Author Archive Bulldog

Cowgirls and Nipplers

Strong turnout today at with 30 plus in attendance for the final pre Thanksgiving installment of Jevlar.


10 burgess (15 if wearing tights)
Run to blue door.
Warm up with a bunch of merkins

Split into 4 groups

1) sprint up hill (timer)
2) dips and incline merkins on back of
3) flutter kicks in cadence
4) circle merkins 1/2/3

On field suicides
10 burpees at 10 yard line
20 merkins at 20 yard line
30 squats at 30 yard line
40 nipplers at 40 yard line
50 Freddie Mercury’s at 50 yard line
Final one go whole field

AYG to rock

2 mins of Mary


Good work today by all. Solid mixture of new guys and old chestnuts today at Charlotte Christian. Dollywood was lamenting on his decision to go with tights after he received extra burpees for the pleasure. We hit the blue door early as YHC was looking for a dry spot for the warm up. The warm up was riddled with giggles after Busch mentioned the new Christmas snack named “My Buddy’s Nuts”. I’m sure you will see a few bags at the F3 Party in a few weeks!
The suicides on the football field were a little tougher than they looked on paper. Lots of refuseniks when it came to the Turkish get ups (stolen from a High Tide workout) however the nipplers were much more of a hit.
Classic FNG naming today as our new friend TJ a native Charlottean gave a little too much information during his 20 second blurb. He could have left it as being a Charlotte Christian grad but when he mentioned the fact that he liked to ride things in a sideways fashion we were left with two options: Side Saddle or Cowgirl? Unanimous. Welcome Cowgirl!

Announcements: convergence next Friday 7-8 am at Mountaingoat. No Jevlar

Sandbagger supersets

17 lads got after if at Meathead today for a stand in Q from yours truly.


IW x 20

Superset of two legged deadlifts combined with 4 2 handed swings. Go up to five deadlifts and 20 x 2 handed swings.

Upright row and press x 100 (audible to 89) Top of every minute do 10 burpees but for 50 year olds and those with 50 pound KB just do 5 burpees.

Partner up. Partner 1 does 10 goblet squats and partner 2 does 10 swings. Flapjack and go all the way down to 1.

100 total snatches minus weight of KB. 10 diamonds merkins at top of every minute.

Partner up. Partner 1 does 10 cleans each arm. Partner 2 does lunges til partner 1 is finished. Go down in twos.

100 high pulls. 20 x mountain climbers every minute.

Louganis x 1 and then 2 KB chest presses in multiples of 2 up to 5 Louganis and back down to 1.

Finisher – two handed swings and 10 burpees every minute for final three minutes.


We got a lot done in 45 minutes. Great seeing Hops (#southerngentleman) out there this morning. BOGO is on a streak as is Turkey Leg and soon both will be sporting sleeveless shirts. Thanks for allowing me to lead. Kotters also to Sanka for bouncing back from injury and also Destiny and Hacker for being our war daddy’s today.
Heavy bells and old boys got a break today! Sound off below on anything worth a shout out.

Love me some lornmowas!

12 fine gents decided on KB’s for a Tuesday morning pain montage.


20 two handed swings
15 SSH
15 IW
10 two handed swings/10 Overhead presses
8 two handed swings/8 Overhead presses
6 two handed swings/6 Overhead presses
4 two handed swings/4 Overhead presses
2 two handed swings/4 Overhead presses
Back up the ladder
10 right handed lawnmowers (???) in cadence
10 left handed lawnmowers in cadence
20 two handed swings

Over to the cones

Round 1 – 50 two handed swings and 10 burpees on each of the 5 cones in 5 minutes
Round 2 – 50 tea baggers and 10 air squats at each cone in 4 minutes
Round 3 – 50 high pulls and 10 diamond merkins at each cone in 4 mins
Round 4 – 50 alternating swings and 10 Carolina Dry Docks at each cone in 3 min 30
Round 5 – 20 Louganis and 10 heels to heaven at each cone in 3 mins
Round 6 – 5 two handed swings sprint to cone 1, 10 two handed swings sprint to cone 2, 15 two handed swings sprint to cone 3, 20 two handed swings sprint to cone 4, 25 two handed swings and sprint to cone 5

4 minutes of mary.



A light yet strong crowd out at Skunkworks this morning. YHC was not sure if I could even Q due to a limp wrist obtained at last weeks smokefest from Busch. Having donned the Haggis style MMA gloves it was time to get to work with all merkins done on the fists. During the COP it was very obvious that there is a large difference between the Queens English and the American version:

Q: “Next exercise is…..the lornmowa”
Pax: “The what?”
Q: “The lornmowa.”
Q: “This!” (showing the demo)
Pax: “Ohhh the larrrnmowerrrrr”
Q: “That’s it chaps. Let’s get to it.”

