squat then jump and land softly), and squat jumps X10 to finish.

**It was on the way back when the morning krispy crème delivery truck drove through that Q almost called an audible to flip the truck over and spend the rest of the workout eating said donuts, alas we decided to press on and finish strong***

Mosey to wall for people’s chair with 40 shoulder presses.

Repeat but this time 6 inches deeper on the people’s chair (ouch)

Hand off to Mic Check for a little Mary

  • Mason twist
  • Flutter
  • Dolly
  • Some JLo to finish out this workout, and the PAX all finished strong.


T-Claps for Philmont who turned FOOORTY FIIIIVE! on Sunday, happy belated.

Always an honor to lead at the Maul

Fish Taco