Warm Up – Mosey through lower parking lot, around the perimeter of both schools, stopping 3 times for stretching exercises – Imperial Walkers, Jimmy Dugans, Calf Stretch, Runners Stretch, Moroccan Nightclubs, about a mile.
The Thang – North end of lower parking Lot, there are 3 series of stairs leading to Entrance of High School. We would spend the next 35 minutes running up the 3 series of stairs, up to high school entrance (touch doors), back down 3 flight of stairs to where we started. Mixed exercises in between.
Round 1: 10 merkins – run up stairs to school, back down. Repeat 5X’s
50 LBC’s on your own
Round 2: 15 reps, 20 reps, 25 reps, 20 reps, 15 reps between each round of running stairs. Exercise – Jump Squats
25 American Hammers in cadence
Round 3: Run up each flight of stairs, bear crawl in between each set of stairs, at the top of the last flight, run to school and back down. Only got 1 set due to time.
Mosey to COT.
Ye Ole’ Moleskin: Lots of stairs and YHC expelled more air than a bag pipe. Prayers, Christ Closet on Saturday needs volunteers to move furniture.
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