After the extended warm up (and seeing Harley grimace on the overhead presses) it was time for a lung buster combo. Opening round of 50 swings and 50 burpees looked great on paper and easy to complete in 5 minutes but was I wrong? After two or three cones it turned into a stagger between sets as the clocked ticked down. Hats off to most of the lads for getting it in and to Chanel for bouncing back from injury and crushing it along with Freedom and his gorilla bell. Fireman Ed was either counting by twos or he has just turned into a KB machine as he was leading from the front.

Good stuff from Witch Doctor and Blazing Saddles who are on a roll now after several weeks of consistent posting.

Thanks for allowing me to lead.


Announcements: Gladiator training in Union Co this weekend

Sprinklers don’t stop us

25 men including two FNG’s arose for another British style beatdown at Jevlar today. The local authorities had been tipped off to keep a close eye on the shenanigans going on outside the ABC Store…


Jog around parking lot
16 SSH
10 burpees
16 IW’s
8 burpees
10 merkins in cadence
6 burpees
10 lunges each side
4 burpees
10 peter parker merkins
2 burpees

Jog over to soccer field and partner up
Partner 1 lunge walk to first cone/Partner 2 mountain climbers x 2
Partner 1 sprint to cone 1 and cone 2/Partner 2 Dry Docks x 2
Partner 1 sprint to cone 1, 2, and 3/Partner 2 flutter kicks x 2
Partner 1 bear crawl to cone 1/Partner 2 deck squats x 2
Partner 1 sprint to cone 4/Partner 2 wide arm merkins
Partner 1 sprint to cone 3/Partner 2 regular merkins
Partner 1 sprint to cone 2/Partner 2 military merkins
Partner 1 sprint to cone 1/Partner 2 diamond merkins
Partner 1 sprint up two cones and back one all way to end. Partner 2 follows

Split into 4 groups
Group 1 – tri dips at picnic tables
Group 2 – peoples chair at rock
Group 3 – burpees x 12 (timer)
Group 4 – run hill

Jog back to 51 side of field

Jack Webb with LBC’s up to 10

Mosey back to parking lot for merkin wave


The city was on the lookout for some trouble makers at Jevlar this morning as 25 unruly gents started the weekend off in the right manner. For those who were at Skunkworks on Tuesday I apologize for my lack of variety but “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” so it was a similar set up but for the bells – tough warm up, exercises and sprints, plus some Jack Webb to finish.
Mr. Brady was heard saying he wished he’d stayed in bed after the 2nd or 3rd round of burpees in the warm up but he and the other pax dug deep from start to finish. Over to the soccer field and the group to keep up with was Rhapsody, Orange Whip, and Lobster Roll who were absolutely flying between the cones. Our two FNG’s Crime Dog (Bob M) and Toto (Davis R) were hanging tough throughout. The Jack Webb finisher was interrupted by the sprinklers but at that point we were already drenched in sweat so why not just stick it out and enjoy the refreshment? Some were in the firing line more than others…
Thank you for allowing me to lead. Hopefully you got a good jump on the weekend. Remember the last F3 Dads tomorrow at 9am Colonel Beatty Park with Mr. Brady on Q. Keep an eye on Twitter and the website for next week’s workout with it being close to the July 4th weekend. Also with the workout now being at the Arboretum feel free to swing by Chic Fil A right after from 6:30-7:15am . We have a third F group that meets and discusses life, faith, and family and how we can be better men. Sanka was on Q today and lead the discussion on how tough times in our lives may require patience on our part but ultimately produces Godly character. Come and check it out: Proverbs 27:17 states “as iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” Get around guys that will challenge you and inspire you. Have a great weekend. BD

Skunkworks sweat fest

16 men came out for a Skunkworks sweat fest which all began at the ABC Store.


SSH x 15
Lawnmowers R x 15
Lawnmowers L x 15
2 handed swing x 15
Stagger merkin R on KB x 10
Stagger merkin L on KB x 10
Overhead press x 1 combined with two handed swing x 2. Increase multiples up to 10 OH presses and 20 swings.
Mosey over to Raintree soccer field
Plank. Sprint 80 yards.
Plank. Sprint 80 yards.
Partner 1 lunge walks 20 yards, partner 2 two handed swing. Flap jack.
Partner 1 upright row to OH press, partner 2 runs 80 yards. Flap jack and repeat.
Partner 1 alternating swings, partner 2 runs 60 yards. Flap jack and repeat.
Partner 1 single handed swings, partner 2 runs 80 yards. Flap jack and repeat.
Partner 1 high pulls, partner 2 runs 60 yards. Flap jack and repeat.
Partner 1 Louganis or deck squats, partner 2 runs 40 yards. Flap jack and repeat
Partner 1 clean and press, partner 2 runs 80 yards.
Circle up.
Louganis x 1 combined with KB curls x 2. Repeat up to Louganis x 5 and KB curls to 10.


