Mile Training Plan – Week 1, Day 1

Mile Training Plan – Week 1, Day 1

DATE: 2023-03-28 AO: Swift Q: Wolverine PAX: Hippie, Franky, das_boot, Wolverine, bratwurst, fleetwood, Chopper, soft_pretzel, madison, retread, kirby FNGs: None COUNT: 11 11 PAX did not fear the “Timed Mile Training Plan”.
Week 1, Day 1 was: 8 x 400m @ goal mi pace w/ 60 sec recovery. Average the 8 intervals for a proxy of your current mile fitness.
Week 1, Day 2 workout of 2.5mi Tempo run will be held at Sparta, Devil’s Turn, and Pursuit (all Thursday).
Full Plan is here in the Preblast: . Great to see so many PAX committing to a Goal! – check the Preblast for links to 1) commit and 2) see commitments of goals

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