The Long Distance Starfish

  • When:07/22/2014
  • QIC: Alf
  • The PAX: Mr. Brady, Turkey Leg, Stone Cold, Boomer Sooner, Hopper, Gummy, Splinter, Stage Coach, Baracus, Skywalker, Rock Thrill, Bugeater, Runstopper, Purple Haze, Hairball, Fraiser, Hops, & Alf (Q)

The Long Distance Starfish

18 PAX gathered up this morning at Fast Twitch for a little BRR training and fresh air.  Well at least they got the BRR training in.  At 97% humidity I think I was taking on water weight rather than sweating it out.

The Thang:

Start off with loop around parking lot, some butt kickers and high knees while Skywalker gathers himself out of the car and straps on his headlamp with the red strobe light flashing out of the back.

Circle up for:

  • SSH x 25 IC
  • IW x 25 IC
  • Calf Raises x 25 IC

Mosey off into Raintree and huddle up on the corner of Raintree and Windbluff for instructions for the Long Distance 3 Legged Starfish.  (sorry no time for a full 5-Legged Starfish)

  • Run up to Smokerise and down around cal-de-sac and back to Windbluff
  • Run down Windbluff to road hump and back
  • Run down Raintree to tennis courts and back

At each tip perform 25 LBC’s.  When you return to the center perform 25 merkins.

Round 1 – Keep track of the time it takes to complete.

Round 2 – Same as round 1, but staggered starts with slowest guys out first and faster guys leaving a gap based on time differential.  (Slow PAX were 16 mins on Round 1.  If you came in at 15 mins, give them a 1 min headstart on Round 2)  While waiting to head out perform SSH and Squats OYO

The fast Pax are chasing the slow ones and the slow ones trying to stay ahead of the pack.  In theory all should finish at about the same time.

Plank after done with Round 2.

Mosey to Rising Meadow.  AYG up and around Rising Meadow cal-de-sac and back down to Rounding Run.

Indian Run back to SCMS.


Flutters x 25 IC

Dollies x 25 IC



Q received some heckling for the calf raises.  So YHC had to rebut with a dig on Runstopper’s stature.  Probably not the wisest move, but it was early and YHC was tired, and it was right before running off into the darkness with him.  Good thing YHC had the Road ID on so next of kin could identify me if necessary pay back was made in the gloom.  Luckily the ensuing O2 deprivation might have caused him to forget.

Skywalker and his red blinking light fended off most of the Peloton chasing him down in Round 2.  A strong push as he is building back up his running strength.

Splinter never saw a fire hydrant he didn’t yearn to pee on.  Just Saying.

So 2 sets of nearly ~2 mile intervals, with hills was a good time.  I think most everyone was smoked and the AYG on Rising Meadow, might have been more like an All You Got Left.  I think Frasier still had plenty left in the tank, he glided through the workout like it was all just a warm up for something more competitive later.

We covered 5.5 miles today and most of it was done at full on push, great work by all the Pax.  You should feel that one in the morning.

Thanks for Hops for the solid take out this morning.



  • F3 Dad’s Saturday, 9am, Beatty Park
  • Mud Run – still registering
  • F3 Dad’s camp – still spots open
  • BRR – Some course changes, connect with your captain on the details.
  • BRR – MudGear shirts need to be ordered by early August.  A51 BRR shirts still in prototyping
  • Rock Hill is trying to boost PAX.  They are converging on Saturday with the Fort Mill Crew at Cherokee Park.  Any support by A51 Pax heading down to Rock Hill would be appreciated.


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Alf author

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10 years ago

First the lawns of Piper Glen, and now the public utilities of Raintree? Is nothing safe? Is nothing sacred? What’s next – boogers on the church pew? Something unspeakable?

I know what you did last summer.

Purple Haze
10 years ago

I liked this plan. I hated executing it. Long stretch runs with some annoying climbs…and we were being timed. Since when does the uphill on Windbluff become a most favorable of the 3 options? At least for me, it was today…because it was the shortest. This was a day that, without the Pax to push me and Rock Thrill exorcising my demons while we ran, I would have packed it in and given half effort. Always better to have the brotherhood and accountability of my F3 brothers.

Pretty soon Splinter will have us banned from all South Charlotte neighborhoods.

Reply to  Purple Haze
10 years ago

Wooooeeeee. Hold on a minute you Rapscallions. First there were no christening of fire hydrants in Raintree. Second, I almost sharted myself which unfortunately led to PH claiming the hill ahead of me and his subsequently enlarged ego. Third, I think we should make it an honor to any PAX who can successfully complete the Lawn Duece.

While defending myself, I work hard at my size 2 figure. I have not eaten a real meal in 2 weeks. Only salads with 1 piece of grilled chicken breast.

10 years ago

was it necessary for PH and Splinter to go shirtless? That’s always a little disconcerting…albeit, not like when Semi-Gloss or Donkey Kong do so. Mercy!

Worst part for me was the merkins – suppose that speaks volumes about my pencil arms.

Also, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Bugeater was not, in fact, wearing a headband; but rather a visor backwards.

Good Q Alf. Good & terrible

Purple Haze
Reply to  Hops
10 years ago

I’m sure Splinter shed the shirt to show everyone he’s a size 2. I shed mine because my nips were in imminent danger.

10 years ago

My smoke boots fell off after starfish #1. You fellas are tough man, I don’t care what they say at skunkworks. Uh did you hear they did a pre-KB at skunk today by the way. #M-E-A-T-H-E-A-D Sounds like I really need to go by a headband.

10 years ago

Had to watch my back today after telling PH he looked like an “old guy in a rocker on the porch” stretching out on the curb. Too many consecutive running workouts with 90+% humidity is a high alert for “code red” – good call on going shirtless. The sun was not out, but the guns were.

Alf- been seeing a lot of you on Q lately. As usual, you brought the pain. I came mighty close to merlot spillage on the down slope of rising meadow #smoked. What’s up with me and Gummy always getting stuck with the uphill stretch on Indian runs??

10 years ago

Great Q Alf. And by the way, the reason I had that blinking red light on the back of my head was because I was serving as the chase vehicle for the peloton. It’s all about sacrificing for the team.

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