With only 8 pax or so at 5:29am we doubled our numbers in the last minute with Fletch, DK, and others screeching in late. Since the departure of Sussudio we have gained another Englishman in the form of Bodybag who is a cross between Jason Statham and Vinnie Jones and his first venture out to SW in a while. My posts have been sporadic at best lately so it called for a combo of KB’s and sprints today with no real rest time incorporated into the 45 mins. With little breeze and warm temps it meant that the sweat was flowing, the lungs were heavy, and the KB’s slippery but the pax dug in and worked hard from start to finish. Mumblechatter was light and something was mentioned from TR when I called for the lawnmower warm up. Couldn’t pick up if it was not your classic KB exercise or if it was a slaughtering of the accent but nevertheless the pain began quickly in the warm up and never really stopped. Great showing by all today and with the kids off school it’s tough to make it out in the wee hours but once you have you feel better for it. Lots of encouragement out there this morning and I appreciate you guys letting me lead. I’m back on Q for “Jevlar” this Friday as A back up so if you don’t want to see me again feel free to step up and Q!
Cheers lads,

Where there are two there’s a workout

Two fine pax showed up to an empty parking lot surrounded by rubble and bulldozers at CDS. After a venture around the campus a decision was made to do some digging of our own.


50 two handed swings
50 merkins
40 alternating swings
40 squats
30 single arm swings
30 man maker merkins
20 upright row and presses
20 diamond merkins
10 snatches each arm
10 divebomber merkins
20 Louganis with KB
20 mason twists each side with no bell
15 Louganis with KB
15 mason twists each side with no bell
10 Louganis with KB
10 mason twists each side with no bell
10 snatches each arm
10 divebomber merkins
20 upright row and presses
20 diamond merkins
30 single arm swings
30 man maker merkins
40 alternating swings
40 squats
50 two handed swings
50 KB curls



There’s nothing like posting for the first time in a while and showing up and there are no cars. Thank goodness Ex Lax pulled in. Went to check Twitter to see where the workout may have been reassigned and the phone dies and no charger. Where there are two there is a workout and so swing we did. It felt like I was cheating on Header after our last man to man workout but once pleasantries were exchanged we got to work and got a lot done.
Lots of mumblechatter today enjoying chatting about life, kids, vacations, shark attacks, etc.
Count us in on the Skunkworks count as we were there in spirit!

Raining rubber

The great British double act of Double D’s and Bulldog on Q at Kevlar today as 38 fine chaps came to “Jevlar” for a bit of a lung buster.


10 minute warm up:
Mosey to center circle
10 burpees OYO
Hillbillies? x 10
Merkins x 15
Monkey humpers x 20 (with partner if need be)
CCD’s etc
Parker Peters
Peter Parkers
Jump squats

Double D’s on Q – 15 minutes of carry’s, leg throws, and wheelbarrows
Bulldog on Q – 15 minutes of suicide sprints and exercises
4 mins of Mary


Good lively crew out at Charlotte Christian today. Due to the large numbers the plot was hatched to combine the Q and see where it went. Simba showed up sporting a sweet, sweaty Lion King t-shirt right from the bargain bin apparently in honor of Big Tops birthday. Hats off to Minimum for ditching the bike for once and getting a proper workout. It all started with some hillbillies and partner monkey humps from the lads in the middle. There was near mutiny for DD’s call for the crab walk wheelbarrow even though the goal was just five yards each time. Skywalkers wrist is clearly not ready for those shenanigans at this point and many of the pax modified with a sociable lunge walk instead. The partner leg throws also allowed the pax to get a good taste for the rubber pellets which may have ended up in every bodily orifice much to Cottontails disdain.
YHC had to modify some of what looked good on paper with the push up suicides. Only Lobster Roll and Alf looked like they could have handled going back down the pyramid.
Thanks for letting us lead and keep an eye on future site adjustments as the track and field at Christian get torn up shortly.

Bulldog and Double D’s

Broad shoulders

22 pax including one FNG posted at Kevlar this morning for a mixture of bricks, tires, and sled work.


Jog down to lower lot
SSH x 15
IW x 15
Merkins x 15

All you got back to cars and grab two bricks from Horseheads truck.

