Hairball reached out to YHC in the spring about coming up to Charlotte one weekend and doing a celebrity Q. YHC jumped on the opportunity as a chance to see some old friends as YHC has missed the camaraderie of Area 51. After flying back from Texas at 1 am, YHC was on the road to Charlotte 4 hours later.
YHC met some new faces and great to see Strawberry, Horsehead (virgin post at Day Zero), Alf, and Prohibition. Alf asked if we were going to get dirty and then remembered i hated getting my shoes dirty so he opted for his clean sneaks. Then it was 7 am and we were off.
Mosey to yellow rose parking lot.
– 25 SSH
had some area 51 pax rib me about my F3Lake Murray logo. just wait. don’t poke the bear.
-15 little arm circles….this was met with jeers about how day zero is supposed to be hard. (ok fine…we can skip the warm up and embrace the suck)
introduced Day Zero to the bull, a simple but painful workout from the columbia area. We utilized the four corners of the block encompassing the yellow rose.
Lap 1
Corner 1 – 10 burpees
Corner 2 – 20 merkins
Corner 3 – 30 lunges alternating legs
Corner 4 – 40 plank jacks
Lap 2 Add 5 reps at each corner.
We got in 5 laps and 3.5 miles in 40 minutes.
The pax were feeling the planned workout to this point was too monotonous. Therefore, we picked up some 45 and 35 lb plates we found in the grass and went to 3 man grinders.
partner 1 mtn climbers
partner 2 hairburners
partner 3 squats
This little 10 minute routine was a crowd favorite.
Mosey to parking lot at McAlpine for Mary
circled up
ring of fire – all pax hold plank. one pax does 5 merkins and so on and so on
Boat/canoe – lake murray AO staple
-F3 dads starting up soon and some other announcements. ask your site Q’s.
The Moleskine.
YHC enjoyed being back and getting to mix it up with some old friends. great memories from this AO. The former site Q’s (nowwhere to be found) helped take YHC in when first connecting with F3. Some of the harder workouts in F3 were deliverd at day zero. hopefully all got their money’s worth here.
when describing the bull. YHC thinks it was McGee that said, “Bull$&!T is more liking it.” but then YHC remembers seeing McGee after the hairburners beat and exhausted and commenting on how hard it was.
I love that when spackler refusniks on burpees he just hangs out and watches instead of at least replacing them with crunches or something. Shameless. Love it.
Alf is still a beast. YHC tried to keep pace with he and McGee, but pretty sure Alf can do 3 burpess in same time it takes YHC to do 1.
thankful to see old friends like Strawberry and Horsehead there. Iron sharpens iron. These two dudes are part of my spiritual sharpening. Had some great times with both dialoguing over the Lord. YHC was personally and spiritually encouraged by both posting.
On the otherhand, Semi-gloss texted me notifying me he would not make it, gave an excuse about some board meeting on a satruday am. Spackler informed me it was more due to consumption on Friday evenings.
great group of guys out there. Dear Abbey was holding a strong pace as was Red Rocks.
Cheers gents and looking forward to BRR with flatnin the hills and other Area51 teams.
now can i get a volunteer to come to SC one saturday and guest Q at Havoc with me?
13 Pax forsook the fartsack and stumbled sleepy eyed into the Kevlar AO.
The Thang: Mosey around parking lot couple of times waiting for last minute arrivals.
10 Merkins IC
20 Mountain Climbers IC
20 Imperial Walkers (sort of in cadence…mumble chatter began)
10 Merkins IC
mosey to rock pile. grab rocks and a partner. mosey to back entrance to church. Catch me if you can with rocks.
Partner 1 run with rock.
Partner 2 5 burpees or 10 merkins then run and catch.
Plank for active recovery by CDS sign.
Mosey to field with rocks.
