33 Pax signed up for another round of beat downs at Skunkworks this morning. It was a systematic breakdown of each muscle group that hopefully will leave a few people sore throughout the day.
The Thang:
5 Minutes of Jogging in place and Q called out “down” – PAX had to drop flat down to stomach and Pop back up as quickly as possible x 40 (alternating rolling left and right intermittently)
Merkins x 15
Goblet Squat x 10
Merkins x 14
Good Mornings x 10
Merkins x 13
Goblet Squat x 10
Merkins x 12
Good Mornings x 10
Merkins x 11
Goblet Squat x 10
Merkins x 10
1000 Rep Challenge – Partners cumulative rep counting per round
Round 1. P1 Overhead Press x. KB; P2 Bear Crawl with KB; flapjack until reaching 200 reps
Round 2. P1 Bent-Over Rows x. KB; P2 Sprint to fence and back approx. 100 yards; flapjack until reaching 200 reps
Round 3. P1 Dolly w. KB Press; P2 Duck-Walk with KB 30 yards and run back; flapjack until reaching 200 reps
Round 4. P1 Upright Rows w. KB; P2 Sprint to fence and back approx. 100 yards; flapjack until reaching 100 reps
Round 5. P1 KB Swings; P2 Lunge Walk 30 Yards, run back; flapjack until reaching 100 reps
Round 6. P1 Bicep Curls w. KB; P2 Sprint to fence and back approx. 100 yards; flapjack until reaching 100 reps
Round 7. P1 Tricep Curls w. KB; P2 Sprint to fence and back approx. 100 yards; flapjack until reaching 100 reps
TOTAL Reps: 1,000 (not counting any reps from COP or other work workout)
Up downs x 20
LBC x 50
It’s been over 3 months since I’ve been able to come back out to Skunkworks and it was a nice homecoming for sure (been head locked by SPEARHEAD and GORUCK). The Pax killed it out there today and it was an impressive display of strength and cardio by all in attendance. T-Claps to everyone as I can’t just single out a couple people – the entire group worked well together, followed cadence and completed the massive amount of reps we had on the agenda today.
In all we completed 1,235 TOTAL REPS! That is 27 reps per minute for 45 minutes. Unreal!!!
Brothers, it was great to lead such an impressive group of athletes today. As always, I greatly appreciate the opportunity to lead you through another workout and hope the pain was sufficient.
The Hoff
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