Author Archive Mr. Bean

Anvil, Guest Q, Merkins & Burpees

The SF was firmly planted by Young Love and as a guest Q to Anvil I set off with a little nervousness of a tough crowd. Before I get into “The Thang” going out to Q at sites you don’t normally post to is a good thing, you get to meet new PAX and bring some new ideas to the table, try it get out of the comfort zone, I was welcomed by the PAX at Anvil and hope I brought a little pain!


The Thang:

Mosey for a quick COT:


MC X 15

IW X 20

Mosey over the the “shed” 10 Derkins, Dips, Step Ups and sprint out to entrance 1 and back hold plank for the 6

15 Derkins, Dips, Step Ups, sprint out to entrance 1 and back hold plank for the 6.

Mosey over to “The Avenue of Trees” tried to explain this as clearly to the PAX as possible:

Round 1: Sprint to every other tree (10 total trees), first tree 5 merkins back to base and 5 burpees, repeat up to 25 merkins.

Round 2: Repeat but change to Dry Docks with 5 merkins everytime you get back to base. The two rounds covered 2 miles and was a smoker.

Mosey over to Parking area close to 51. Merkin ladder 10 down to 0 in cadende with a nice sprint in between.

Sprints: various sprints from seated position, plank position with merkins

Mosey back to the AO time for Mary, no lets try 4 minutes of burpees or until the first PAX reaches 35. Thank you Lobstah Roll saved us all from the pain of 4 minutes.

Finish with Mary, 10 Flutter and 10 Dolly.

Thank you for the opportunity I hope I didn’t disappoint, solid showing from LR, Hannibal, Mermaid, but everyone went with the flow and went after it. Thanks Outback for missing The Maul to support me. Nice take out from Young Love, pray for Abacus & Chelms who are taking care of their brother during this tough time.


Nice work Mermaid on the Calvary food drive, Calvary thanked the men of F3 for the support.

OBT & Dredd will Q Stonehenge Saturday July 25th 6am, The Vine in Ballantyne come out and support them.



Yes We Have Muthaships in Ballantyne Too!!!

This one is easy to write about. YHC wants a version of Metro’s Muthaship introduced to Ballantyne, the home of F3 Olympics Champion Haggis (who never showed this morning). Metro has 14 parking deck levels and Ballantyne’s combined decks have 15, we win!!

After much debate yesterday with a fellow PAX member who resides in Union County and doesn’t post much in Ballantyne, his opinion was Ballantyne’s MS was weak, he never showed up to test it, hopefully he will come out next time!!!

The Thang:

The challenge was to run up the deck ramp and back down on three separate parking decks (Premier x2 and Met Life) with 25 merkins when you reach the bottom of each deck. Who ever ran the most decks wins, kind of like Frasier going to Metro and running their Muthaship 16 times.

5.15am depart lively pace 0.7 miles mosey to Premier Deck A. Quick instructions given as expected verbal chatter from Site Q Champagne. Meet back at the putting green at 6.05am to make sure we have everyone.

Soft Pretzel and Pebbles went off like lightning closely followed by Mic Check, Van Pelt, Tussaud and Cable Guy. Everyone arrived back at the meeting point at 6.05am and two lone wolves wanted extra credit and decided to head out to fully accept the challenge.

Remaining PAX fast mosey back to the AO for a total of 5 to 5.75 miles of hard running and 100+ merkins. Most guys completed 4 decks and the winner on this challenge is Soft Pretzel with a solid 5 parking decks and 125 merkins, nice job brother.

Great job by everyone, good to see Champagne back out there crushing it and Jay our FNG Wilma solid work brother thanks for bringing him out Pebbles.

Announcements: Fruit juice collected for the Calvary food drive, F3 Dads camp August 14-16, F3 Dads Beatty Park Saturday 9am Lex Luther on Q.

Dredd & OBT are heading south to Stonehenge Saturday July 25th at 6am The Vine. The founders of F3 are visiting a Ballantyne AO fro the first time lets try and get a solid group out to support them. Stay for coffee and a bagel.