Partner work continues. cumulative exercises. Partner 1 performs called exercise. Partner 2 runs lap around gravel track. LBC and Flutter kicks for groups finishing early as active recovery
Squats to 100
Curls to 100
Tricep extensions to 100
Merkins to 150 (mumble chatter…something about runstopper is not on Q)
Lunges to 100
Flutter kicks x 20
Freddie Mercury x 20
Old timey Sit ups x 20
Rosalita x 20
-Sign up for Christmas Party
-Tclaps for first timer Birdman, T claps to Heartbreaker for bringing out a co-worker and friend.
1. YHC is out of shape. TR was chasing YHC down on the laps. YHC was so gassed even the thought of injured pride losing a smoke book contest to TR, couldn’t motivate YHC into a higher gear. Need to hit up FT and DT regularly.
2. YHC had a harder workout planned, but changed it during the COP, to accommodate. Thus everything was planned on the fly. Hope all still got their money’s worth. The intended workout was hill sprints with rock work with partners and a longer catch me if you can. It will be saved for future dates. The track helped keep everyone together.
3. Much respect to Susudio. the man is a beast. usually dominating the whipper snappers out there.
4. T claps to Sanka and partner for using the man sized boulder.
5. YHC aplogizes for the bad cadence on the imperial walkers. Tclaps to ALF for the constructive criticism. Also for the late bb posting (crazy last few days and weeks!)
19 Pax forsook the insidious fartsack and trekked their way to Rebel Yell for the warm greeting of 2nd F, pavement, and iron plates.
The Thang
Quick jog around parking lot, butt kickers, high knees, karaokee
SSH x 25 IC
IW x 20 IC
Slow count Merkins x 20 IC
Mountain Climbers x 25 IC
Jog to YHC’s car, which was riding pretty heavy. Unload plates. Near counting SNAFU then assembled into groups of 3
Catch me if you can Hairburners
Round 1 x 10 Burpees
Round 2 x 10 Merkins
Round 3 x 10 Jump Tucks
Round 4 x 10 Squats
Station Work
Station 1 (CDD, wide arm merkin, diamond merkin)
Station 2 (calf raises, squats, lunges)
Station 3 (run to and from stations 1 and 2)
Door #1 (more hairburners) Door # 2 (fun surprise)
Strawberry chose Door #2 and off to the hill for Jacob’s ladder
Jacobs ladder x 7 (Burpees at top, Merkins at bottom)
Freddie Mercury x 25 IC
Dolly x 25 IC
Rosalita x 20 IC
LBC x 25 OYO
Russian/Mason/KBG Twist x 30? IC
Heels to the Heavens x 15? IC
-YHC has yet to spill merlot at F3, but came close on 2 occasions. One at YHC’s earlier postings at FT, Haze was there. Two, upon the first time YHC encountered Hairburners. YHC has loved them ever since. As soon as Spackler asked me to Q, this had been brewing for a week.
-YHC wonder how many of the PAX would have preferred Hairburners to Jacob’s Ladder. Spackler, said he would have take then plates. Alf, however, noted that the hill we did was nothing. No hill intimidates him after the BRR.
-Strawberry must be the adventurous/curious type. He could not resist failing to choose the unknown/surprise workout, even if it happened to be worse than hair burners. However, the suck factor was most likely comparable.
– Tclaps to Pulled Pork, Alf, Morning After. Pushing it hard today. Pulled Pork was blazing on the hariburners. His two team mates should take him to lunch, he saved them time on the plates.
– Others might have been pushing it hard out there, but YHC was too busy planning on the fly to practice good observation skills.
– YHC has met Pulled Pork, Rump Roast, and Brisket but just realized as I was entering the names into the PAX list the BBQ/meat connection. YHC is very curious to the etymology of these handles/monikers. You guys run a BBQ joint? How did that go down?
-Need a RY regular to step up and help with shoe donations.
-Give an older pair of sneaks to an F3 site workout to distribute to Charlotte Rescue Mission
-Don’t Waste Your Life.
The VSF was firmly planted and then 21 men got after it today.
