Grinding at Olympus

Grinding at Olympus

4 of us posted at Olympus this past Saturday morning. It was a little drizzly, but that was a good thing because it kept us a little cooler. After a disclaimer, the veteran crew got to work.

Warm up:

  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Halo x 5 each direction
  • Prying squat x 2
  • Windmill x 10 IC

Main Event:

  • Single press ladders: 5 x (1, 2, 3, 4 presses per side)
  • 1H swings: 16 x 10 swings with :45 rest between rounds, alternating hands each set
  • Farmer carries around the parking lot x 4
  • Merkin to high pull L, merkin to high pull R = 1 rep. Sets of 5/4/3/2/1 reps


  • Elbow plank x 1:30
  • Glute bridge x 1:00

Time. Circle up with RockZero for COT.


  • Stone Cold is collecting adult bikes (26” wheels and bigger) at RockZero this Saturday (8/14). He’s got a charity that will fix them up and donate them to people for transportation.
  • The F3 10 Year Celebration will be held in Wilmington over the weekend of October 8-10. There are a lot of great events planned and the whole family is welcome. Details and registration can be found here: We’ve also got a Slack channel dedicated to the event where you can connect with other South Charlotte pax planning to attend.


  • Thanks to the pax for coming out and putting in some work this morning. The weather wasn’t pretty, but it made it a little cooler than a typical August morning in Charlotte.
  • It was good to have Victoria join us this morning. He was very honest in telling me that he hasn’t been posting as much because his buddy has a sweet home gym. Then I asked him if his buddy was out of town and he sheepishly said “yes.” His lack of F3 posts didn’t stop him from taking a few turns with some bigger bells.
  • Mighty Mite broke out the big white 36kg bell (that’s 79.4 pounds to you non-communists). 160 1-handed swings with that kind of weight is impressive. I think he was pressing the 32kg bell as well. We were pondering whether he thought he could press a 48, which we will test another time.
  • The Worm is a regular at the kettlebell workouts. At first, I thought Frehley’s was bringing him out, but he’s been more consistent than F3’s biggest hair band fan.

About the author

Voodoo author

Area 51/SOB, Meathead co-site Q

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