Where there are two there’s a workout

  • When:06/16/2015
  • QIC: Bulldog
  • The PAX: Bulldog, ExLax

Where there are two there’s a workout

Two fine pax showed up to an empty parking lot surrounded by rubble and bulldozers at CDS. After a venture around the campus a decision was made to do some digging of our own.


50 two handed swings
50 merkins
40 alternating swings
40 squats
30 single arm swings
30 man maker merkins
20 upright row and presses
20 diamond merkins
10 snatches each arm
10 divebomber merkins
20 Louganis with KB
20 mason twists each side with no bell
15 Louganis with KB
15 mason twists each side with no bell
10 Louganis with KB
10 mason twists each side with no bell
10 snatches each arm
10 divebomber merkins
20 upright row and presses
20 diamond merkins
30 single arm swings
30 man maker merkins
40 alternating swings
40 squats
50 two handed swings
50 KB curls



There’s nothing like posting for the first time in a while and showing up and there are no cars. Thank goodness Ex Lax pulled in. Went to check Twitter to see where the workout may have been reassigned and the phone dies and no charger. Where there are two there is a workout and so swing we did. It felt like I was cheating on Header after our last man to man workout but once pleasantries were exchanged we got to work and got a lot done.
Lots of mumblechatter today enjoying chatting about life, kids, vacations, shark attacks, etc.
Count us in on the Skunkworks count as we were there in spirit!

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Bulldog author

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High Tide
8 years ago

Well done, Bulldog. Look like a very solid workout, especially impressive considering its impromptu nature.

8 years ago

We missed you. We’ll be at the ABC Store/Tanning Salon at the Arbo until further notice.

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