Thanks for the send off Mic Check.


1 Mile Timed Run? Hell No, Lets’s Get The Tire Flipping!!

36 men made a wise choice this morning for something a little different. After barely completing the Battlefrog Saturday I vowed not to do anything with Madame again. This was before we drank a few IPA’s post race. “Hey Bean feel like joining me Q a gear workout Tuesday”, Ok I am in!! MT emails game plan and we meet at 5am to unload or loot! Drive back to the AO to meet the Pax and a short Mosey back to the pain stations:


SS X 20

IW X 15

Merkins x 10

MC X 10

MT takes the lead: count off 1 thru 6, 6 stations for the following  station workout, keep rotating when finished,no rest:

Station #1 Tire Flipping: Flip tire 5 times (modified to 3 after back up) each other member performs merkins until his turn, 30 yards back and forth.

Station #2  30lb Sand Bag Carry: Carry bag 30 yards, 20 triceps extensions, back 30 yards 20 curls.

Station #3 Kettle Bells: Lots of swings, Mic Check was in a zone!!

Station #4 Cement Block Carry: 30 yards 20 squats, 30 yards back alternate merkins on block x20

Station #5 Hair Burners: No fun, 30 yards up the hill turn around and 30 yards back.

Station #6 Lap Run: run lap of parking lot.

Solid work but no rest, count off 1 thru 4  an old fashioned game of tug-o war, will not go into too much detail other than to say team #3 won!

Bean decided to call sprints and the following happened:

Round 1: 50 yard sprint.

Round 2: 5 Burpees 50 yard sprint.

Round 3: 10 Merkins 50 yard sprint

Round 4: Seated position call go 50 yard sprint.

Round 5: 10 LBC 50 yard sprint.

Moleskin: Great effort from everyone today, good to see recent FNG’s Balky & Paper Jam out for the 2nd time, keep coming out men. Thanks to Lex, Loogie & Mic Check for the extra gear. Not sure where MT keeps that tire but I hope we don’t see it again for a while. Nice take out by Hops.

Announcments: MT & Patch Adams have sign-ups for CPR classes look out for email. SOB shirts still on sale until the end of April. Goruck light or heavy coming in May see Hoffer or Dora. BOG on the mend which is good news.

Hills, Merkins & Alf

YHC not being a good twitter user accidentally on purpose called out Alf to join us at The Maul, he changed his rotation of workouts and smoked us all. Dear Frehely’s Comet is still mad about dragging him thru Crowder’s Mountain Sunday and decided to complain most of the morning. Quick disclaimer given and off we went.


SSH X 30

MC X 30

Flutter x 20 (Frehely complained “Already”)

Dolly x 20

LBC X 20

The Thang

Mosey over to Firebirds to the short wall.

10 Dips, Derkins, Jump/Step Ups lap of the island hold plank.

15 Dips, Derkins, Jump/Step Ups lap of island hold plank

20 Dips, Derkins Jump/Step Ups

Mosey over to large hill for the following:

Partner up, (bad call when you get see Alf & Mic Check as a team, show offs).

150 Merkins between partner, Partner #1 performs whil partner #2 runs hill and back, repeat until 150 complete, hold plank for 6

100 Burpees between partner, As above except Frehely Complaint #2 called an audible on the 100 as he was being smoked by Alf (again) & Mic Check, YHC reduced to 75 to keep him happy.

Merkin Slap Ladder

10 both partners run hill

20, both partners run hill

30 both partners run hill

20 both partners run hill 5 burpees at the top

10 both partners run hill 5 burpees at the top.

Mosey over to Hill #2 behind the movie theater

Partner up (Alf & Mic Check again not fair!!

Not sure what to call this but I will go with “Chairkin”

Partner #1 in peoples chair position overhead press while partner #2 assumes derkin position with legs on partner #1’s thighs (No inappropriate comments it was a very manly exercise.)