SSH x 20
IW x 20
Merkins x 15
Mountain Climber x 20
Slow Squat x 20
line up in two lines for the Indian Bear Crawls. Bear crawl forward and Bear Crawl backwards.
Mosey to Firebirds parking lot. belated disclaimer. Partner up
Run with partner to Speed Bump 25 nipplers, Run with Partner to fountains, 25 squats, run with partner to Wendy’s 25 partner Merkins (some partner carried home, most Refuseniked)
Repeat-o but replaced squats with step ups.
Mosey to side of movie theater.
Partner 1 performs called exercise while partner 2 runs a lap around semi circle parking lot.
Peoples Chair
Calf Raises
Bear Squats
Monkey Humpers
Peoples Chair
Carolina Dry Docks
4 min of Mary
Flutter x 25
Dolly x 25
Freddy Mercury x 20
LBC x 25
1. donate cans to spearhead on Friday morning workout
2. Get involved in a third F to get more out of F3. Opportunities include Aftermath (6:30 on Wednesdays at Starbucks at Piper Glen)
Threshold (High noon on Wednesdays at Bojangles by South Park Mall)
The Stand (6:30 am on Fridays at Carmel Village Panera)
Compass (6:30am on Fridays at Chick-fil-a Arborteum)
YHC saw Indian Bear Crawl in another backblast and wanted to try it. YHC nearly miffed the explanation, but the PAX cleared up the communication. There was a lot of mumble chatter regarding the suck factor of doing pushups sustained for several minutes in anticipation of a future bear crawl.
YHC had taken Rebel Yell off for about 2 months to train for BRR. There are a lot of new faces out there and a lot of cool guys. Those who make themselves regulars at RY make sure to get to know one another. First time YHC had ever seen Bush and Bananas at RY. site FNGs?
The workout today was constant movement, very little recovery, so everyone should have got their heart up quick and kept it there, YHC saw a good bit of hands on the knees during the last 10 min. Pecs and legs should be feeling it later today.
temperatures will begin to drop in the coming month. PAX stay committed to posting. Test your body in the elements, make yourself stronger, fitter, leaner, meaner.
Strong work by Teddy, Bananas, Busch, Escargot and others.
T claps to Busch for the send off
The VSF was firmly planted and 8 PAX slowly took off for a short mosey. Not sure if anyone wore a GPS watch today but I doubt we exceeded more than half a mile. YHC apologizes for nagging hamstring, so didn’t want to be running much today. Therefore, PAX were in for a high rep chest, back, and ab day with some leg workouts in the mix.
Mosey around lower parking lot loosen the legs some and get the heart rate moving slightly north.
SSH x20
IW x 20
Slow squats x 20
Mtn Climber x 20
Merkins x 15
The Thang:
Pax line up and receive instructions (for old cross fit workout). 3 stations. run to each station (15 yds or so) perform exercises. Once reps are attained do 10 burpees and run to the next station.
Station 1: 100 squats
Station 2: 50 Hand Release Merkins (crowd pleaser)
Station 3: 100 Old Timey Sit-ups (crowd pleaser) audibled to 75
Plank to get all Pax back together
Station 4: 100 Monkey Humpers
Station 5: 50 Carolina Dry Docks
Mosey to playground area for pain stations and partner up.
Round 1: Partner 1 = 10 pull ups, partner 2 = 25 dips (flapjack)
Round 2: Partner 1 = 10 pull ups, partner 2 = 25 Derkins (flapjack)
Round 3: Partner 1 = 10 pull ups, partner 2 = 30 Bear Squats (flapjack)
Round 4: Patner Derkins/Shoulder Presses (also crowd pleaser)
Mosey to wall for some Semi-Gloss/aka People’s Chair
Mosey to Parking lot for 7 minutes of Mary.
Flutter x 25 IC
Rosilita x 25 IC
Freddy Mercury x 25 IC
Heels to Heavens x 15ish?? IC
Wide arm merkins x 10 OYO
Diamond merkins x 10 OYO
Military Merkins x 10 OYO
Russian Twist x 40 OYO
Split let sit ups x 20 OYO
Started off with little mumble chatter. Maybe a bit of the Mondays, maybe PAX just focused on getting their money’s worth. The mumble chatter did begin to increase during the Hand Release Merkins, and significantly so during the 100 called sit ups.
