Anvil, Guest Q, Merkins & Burpees

  • When:6/24/2015
  • QIC: Mr. Bean
  • The PAX: Mermaid, Young Love, Hannibal, Lobstah Roll, Outback, Icky Shuffel, Scabby, Sactions, Abacus, Spandex, Rehab, Mr. Bean, Margo, O' Tannebaum

Anvil, Guest Q, Merkins & Burpees

The SF was firmly planted by Young Love and as a guest Q to Anvil I set off with a little nervousness of a tough crowd. Before I get into “The Thang” going out to Q at sites you don’t normally post to is a good thing, you get to meet new PAX and bring some new ideas to the table, try it get out of the comfort zone, I was welcomed by the PAX at Anvil and hope I brought a little pain!


The Thang:

Mosey for a quick COT:


MC X 15

IW X 20

Mosey over the the “shed” 10 Derkins, Dips, Step Ups and sprint out to entrance 1 and back hold plank for the 6

15 Derkins, Dips, Step Ups, sprint out to entrance 1 and back hold plank for the 6.

Mosey over to “The Avenue of Trees” tried to explain this as clearly to the PAX as possible:

Round 1: Sprint to every other tree (10 total trees), first tree 5 merkins back to base and 5 burpees, repeat up to 25 merkins.

Round 2: Repeat but change to Dry Docks with 5 merkins everytime you get back to base. The two rounds covered 2 miles and was a smoker.

Mosey over to Parking area close to 51. Merkin ladder 10 down to 0 in cadende with a nice sprint in between.

Sprints: various sprints from seated position, plank position with merkins

Mosey back to the AO time for Mary, no lets try 4 minutes of burpees or until the first PAX reaches 35. Thank you Lobstah Roll saved us all from the pain of 4 minutes.

Finish with Mary, 10 Flutter and 10 Dolly.

Thank you for the opportunity I hope I didn’t disappoint, solid showing from LR, Hannibal, Mermaid, but everyone went with the flow and went after it. Thanks Outback for missing The Maul to support me. Nice take out from Young Love, pray for Abacus & Chelms who are taking care of their brother during this tough time.


Nice work Mermaid on the Calvary food drive, Calvary thanked the men of F3 for the support.

OBT & Dredd will Q Stonehenge Saturday July 25th 6am, The Vine in Ballantyne come out and support them.



About the author

Mr. Bean author

Married, 3 wonderful Kids. Love Charlotte!

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8 years ago

Nice Q Mr Bean. And you forgot to mention Dips/Decline Merkins/Step-ups under concession area w/ run out to Entrance 1 mixed in. Missing PAX were Margo & O’Tannenbaum.

8 years ago

Great to have you come out an lead us today Bean. The workout was hard. The humidity and heat on top of it was almost too much for me today. Nicely done. Many of our regulars posted and pushed it hard today and some were MIA. Lobsta Roll crushed everything. Typical. Sanctions posted again today. Glad to see you back out with us. Keep coming.

Thanks for reaching out to Q Bean. Great idea for the “guest Q.” Gives the pax something different and keeps us guessing. Avenue of Trees may stick.

8 years ago

Nice Q, Mr. Bean! You are welcome at Anvil anytime. Great variety today, as you changed things up just as they were about to wear out their welcome (e.g., I’m not sure how keen I would have been on another circuit down the Avenue of Trees! That second set was hurting me.). Great seeing the mix of old and new faces.

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