10 Chairkins run hill swap and repeat

15 Chairkins run hill swap and repeat

10 Donkey Kicks against the wall run hill 5 burpees OYO

20 donkey kicks against the wall run hill 5 burpees OYO

10 Chairkins run hill and repeat

20 Chairkins run hill 5 burpees and repeat.

30 Donkey Kicks (complaint #3 from Frehely and a soft slap on the head from Loogie)

and two times up the hill and back. Done!!!


Moleskin: first time for me to Q at The Maul great solid group out there today sitting here typing hurts. very solid work from everyone especially  Alf & Mic Check they really got after it today. Thanks Pop for the take out, as usual excellent.

Announcements: SOB Happy Hour tonight Duckworths Ballantyne 6-8pm. Golf is next week, SOB shirts available thru April 27th thru the mud gear website.



The Cinder Block Easter Party

15 SOB’s showed up for the advertised block party, hopefully all left a little stronger. YHC brought 20 blocks weighing 28.7lb good old fashioned cinder blocks, the goal was not to let the block leave your side for 60 minutes, mission accomplished. Disclaimer given and off we went.

Short mosey (WITH BLOCK) to Wells Fargo parking lot for COP

In Cadence

20 X SSH

20 x IW

20 X Merkins

15 x Low Slow Squat

The Thang

Very short jog to opposite end of WF lot with block for the following

Round:1 Sprint 75 yards with block 10 merkins, sprint back 75 yards 10 merkins repeat until all PAX reaches 100, exercise performed in cadence with block at all times

Round :2 Sprint 75 yards with block 10 Dry Docks, sprint back y5 yards 10 Dry Docks repeat until all PAX reaches 100, exercise performed in cadence with block at all times.

Round:3 Sprint 75 yards with block, 10 Derkins on block, sprint back 75 yards 10 Derkins repeat until all PAX reaches 100, exercise performed in cadence with block at all times.

10 burpess OYO sprint lap of Wells Bank Building with block hold plank until done.

20 jump over block spring lap of Wells Bank Building with block hold plank until done

10 LBC spring lap of Wells Bank Building with block.

YHC decided to perform wall work with block headed to the teller wall of Wells, Freely quickly pulled site Q disclaimer that police would here in less than 5 minutes if PAX touched that wall, no problem mosey over to Grill Restaurant wall fro the following;

Peoples Chair hold block straight out hold for 10 seconds, rest hold for 20 seconds, overhead press with block to 20, bicep curl 20, hold block for 20 seconds. Mosey back to WF fro finale.

Split into teams of 3, partners 1 & 3 head to end of parking lot, partner 2 stays 75 yards away for relay race (with block) until each partner gets back to their starting point. Confused yet, the PAX picked this up very easily.

Round: 1 non runner performs LBC until it there turn is up sprinting with block.

Round:2 as above this time non partner performs the dolly and each runner performs 10 merkins before taking off

Round:3 as above this time non partner performs the flutter and each runner performs 10 derkins before taking off.

Round:3 as above this time non partner performs low squat and each runner performs 10 burpees before taking off.

5 minutes left 10 burpees quick lap of WF building. mosey back to AO, load truck up with blocks and a quick round of LBC and 30 seconds of all you got merkins.

Great effort today, the PAX really bought into working out with the block so much Parfait decided to bring his along for coffee and a bagel. Mighty Mite & Haggis had there normal battle of who’s the toughest SOB, Beebo really pushed it out there today he’s getting stronger every week, Parfait, Wild Turkey and Commish keep pushing brothers you are getting stronger. Loogie & Fireman are ready for the mudrun and Chipotle is ready for the BRR. Glad to have my sidekick back from New Zealand, Outback enjoys giving me hard time.


