9 men conquered the (adjusted) Ranger Physical Fitness Test (RPFT) this Halloween morning with 3 cleared for service. Here is the synopsis of the event.
The adjusted test was comprised of 4 parts:
1) 2 minutes of perfect form merkins (goal = 49)
2) 2 minutes of full sit-ups (goal = 59)
3) Pull-ups (dead hang with no lower body movement x 6 minimum)
4) 5 mile run (goal = 40 min or 8min/mi)
While many excelled at individual challenges, only 3 (Fletch, Mighty Mite, and Turkey Leg) passed all 4 to gain figurative entry into the Rangers basic training. Great job guys on your all around fitness!
Here is a summary of each event:
1) Merkins: Range 49 to 80 with Haggis, Turkey Leg, and Fletch in the lead
2) Sit-ups: Range 35 to 65 with Mighty Mite, Fletch, and Turkey Leg in the lead
3) Pull-ups: Range 6 to 13 with Haggis, Frasier, and Mighty Mite in the lead
4) 5-mi Run: Range 36:05 to 43:40 (7:13 to 8:44 min/mi) with Frasier, Turkey Leg, Fletch, and YHC in the lead
Overall, it was a great morning with cool breezes and good 2nd F throughout. As always, YHC appreciates the opportunity to train next to this great group of men. Aye!
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