DICCS were given (Disclaimer, Cell phone, CPR, Safety)
Quick mosey down and around one of the large grassy areas and circle up.
The Thang
Mosey across the parking lot to the back side trail to the first sign.
Mosey to next sign, and build on the previous.
Mosey to next sign, build on previous with
Mosey to rock pile, again build on previous with
Grab a rock, rifle carry about 3/4 to the flag pole to the top of the hill.
Drop your rock, run to bottom of hill for
Run back up hill for:
Asked the group to wait on the 6 before starting each round (AKA wait on YHC)
Rinse, Repeat 5x decreasing burpees by 2 each round (10,8,6,4,2)
Mosey down the hill a little more to the park benches.
2 rounds of
Return rocks (without a rifle carry) and head back to COT.
Given this was my VQ I didn’t really know what I would remember what I would forget, or would I be able to figure it out on the fly if my plan went south. Considered for .005 seconds to write my plan down on a wenkie and not go by memory, but what’s the fun in that? Cheatsheets are for fantasy football and IP subnetting anyway.
Couple PAX had the time mixed up as we changed the start time to noon this week.
Probably should have removed the only 2 NSFW songs on my “Move” playlist. Of course they played in succession and at close to max volume on my 2.0s BT speaker. Next time, its back to country and rock like I should have in the first place.
Went over by a few minutes despite Bottlecaps friendly reminder to keep track of the time.
Thanks to everyone who came out for my VQ. Nice to have it out of the way.
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