Birthday celebration on the Frozen Tundra!

Birthday celebration on the Frozen Tundra!

11 Strong Men came out to face whatever cold Mother Nature could muster up.   As these fearless men approach the AO, you could tell many had layered up more than usual.  After briefly discussing why anyone would be outside in 26 degree weather (felt like 15 with the wind), my watch struck 5:30am and a thorough Disclaimer was conveyed.  Moseyed downhill — with the wind at our back to a circle up for COT.

Warm Up: SSHx15 … IWx15 … LBACx10 (both ways) … MCx15 … MERKINx15 … Hold 30 sec plank


  • Our illustrious Bagpipe Site Q’s had informed us a few weeks ago that (3) laps around the Loch Ness = a mile.   So, we ran the (3) laps around the freezing cold Loch Ness and end up by the rock pile. YHC encouraged everyone to push themselves and off we went.
  • Waited for the 6 with a round of flutter kicks then dove into some rock work.  Partner up.  Partner #1 does Triple Nickle (5x5x5)  with the lifting rock (curls, shoulder presses, tri-ext), while Partner #2 does (5) Pull-ups on the bars down by the freezing cold creek.  Flapjack. Repeato x3.
  • Mosey over in front of one of the adjacent office buildings.  YHC called for 15 Step-ups each leg followed by 15 Derkins OYO.  Repeato x3.
  • AYG to the next office building.  LBCs to wait for the 6.
  • Mosey back up near site of COT.  Partner up.  Facing each other and locking hands out in front, Partner #1 pulls Partner #2 backwards – while resisting to the random black car 50 yards in front.  Flapjack.  Repeato x2.
  • Mosey back to the start as the SWIFT men were rolling in.


  • It was a cold and chilly start to the beatdown.  YHC wasn’t sure when the warmup was coming but I think for most it happened after the Mile run.  As we approached Loch Ness, our birthday boy Loogie (HBD!!) was the 1st to mumble that we should NOT run around the pond.  Within seconds YHC was calling out the Mile run much to his chagrin.  Per usual, Bucky effortless galloped through the laps while nursing a nagging calf injury.  Kirby, Cooter, and Freehley’s came on strong down the stretch, likely beating their own time from the last post we ran it.  During the partner pull exercise, Freehley’s modified to a push movement versus pull.  It initially caught my eye as YHC thought a minor skirmish between Freeley’s and Bucky had broken out.  Thought perhaps a Freehley’s wise crack had gone too deep (that’s what she said?).  Patent Pending took notice of YHC’s sweatshirt selected this morning.  An old Wisconsin Badger sweater with a subliminal connected to the Frozen Tundra of the Motherland.  Had to channel my waning tolerance to the cold.  Minutes later certain PAXs were taken aback while doing Step-Ups that Patent Pending wears a size 13 shoe.  Not sure I caught the context but you know what they saw about big feet —- big shoes.


  • “F3 Dads Playdate”: This Sunday 3pm at Polo Ridge Elementary.  Bring the 2.0s.  Look for details from Paper Jam on Slack
  • 3rd F Timekeeper: 6:30pm on every Tuesday — starting next week.  Starting the book 12 Rule of Life by Jordan Peterson.  Pick the book up, someone will lead the discussion.  It’s a drop in thing so don’t worry if you miss a week.
  • Beer Run: Feb 8th;  5 miles and 6 breweries.  Check Slack channel for more details.
  • Bagpipe is looking for Q’s for February and March.  Hit up Cooter2 on Slack.

*** GREAT work this morning men.  We overcame the temptation of the warm fart sack and we are better because of it.  Great message from Bucky this morning on Slack challenging us to not let the weather deter us.  Appreciate the opportunity to lead this fine group of men!  See you in the gloom!

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