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  • When:12/19/2015
  • QIC: F3 Union County
  • The PAX: The innumerable men of Outland vs the men of Commitment (all 4 of you)

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It’s Christmas. And one of the best parts of Christmas is the act of giving. In that spirit, the innumerable men of Outland would like to give a challenge to the couple of men that post at Commitment.

The 100 burpees of Christmas Challenge:
We challenge Commitment to see who can get more pax to their December 19th workout. Whichever workout gets less that day has to do 100 burpees immediately after their COP at their December 26th workout. No break. No 10 count. 100 straight burpees.

For example, let’s say Outland gets 33 pax at our December 19th workout and Commitment gets 4 on the same day. That means the few remaining men at Commitment on December 26th will have to each do 100 burpees. And yes, I know you will complain that you actually tweeted out that you had 8 but to count towards this, they must have a Y chromosome. And we fully realize this means we won’t be able to count Horsehead but we will win this easily anyways.

In true Christmas spirit, we are compassionate to your handful of men. If you need to spend your entire Dec 26th workout doing a ring of burpees to get to 100, we understand and won’t hold it against you.

One last thing, we know you guys don’t really do burpees so here is a demonstration video for you:

Merry Christmas!

Glass Joe

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9 years ago

Quality is no longer enough, men of Commitment. Now we need to crush them in quantity, too.

9 years ago

Wow. This is fantastic. Here I am, minding my business, looking for attendance numbers, when I stumble across some magnificent trash talk from the hinterlands. Well done gentelman.

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