Summer School F3 Class

  • When:07/18/14
  • QIC: Mermaid
  • The PAX: Cane, Abacus, Dory, Snowflake, Chelms, Jamboree, Outback, Swanson, Escargot, Brushback, Hops, Fried Okra (WB), Boomer (WD), Philmont, Wingman

Summer School F3 Class

summer school

The thang:

Mosey from launch lot through campus and across 51 to parking lot by Jack in the Box. Plank to wait for pax.

15 Double-merkin Burpees OYO

Mosey to Palatine Hill

Plank to wait for pax. Plank-o-rama. Line up at bottom of hill.

13’s (in honor of Snowflake’s 53rd birthday a few weeks back and his fondness for this brutal work)

Start at bottom of hill with one jump squat. Run to top for 12 burpees. 2-11, 3-10, 4-9, etc.

Plank to wait for pax. Plank-o-rama.

Mosey back to Jack in Box parking lot. 15 Double-merkin burpees to catch Jamboree and Wingman up.

Mary: 10 each (IC): Heels to Heaven/Bicycle/Flutter

Mosey back to Campus to rock pile. Stop for plank-o-rama. Grab an exercise rock.

Rock Sets

Civilian cadence: 15 curls/15 skull crushers/15 presses/15 CDD/15 presses/15 curls/15 skull crushers

Drop rock and mosey down to big parking lot. Line up.

Partner Sprints/Planks

Partner 1 sprint (75%) to far light. Partner 2 plank. Swap when partner 1 returns x5.

Partner Merkins

Both partners plank. Alternate plank/merkin from 1-8.

All you got sprint to far end of parking lot.

Mary: 10 each (IC): Heels to Heaven/Bicycle/Flutter. Protractor

10 Burpees OYO

Mosey to launch lot for COT.

No need for COP this AM. We did enough last week to scratch that itch. A quick stop for double-merkin burpees and off to Palatine Hill. Jamboree and Wingman joined the group after pulling in after the 0530 launch time, just in time for 13’s on the hill. Brought this set back for Snowflake’s birthday as he neglected to tell us until after the workout was over a few weeks back. Chelms was Larry Bird on this set. Strong work. The hill work was rough today. Solid work out there by the pax. We moved around a lot and neglected the 10-count. After the workout, Brushback told YHC it was a good class today. YHC took us out in BOM.


F3 Dads
The Stand
Mud Run registration still open. Price went from $55 to $65. Well worth the cash investment. Sign up and do it.

Need more Qs click on this link for Google Drive schedule.


About the author

Escargot author

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10 years ago

I was struggling but glad to do it alongside the Centurion pax. Burpees are always unsavory and have not gotten easier after 2.5+ years of doing them. Also had to modify and downsize my rock midway through #pencilarms. Just had to fight through today. Strong Q Mermaid.

10 years ago

Mermaid, once again great class. Sign me up for the next one. I’m considering buying a monthly membership. Month-to-month though to start.

Chelms aka Tatertot
Reply to  Brushback
10 years ago

BB – you don’t need any classes – you are ready to Q now. Just let me know what date you want I late Augusr or thereafter.

10 years ago

Brushback you will have the class schedule in the weekly emails. Escargot, thanks for posting. Hops, great Q at the Stand. Need to report on Snowflake’s run-in with the CMPD at 0500. He pulled into the upper lot then, realizing the huge sand pile was gone, parked in the regular launch lot. CMPD car pulled up to question him about his presence on the campus. He explained why he was there and showed off his F3 logo shirt. They had a conversation about cross-fit and Snowflake invited the gentlemen officers to join us. Great work out there by all today.

Chelms aka Tatertot
10 years ago

I think 13’s on Palentine need to be mentioned in the disclaimer up front. That was not fun and my legs are still screaming at me. Strong work.

I think the cops only show up when Mermaid has the Q. Probably watching the perimeter to make sure no one tries to go AWOL.

10 years ago

Another quality Q Mermaid. Don’t think Cain will be making mention of this one being easier than some of your other Q’s. Actually made Chelms gush. Must have something to do with not having to tote a paver around.

Chelms aka Tatertot
Reply to  Abacus
10 years ago

I contemplated pulling the paver out of the SUV and made the wise decision, once again, to leave behind.

10 years ago

Mermaid, classic beatdown.
From the kb rinse and repeats to the bitter end.
While I take no responsibility for today’s Palatine burpees, I will make Double Merkin Burpees a new part of my arsenal. Happy to trade unsavory workout ideas with you –
And if it weren’t for the F3 logo shirt, I would have been tasered for sure.

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