Based on the 22 PAX at Devil’s Turn this AM, BRR must be on the horizon. Whatever the reason, it was great to see the men of Area 51 assembled in such a big group at a running workout.
It is hill week at DT so we headed for Piper Glen for the 4 mile or 6 mile option. It was pointed out that these loops end up being ~3.5 mi and 5.5 mi but this discrepancy is easily overcome with an extension down Bevington Place or on the greenway if desired.
Because of the high numbers, good running groups formed and it seemed that there was a good 2nd F component during the run. While Bratwurst chastens for excessive jibba jabba (means you are not pushing hard enough), YHC finds that talking helps to take the mind off the pain of hill running. Hopefully, the PAX found that to be the case too.
Due to groups forming, YHC only has a recollection of the events of running with Haggis and Splinter (and a little with Hops). The discussion was good and YHC found that discussing things that piss off Haggis makes him run really fast. So note to self, speak calming words if you are ever being run into the ground by the hoss that is Haggis. Also, Splinter was pushing (should say pulling) the pace all morning. It was a struggle to keep up. It is hard to believe that BRR will be his first organized running race. If there was money involved, someone could accuse him of hustling due to his skill at running quickly for extended distances. #hustle&flow
Bratwurst was doing something this morning. Not sure if it was with DT or not. He was spotted going this way and that multiple times during the morning. One thing is for sure, he was running faster than anyone else out there so he can do what he wants. #masteroftheflyby
As said, YHC did not get around to all the groups so please add any interesting events in the comments. With the characters in attendance this morning, I am sure there are some good stories.
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