Couple Playoff Holes Needed

Couple Playoff Holes Needed

Spring is in the air, so we all decided to sneak in a round at the Bushwood Country Club. I got there nice an early to survey the grounds and ensure everyone would have a great round before work and responsibilities caught up to us. I haven’t been to this site other than the wonderful day we launched a few months back. I tried to steal some ideas from previous Q’s, but my computer was having a tough time searching previous BackBlasts. Damn Internet.

DiCCS were shared. I outlined that the pace was going to be quick and miserable.


Let’s Mosey! 2 fast laps around the parking lot. Circle Up.

  • 20 – SSH
  • 20 – Imperial Walkers
  • 20 – Moroccan Night Club


Let’s Mosey! 2 more fast laps around the parking. Circle up at the starting point.

  • Jack Web to get us started.

Another fast lap around the parking lot.

  • Time for another dreaded web, this time Carolina Dry Docks and Squats.

Legs we so fried, we needed to slow mosey over to the playground to get a good lifting rock. Yes, we left the parking lot Mad Dog.

  • Another web to rest those legs. Let’s do Mike Tyson and Curls with our lifting rock. Why go sleeveless if you’re not going to pump those guns.

Slow mosey into the playground to some picnic tables. Biceps are smoked, let’s get those triceps some love.

  • Time left for another web? Sure, why not. Picnic table Derkins and Dips. These are pretty much impossible. One Star, Bottlecap and Dana pretty much threw me on their shoulders to make it to the finish line.

Drag your arms back to COT to get finished.


Amazing work by everyone. I got the attire of this sight correct but failed miserably to get the counts right. There is a 9 or 18 count expectation, but once I messed it up, I committed to adding the 2 additional playoff holes each round. Lots of fun mumble chatter around this.

I personally love the Webs. They may seem like a lazy way out at times, but it keeps everyone together and working hard. Proximity really helps with the mumble chatter. I couldn’t stop laughing multiple times today. Doing these webs doesn’t give you much of a chance to blend in and hide with the other PAX.

The guys really helped me finish those last few sets on the picnic tables. I’m always blown away by the strength shown by this group. Big thanks to the Site Q’s for having me out. I had a great time and look forward to visiting this site more often in the future. Too bad it took a Giants loss to make this happen.


  • December 14th will have 3 sites running. Commitment, Homecoming and Gladiator. Once finished, we will all converge downtown Waxhaw for the Waxhaw Adopt a Street Clean Up. This is M and 2.0 friendly, so bring help and join us at Coffeeteria at Crossroads Coffee House. Bring blowers, rakes and maybe hoes? (Carbload) Gladiator is going to be at Rea Farms
  • December 14th will also be Zin’s 5th annual Jingle Jangle Beer Exchange. 8pm in the Driveway.

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Brutus author

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