Plank up on bricks – 6 inches
Renegade rows x 10 each side
Straight arm side lateral shoulder raises x 15
Decline merkins on bricks x 12
Straight arm front shoulder raises x 15
Quick feet over bricks x 10 each side
Front raise to shoulder press x 12
Two footed jumps over bricks x 10 each side
Jack Webbs with two 2 shoulder presses x 6

Over to the tires.

Tri dips x 10 on each tire
Dry docks x 15 on each tire
Merkins x 10 each tire
Stagger merkins x 5 each tire

Sprints x 3 up two tires and back one

Sleds – groups of 6 while group does ab exercises

Abs – flutters x 30



Good fun Friday group at Kevlar today. Great to have an FNG out there and Pudding Pop and Sussudio jumped all over this one in the warm ups with him being named after one of Liverpool FC’s legends. After all of the options Bananas came up with the one that stuck – Goldmember it was. Could have been way worse!
Thanks to Horsehead for bringing out the bricks which definitely got the shoulders burning early doors. Hairball was questioning the playlist which went from Coldplay, to Eminem, and then to MC Hammer. TR felt obligated to show the pax what the hammer time dance moves looked like. Nice guest appearance from Bratwurst today too. Comment away on anything worth noting…

Thanks for coming and have a great weekend. Sign up for F3 golf!


A veteran crew at Kevlar

15 fine men came out to Kevlar for a circuit training smorgasbord.


10 burpees
SSH x 10
IW x 15
Take a lap to dodge the trash cart
8 burpees
Diamond merkins x 10
CCD’s x 15
6 burpees
Wide arm merkins x 10
Nipplers x 20
4 burpees
Jump squats x 10
Run a lap and meet at gym
2 burpees

Circuit training – 40 secs on
Fan bike
TRX bands
Pull ups
Tri dips on tire
Decline merkins
Tire flip
Tire slam
Weight bar deadlifts or cleans
Merkin bear crawls
Tethered bear crawl
Ab bench
Louganis with plate
Weight bar curl

Repeato with 30 second rounds



Not much cadence counting but a lot of mumble chatter this morning from the usual suspects such as Brown, Alf, and Sussudio. A veteran crowd this morning with Spackler as the war baby! Tried to keep the running to a minimum today in honor of Probation showing up with his bionic knee. The call for Nipplers always brings a few interesting comments as pax question who’s they should be tapping!
YHC was about smoked before we hit the circuits after a pre KB crusher and an extended warm up. Once the tunes were kicking the energy intensified and it was a solid effort by all the boys. Nothing like some MC Hammer and the theme tune from Rocky to pump you up! Thanks for posting and as always an honor to lead.

Have a great weekend and enjoy your families had take some time today to remember the sacrifice that The Lord gave us on this day in his Son and the freedom and the hope that we can find in this.

Cadence all the way

Counting to ten is hard. Remembering what we are counting is harder.

14 men
resisted the fartsack to experience YHC virgin Q. Here’s what went down:


Off to lower parking lot for some COP in cadence:

20 IW
20 Merkins
20 low slow squats

Mosey to the hill. Each exercise
builds on one another:
1. 10 SSH, then run to to of hill and back
2. 10 ssh,
10 Merkins, then take the hill
7. 10 ssh, 10 Merkins, 10 squat, 10 LBC,
10 CDD, 10 lunge walks, 10 superman or greatest American hero, take the

Mosey toward soccer field stopping at wall

1 min Peoples chair, with
right leg up and 10 arm pressed in cadence, then left leg and 10

Balls to wall and 10 single Merkins

Mosey to soccer field and
partner up.

Partner Wheelbarrow across field then flapjack back

Bear crawl
across field, stopping every 10 for 5 Merkins

Crab walk back

Mosey to
parking lot and circle up for Mary

Flutter, mason twist, heels to heaven,
LBC, boat/canoe

Namerama, cot


I guess I was a little nervous
since I got to the AO at 4:30. At 5 Cotton Tail showed up for some KB, And was
all alone for a few until BLC showed up to keep him company. Eventually
everyone rolled in and after a brief disclaimer we we off. I had the core of the
workout in my mind but not sure how much we could get in in the time we had. The
hill work was a lot of counting and apparently with the lack of oxygen, I can
only keep track of about 3 exercises. Thanks to Alf for being the Q Whisperer
and keeping me on track. Thanks also to Bull Dog for the add of the Merkins
during the Bear Crawl. I think he said something about reverse Merkins during
the crab walk, but I heard nothing!

A real honor to lead and thanks to all
for the support.

Flutie Flakes