Hit it and Quit it

Hit it and Quit it

Posted on behalf of Mermaid

19 PAX came out to enjoy a 70 degree morning at Centurian.  The rain held off and the workout began.

The thang:

Mosey from lower parking lot to upper lot near school.  Circle up:

30 SSH

20 Merkin

8 Burpees (OYO)

30 Mountain Climber

20 Wide Merkin

8 Burpees  (OYO)

30 squat

20 Carolina Drydocks

8 Burpees (OYO)

Exit to adjacent entrance to school.  Partner up.

Partner 1: Run to 1st Steritech sign and back

Partner 2: Alternate between LBC and Imperial Walker (20/each)

Switch when partner 1 returns.

Plank when partner 2 returns from run.  Plank-o-rama provided by Hops.  Recover

Indian run up hill to shopping center at 51 and Carmel.

Get with partner.  Partner 1 ascend stairs rapidly.  Run to stairs on opposite end.  Descend rapidly.  Partner 2: 12 merkins and follow partner 1.  Repeat.

Plank-o-rama while waiting for PAX to finish.

Mosey to front of school near picnic tables.  Find a bench.

15 step-up

15 dips

15 derkin

Plank when done


Mosey to front entrance of the school.  2 groups split up by 1 and 2.

Wall walk

Lunge walk ramp

Crab walk to steps; plank when done

REPEAT x2.  Lunge walk changed to bear crawl (#2); Crab walk swap for bear crawl (#3)

Mosey to lower parking lot for partner sprints.

1: Partner 1 sprint approx 50 yds and back; 2 burpees.  Switch

2: Sprint; Jumping squats

3: Sprint; LBCs


Jail break to lower lot for COT.


A pleasure to lead a fine group of men this morning for my virgin Q at Centurian.   Thanks to all of the F3 Q’s I have followed and learned from to allow me to make a go at Q.  The workout theme was: hit it and quit it.  More specifically, QIC intended to move locations frequently with a quick, intense burst of exercise, then move on to the next one.  Heart rates were high and oxygen levels were low.  Great work by all PAX this fine morning.  T-claps to Hops for hijacking and providing a plank-o-rama for the PAX.  T-claps to Chelms for offering clarification to QIC’s instructions when necessary for the benefit of the group.


•Centurian continues to need Pax to step-up to Q.  Consider doing so.  Today was my day.  Chelms told me I would be happy I did it.  He was right.  Several veteran Q’s will help if you need it or you can ask someone to split a workout.

•Still time to sign up for the USMC Mud Run in April in Columbia, SC.  More info: . http://www.ultimatechallengemudrun.org/

•01/04/2014 Convergence at Fort Mill prior to the Joe Davis Memorial 5K run.  Details: http://f3nation.com/2013/10/20/convergence-and-5k-run/

•Christmas Party eVite has gone out – 12/7 at TR’s crib.  Contact Baracus (Brian.T.Anderson@bankofamerica.com or 704-957-8130) if you didn’t get the evite or have questions.

•3rd F at Panera following Friday Centurian workout.  All welcome.

About the author

Chelms aka Tatertot author

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