We started with 38 but ended with 37. Not sure where Wolfman ended up but he might have been the only sane one among us.
Knowing there would be lots of snatches and swings, Your Q advised the Pax to remove watches and rings. Many were not able to do so–#sausagefingers. Chatty mosey down to parking lot and knock the stink off with some SSHs, I Walkers and Squats. If you are wearing sleeves–on a 57 degree morning–do some burpees then go straight to your VW Cabriolet, get your man card out of your purse, and turn it in. Because that is some weak sauce. Fifty. Seven. Degrees. That’s just sad.
But there’s nothing we can do for our besleeved comrades, so we move on to an exercise I am fond of: the two-handed swing. Just forty or so to get the hips firing, hamstrings and glutes activated, core engaged. A prelude for….
The Secret Service Snatch Test. The SSST is as brutal as it is simple: do as many snatches as you can (with good form, of course) in 10 minutes. You can put the bell down and you can switch hands. It’s meant to be an indicator of mental toughness as much as anything but from what I can tell, people that care about these things consider anything below 200 substandard. And that’s with a 53 lb. bell, mind you. The ladies have the option to use the 12kg (25lb) or the 16kg (35 lb) bell for the test. If that weight more closely resembles your bell you were probably wearing sleeves. For the record: 155 with a 45 lb and it sucked.
A Short Leg-O-Rama: tried a hack squat of sorts with the bell behind the back, but that didn’t work so well. Followed by sumo squats, KB lunges, Good Mornings, and then KB lunges to each side. Just enough time to let the arms recover for….
The Swing Ladder A variation of my solo #sadclown workout when I can’t post:
An asinine amount of snatches and swings result in the Dead Fish Handshake. Go with the fist bump today.
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