Sandbagger supersets

  • When:10/22/2015
  • QIC: Bulldog
  • The PAX: Hacker, Brown, Fletch, Sanka, BOGO, TR, Hops, Horsehead, Soul Glo, High Tide, Witch Dr, Destiny, Hops, Turkey Leg, Bulldog, Probation, Rock Thrill

Sandbagger supersets

17 lads got after if at Meathead today for a stand in Q from yours truly.


IW x 20

Superset of two legged deadlifts combined with 4 2 handed swings. Go up to five deadlifts and 20 x 2 handed swings.

Upright row and press x 100 (audible to 89) Top of every minute do 10 burpees but for 50 year olds and those with 50 pound KB just do 5 burpees.

Partner up. Partner 1 does 10 goblet squats and partner 2 does 10 swings. Flapjack and go all the way down to 1.

100 total snatches minus weight of KB. 10 diamonds merkins at top of every minute.

Partner up. Partner 1 does 10 cleans each arm. Partner 2 does lunges til partner 1 is finished. Go down in twos.

100 high pulls. 20 x mountain climbers every minute.

Louganis x 1 and then 2 KB chest presses in multiples of 2 up to 5 Louganis and back down to 1.

Finisher – two handed swings and 10 burpees every minute for final three minutes.


We got a lot done in 45 minutes. Great seeing Hops (#southerngentleman) out there this morning. BOGO is on a streak as is Turkey Leg and soon both will be sporting sleeveless shirts. Thanks for allowing me to lead. Kotters also to Sanka for bouncing back from injury and also Destiny and Hacker for being our war daddy’s today.
Heavy bells and old boys got a break today! Sound off below on anything worth a shout out.

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Bulldog author

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8 years ago

That workout was like the Pirate’s code – more of a “guideline”. Maybe setting the buzzer to go off every 5 seconds for the “10 burpees that nobody did” call was a touch aggressive there. Even after attempting to modify to the Senior discount version I was not able to keep up for fear of the dreaded #tailgate.

Either way, whatever I did has me feeling it so it must have worked.

Also, can’t remember exactly what had us laughing so hard, but it sparked some suspect Twitter and Strava activity by TR. Maybe it was my fault somehow.

High Tide
8 years ago

Good mornings, indeed. Hammies are barking this morning (a bit dodgy, perhaps?), so I’m sure my mudrun partners will appreciate having to carry me for more than just the partner carry portion of the course. At least I have a ready-made “excuse”…

Thanks for the last-minute substi-Q, Bulldog.

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