Back to COT… Psych!

Back to COT… Psych!

8 strong for The Floater this morning!  That’s a light crowd for this site.  I’m sure the coldest morning we’ve had in a long time contributed to a few fart sacks.

The disclaimer was given, and we were off…

Here’s what went down:

Mosey around the block with Side Straddle Hops at each corner.  Just like that we were back at COT… but the workout was just getting started!

Mosey.   We dodged a car that was going 70 MPH through downtown Waxhaw safely made it through downtown Waxhaw, across the tracks and to the basketball court at the elementary school.

Circle up:

Imperial Walkers x 10

Merkin x 10

Moroccan Night Clubs x 10

Mountain Climbers x 10

Plank Jacks x 10

Partner up!  Partner #1 works while #2 runs two down and back sprints on the court.  Then flap jack.  A total of:

Donkey Kicks – 100

Mike Tysons x 50

Up and Overs (on the large concrete blocks) x 25


Mosey back to COT… again.  But we ain’t done!

Using the picnic tables under the shelter:

Dips, Derkins and Step Ups – set of 20 each, then 15 each, then 10 each

Mosey back to COT just so we remember where it is… then head down to the bottom of the hill for ab work.

After 7 straight minutes of various ab exercises (in cadence) it was a jail break up the hill back to COT.

The trip to COT was for real this time!


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Rockwell author

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