A Towel-LESS Watchtower..

A Towel-LESS Watchtower..

DICCS- All given to include cell phone, cpr and do not sue

Warm up 

Two laps in front of school

Circle up

15- Imperial Walkers

15- Hill Billies

Jimmy Dungan stretch into plank

Plank right arm high right leg high ( 10 seconds)- flap jack

Runners Pose- flap jack


The Thang

Mosey up parking lot to bottom of hill ( the exit/entrance to lot)

Partner Up – partners run up/down separate side of hill and when the they met complete each of the following

round 1- 10 hand slap merkins

round 2- 10 Bomb Jacks

round 3- 10 Bonnie Blairs ( 2 is one)

Everyone complete 3 burpees

Mosey to front of school and stick with same partner for more work

One Partner run around lot while other Partner does some work

150- pistol LBCS

100- Merkins

50 – Mike Tysons

Mosey to Rock pile near back parking lot and grab a lifting rock

30 curls- rife carry across lot and complete 30 more curls

15- Military press rifle carry across lot and complete 15 more Military presses.

15- Tricep extensions rifle carry across lot and complete 15 more Military presses.

Mosey Long way around school and head back to COT


Another great group I was honored to lead today. The boys pushed hard and humidity was nice and high ugh…  The chatter seemed to be a minimum ( Even Schneider) so I assume everyone was happy with the workout. Sledge o Matic pushed himself hard today and this was the first we ever partner up- nice work brother.  Sledge, also finished the workout and look like he rolled down Crowder Mountain, you might need a little extra detergent in the wash, Surge, Ricky Bobby, Schneider and Rockwell crushed it today. Spits when not at home photo shopping the chicken in a towel is rising to the Gazelle level right before our eyes- excellent work brother. Falco, this is my first time meeting you brother– WELCOME and I look forward to posting with you more- heck of a job bro.



Ricky Bobby was the 6th man- name from his work since he was at Fox sports and mainly works on NASCAR. Ricky is from the great community of Briarcrest and was Ehed out to the workout by Chicken Little and Schneider and he is held accountable by O-69, Schneider and Chicken ( Briarcrest WOLFPACK ).  Ricky is down around 30-35 lbs and is moving from the back of the pack when he started to the front of the pack and loves the push from others. Ricky Bobby made a great point today– When he started and  was the 6th it meant a lot when the faster guys come back and gave him encouragement— Remember boys it is more than a workout and encouraging your brothers goes a long way.

Keep Tayler in your thoughts and prayers– 31 year old man who Mayhem is connected with has passed away..






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Chicken Little author

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