Sometimes Smack Must Be Talked, its Saturday in SOBland after all

Sometimes Smack Must Be Talked, its Saturday in SOBland after all

YHC may be compensating for something, an observation which was made within 30 seconds of my joining the PAX at the launch this AM.  After 4 months of all the running, all the time, I’ve been concerted in getting back into the boot camps throughout southland.  When the turkiest of all site Qs offered up today’s beat down I didn’t think twice.  I was, as they say, “down to henge.”  They don’t say that? Oh, well, you get my point either way, back to the workout…

The PAX were a bit restless as YHC jogged up to the launch point… why jog and not drive? Keep reading and you’ll see.  A brief yet Mermaid approved, disclaimer was given (its ok SOBs, you don’t have to get the reference, just stay with me) then off we moseyed.  Down across the Ballantyne corporate and into the hotel parking lot for COP:




5 Burpees OYO

20 IW IC

4 Burpees IC

15 Low Slow Squats IC

3 Burpees OYO

10 Low Slow Merkins IC

2 Burpees OYO

1 Burpee OYO

Walk the 50 feet to the back of YHC’s M’s Jeep (which was riding low as observed by multiple PAX) and withdraw coupons as follows; 2-80 lbs. sandbags, 2-60 lbs. sandbags, 2-40 lbs. slam balls, 2-20 lbs. slam balls, 1-120 lbs. sandbag.

PAX aided in distributing coupons around LochNess (80s at the near porch, 60s at the close porch, 40s at the point where the path heads down to the fit trail, 20s right by the entrance.  Pair up and stations were as follows:

Near Porch: Bent Over Rows with 80# X10, Wall Jump Burpee X5 -Flapjack Repeato

Far Porch: Clean to front squat with 60#, Peoples chair 10 count with right leg up, then left for 10 count, Flapjack Repeato

Fork in the Road: 40 lbs. slam ball reps X10, mosey to pull-up bars for pull ups X5, Flapjack Repeato

Entrance: Ballover Merkins X20, Jump-Squats X10, Flapjack Repeato

With 4 stations one pair was free to carry the 120 lbs. bag around LochNess, oh joy!  PAX carried the bag from one station to the next, handing off the bag to whoever was there and commencing to work until the bag came back around.  This averaged 3 full sets or so.  Pairs started carrying the 120 by the handles between them, but soon progressed to fireman carries as the preferred method.  We made it one full rotation then returned the coupons to the heavy laden jeep and moseyed back to the cars for 3 minutes of Mary.  FIN.


If I recall the pairs were Billy Goat with One Niner, Market Timer with Frehleys, Fire Hazard with Wild Turkey, and Kirby with Happy Meal.  YHC took the double red pill and worked solo this time around.  Whoa, that was a workout.  Shoulders will be burning well into the second half of the late game today.

Speaking of games, Frehleys wore more orange than I’d thought possible for an F3 workout, not a stitch of black to be seen.  My eyes are still bleeding.

One Niner crushed his reps and fireman carrying the 120, despite a bad shoulder.  Great work brother, heal up soon.

Kirby may have the absolute worst squat form YHC has ever seen, but as mentioned at Coffeteria, bad form may be better than no form at all… maybe.  He’ll undoubtedly benefit from all those waist squats at some point.

Wild Turkey was perspiring heavily by 30 seconds into the workout, but thats probably due to his pre-run which commenced at 0530, strong work my man.

Market Timer may have a stronger verbal motor than workout motor… but its a close thing.

FireHazard… never change my friend

BillyGoat learned today showing up to a dolphin Q without gloves is a bad idea, but solved that problem by solo carrying the 120 for the rest of the workout.  Talk about making worse of a bad situation!

Happy Meal gamely carried the 120 despite it being at least as big as he is, truly a fete worthy of exclamation.  He was certainly ready to ditch it tho when YHC arrived to relieve him on the final carry.

All joking aside, this may have been YHCs first post at Stonehenge, but hardly my first with this group of guys.  Everyone dug deep and crushed a gnarly gear workout for ~45 minutes or so.  I suspect they may have even enjoyed it, but what do I know?

As my last Q of 2019, this was a good end note by my own judgement, hopefully the PAX felt the same.  As we move ever closer to 2020 I find myself incredibly grateful yet again for the role F3, and the PAX of southland, have played in my life this year.  I end 2019 stronger of body than ever before.  More importantly, I feel supported in a way I didn’t feel possible in all of my life’s endeavors.  There are insufficient words to express how blessed I’ve been this year and that manifests as incredible momentum heading into 2020.

As I write this missive, I extend an offer to all who read (and many who don’t.). If there is an opportunity in 2020 for me to pull in alongside you and your challenges for a bit, to share the load, or just offer encouragement, please share that need.  It would be such a blessing for me to be able to share 1 10th of what was given to me in 2019.

Thanks to all the PAX and I’ll see you in the gloom.


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