The workout was a grind. Long and hard workout. Focused on high reps, it just took time. But by the end Pecs, Quads, Abs, should have been fried.
YHC called an audible to 75 sit ups in fear of a mutiny, however we finished up those left out reps and some during 7 minutes of Mary.
burpees after 100 squates = hard.
burpees after 50 hand release merkins = harder
Great seeing Young Love, have not seen him in months due to summer travel and conflicting workout days.
Tclaps to Gumbo, site FNG and first day back out to F3 in 2 months. YHC apologizes for almost causing the merlot to spill. The first one back is always the hardest after an extended leave.
Encouragement to all Pax. Don’t stop posting, we lose it quickly.
Tclaps to Coal Miner’s Daughter every time YHC posts at Matrix, I notice that he is incredible shape. Beasts the pull ups
Tclaps to Alf for giving me advice on taking care of Hamstring
Still some mud run open slots, if you can do it, sign up, great 1st and 2nd F.
All PAX be aware of tutoring opportunities and service opportunities this fall. See weekly email for details.
All PAX working in South Park, 3rd F Threshold starts new book this week. “Don’t Waste Your Life.” you can download the pdf for free here Threshold meets Wednesdays at noon at Morrison Cafeteria (Bojangles/Donatos)
The Thang: Eight men came together for what they thought would be a running beat down. They were surprised by the swollfest that they indued. It was all about reaching the total for the merkin challenge and celebrating my 40th birthday.
Warm up a mosey lap around the track. That is all. There was no time to delay the pain.
Starfish: Five sections. Partner up. Partner one does the called exercise at the station while partner two gets as many merkins as they can before their partner gets back. Station one 40 jump ups: Station two 40 LBCs: Station three 40 curls with a man size rock: Station four suppine pull ups x 40: and lastly 40 jump squats.
Rinse and repeat but this time different exercises. Station one split squat x 40: Station two Russian twist x 40: Station three tricep curls x 40: station four hold plank for one minute.
There was not enough time to get to station five. Good work out of everyone. Almost everyone got to merkin goal and those that did not Splinter helped get them there.
2nd half
Mosey to basketball court for partner work. Partner 1 performs called exercise while partner 2 runs 100m and back.
Partner Monkey Humpers x 200 cumulative.
Partner Pull ups x 60 cumulative.
Partner Bear Squats x 100 cumulative (audibled away from 200)
Catch me if you can around Track.
Round 1 – Jump Squats x 10
Plank until all pax back. Left hand behind back then 6 in was not a crowd pleaser, more like a crowd confuser.
Round 2 – Lunges x 20
Merkins in Cadence x 15
Mosey to parking lot.
Grab some Semi-Gloss. Arms out, Shoulder Presses
Flutters x 25
Freddy Mercury x something
Heels to the Heaven x 15
Merkins in Cadence x 15
Apparently Frasier and YHC have a reputation for running, so everyone assumed lots of running today. Instead the Pax were treated to 300+ Merkin Fest. The BRR runners need to get their Pecs ripped up before the race to market their F3 bodies to all the tomatoes they pass on the hills of WNC.
Good work by all. Sonar probably put in the best work. I think he even chased YHC and Stagecoach down on one of the 100 m runs.
Good to see Prohibition out there recovering from a lingering calf injury. Tclaps to Whiplash and Dry Needling.
Amidst the Starfish Merkins, boredom set in and the Pax were seeking creative ways to do Merkins. Hence the Ferkins (Finger Merkins) and the Clerkins (Clap Merkins). Although disclaimer, be careful when doing on pavement. YHC almost took it to the chin.
Mud Run sign ups still open.
Prayers for family friends of Smash. Friend Claire (14) struggling with medical issues.