Mud run next Saturday, Zipede fund please donate, YHC took us out with a porayer for my daughter’s computer teacher & school crossing guard Mr. Jeff Aten who suddenly had a heart attack and passed away while working out last week at Marvin High School while his daughter was playing Lacrosse. Keep the family in your prayers and hold ours a little closer over Easter Weekend,

Mr. Bean



The St. Patrick’s Day #17 Multiplier

In honor of YHC’s Irish roots, 23 of SOB’s finest showed up for a numerical beat-down: Good veteran crew no need to give a disclaimer off we went:


SSH X 34

Mountain Climbers x 17

LBC’s x 17

The Thang:

Short mosey to short wall for the following:

Dips x 17

Derkins x 17

Dips x 17

Mosey to Loch Ness and called out a grass route which is never taken down to the lake to the displeasure of Market Timer, he will survive.

Round 1: Bear crawl to top of hill over short wall 17 Merkins

Round 2. Bear Crawl to top of hill over short wall 17 Carolina Dry Docks

Round 3. Bear Crawl to top of hill over short wall 17 LBC’s

Round 4. Bear Crawl to top of hill over short wall 17 Flutter Kicks

1 lap of Loch Ness, hold plank for the 6 (Actually hold plank for poor Philmont who took a tumble over the wall, gashed his shin, didn’t complaint and kept it going (Respect)

Mosey to upper parking area above Loch Ness grab a partner size doesn’t matter:

Round 1:Partner 1 sprints to end of parking area and back (100 yards) while partner 2 performs merkins repeto until total between pair hits 85

Round 2: Partner 1 sprints to end of parking area and back (100) yards while partner 2 performs Dry Docks repeto until total between pair hits 102

Round 3: Partner 1 sprints to end of parking area and back (100) yards while partner 2 performs LBC’s repeto until total between pair hits 102

Stay in partners for the following: Partner resistance pushing halfway up the parking area (45 yards) 17 merkins each and switch to top of parking area. x2 ( I started hearing the groans)

Two rounds of sprints,  followed by 17 high arm presses while against the wall.

Mosey back to AO on the way back Mermaid informs me I have 5 minutes, heck why not hand out a few more sprints. Found a good parking area of about 50 yards for the following:

Superman position on the deck at YHC’s command all you got to the end.

Criss Cross position on the deck at YHC’s command all you got to the end.

LBC position, heck throw in 17 for good measure all you got to the end.

Call jailbreak to my surprise the PAX took off, not sure who won that, stayed back with the 6, Mermaid informs me we have 1 minute, why not break out some merkins for said time as many as you can give, many groans.


Abacus will inform everyone of the new race date, Madame Tussaud still has spots open fo rthe Mud Run (anybody want mine), The Commish has his virgin Q at the Maul tomorrow, come out and support him. The guy started early January has dropped 24lbs and wants to lead.

Our Father taken out by YHC. Honor to lead as always.





Stonehenge Tackles Rain & Parking Decks

YHC had an entire football (soccer) type beatdown planned for the PAX and the rain decided to end that idea. PAX were given the option of a rain or parking deck fiesta, Mic Check decided he wanted the parking deck special, ask and you shall receive. Off we went into the gloom around Loch Ness had to stop for 15 quick step-ups as we lost Haggis. Come to find out Haggis returned to his vehicle to collect a Starbucks card he has been holding for 4 weeks thanks to Frazier. Haggis catches up with the PAX and we continue to Premier parking deck. Hold plank wait for the 6. Security guy is on us within 2 minutes, Haggis approaches car, window is lowered 10 second conversation and security detail drives off happy with his blessing to use the deck.  That Starbucks card came into use after all.




Mountain Climbers x 15 IC

Merkins x 10 IC



The Thang (Sprints of Pain all exercises in Cadence)

Round 1: 100 yard sprint 10 Merkins 10 LBC’s Plank when done

Round 2: 100 yard sprint 15 Merkins 15 LBC’s Plank when done

Round 3: 100 yard sprint 20 Merkins 20 LBC’S Plank when done

Round 4: 25 Donkey Kicks 100 yard spring 25 Merkins 25 LBC’s Plank When done

Round 5: 20 Donkey Kicks 100 yard sprint 30 Merkins 30 LBC’s

Included some of the new PAX in taking the cadence count, Beebo, Commish, Sky Hook and some veterans, Chippy, MT, MC

Four Corners of Pain:

Split into two teams each team hits four corners of the parking deck and at each corner completes the following, team is not finished until the 6 are finished too. Great way of encouraging everyone to stick together, losing team was given 15 count of winners choice, burpees and monkey humpers.

Merkins 10  total 50

Carolina Dry Docks 10 total 50

Burpees 10 total 50

LBC 10 total 50

wall work 25 over head head press and leg extensions, that was rough after four corners of pain. Mosey down to lower level for 3 rounds of:

Partner carry halfway up ramp 10 merkins each switch to the top x 2

Bear Crawl to halfway point (or gorilla run like Tussaud)  sprint to top hold plank.

Long run back to AO at the bridge Merkins by MC & Haggis while I round up the 6, back at lot MC giving out more merkins.


Good veteran crew, a lot of heckling as to be expected, great work by Loogie, Philmont, Beebo, I know those guys don’t like running but they gave 110% effort. I wanted to treat the PAX to an old fashioned English soccer workout, I think the adjustment of pain was satisfying enough.

Takeout from YHC, said prayers for Lo Pair our F3 brother in Raleigh.



Bean & The 67 Minute Virgin Q Massacre

YHC woke up at 3.30am in a sweat, I was having nightmares of the F3 cadence count and was adamant I would not embarrass myself, that didn’t last long!!. Turned out to be a good crowd for my Virgin Q. Started to ask “do we have any FNG’s present” only to be told by Haggis, “how would an FNG know what an FNG is” first rookie mistake and off we went.

The Thang:

47 SSH (In honor of YHC’s Birthday), 15 Low Slow Squats, 10 Wide Arm Merkins, 20 IW (Assisted by Camacho for obvious reasons)

Mosey to parking deck partner up for what I call “Partner Ramp Pushes” Partner #1 pushes partner #2 up the first portion of parking ramp, partner #2 offering as much resistance as possible, halfway point 10 merkins each, reverse to top of ramp. Hold plank for the 6,  10 cadence merkins given by Haggis. Rinse & repeat with cadence merkins assisted by MT & Mighty Mite.

Mosey back down to the bottom of the same parking deck, reverse running to the halfway point per deck, turn and give it all you got the end of each ramp. Hold plank 10 Wide, Diamond and regular Merkins. Mumble chatter of “who is this Bean could be heard” that was just the appetizer.

Left parking deck #1 and thought I had picked up an FNG along the way only to find out it was Software who was late. Oh well Indian run to Premier Deck for the main course.

Round #1 Partner up, piggy back partner #1 halfway up ramp, 1o merkins, swap and run to the end, hold plank.

Round #2 Partner #1 suicide run while partner #2 performs 30 donkey kicks and 30 LBC”S, swap rinse and repeat.

Round #3 Same as round #1

Round #4 Bear Crawl, Lunge Walk, Crab Walk up ramp sprint to the end 10 merkins, rinse and repeat twice.

Round #5 same as round #4

YHC was smoked but had more energy than he realized, decided to run down the parking deck staircase and just for fun made the PAX run back up. People’s Chair with 25 arm presses and a round of Mary, LBC, Flutter, High Flutter and the famous Stonehenge bicycle administered by who else but Puppy Love Love (Respect). YHC looked at watch oh s*** its 6.56am and we have 10 minutes back to the AO. Pax made it 7.07am Rookie mistake #2

Announcements: Fight Club (ssshh) 7.45am, Mud Run sign Ups, SOB BRR team needs two drivers. COT taken out by YHC himself who explained I don’t do a lot of praying but I was honored to lead a great group of men and able to lead the prayer. F3 I’m now fully vested and ready to lead again. Sound off. Mr. Bean