It’s like a sauna in here!

It’s like a sauna in here!

The Thang

The virtual shovel flag was planted (YHC hasn’t embarked on the task of shovel-flag-making yet) and 17 brave men jogged into the steamy gloom to kick-off our new Wednesday workout at Calvary Church – ANVIL!

• SSH x 50
• Merkins x 25
• Squats x 25
• Wide arm Merkins x 20
• Lunges x 20
• Diamond Merkins x 15
• Air squats x 15

Mosey to Sandbox & Partner up
Cycle 1
• Partner 1 burpees
• Partner 2 bear crawl across sandbox and back
• Flapjack
Cycle 2
• Partner 1 burpees
• Partner 2 gorilla walk across sand and back
• Flapjack
Cycle 3
• Partner 1 burpees
• Partner 2 dragon walk across sandbox 1 way
• Call for partner when done, Partner 2 does burpees until Partner 1 finishes
Final Cycle
• Wheelbarrow across sand one way
• Flapjack and return

Mosey to Shelter for “She-hate-me”
• Exercise 1 – dips x 20
• Exercise 2 – decline merkins x 20
• Exercise 3 – jump ups x 20

Mosey to small hill for intervals (~100 yds)
• sprint to top of hill
• 10 merkins at the top
• jog back to starting line
• repeato x 4

Mosey back to parking lot for Mary (time allowing)
• LBC x 15
• Flutters x 15
• Dolly x 15

Naked Moleskin
Great support today for our new workout at Calvary. A big thanks to all pax who came out to support. Wednesdays are a popular workout day, so its important that we mix it up and support all of our workout groups to keep the size manageable.
We started out with a nice variety of merkins today, then moved on to the sandbox to torture our upper bodies further. YHC pulled out some crowd favorites with some bear crawls and gorilla walks, no flying wolverine, no gorilla walk. Then brought back a crowd favorite with the dragon walk! Plenty of heavy breathing after that.
After brushing the sand off we headed over to the shelter for a good dose of she-hate-me. Lots of mumbling about the temperature in the shelter. Even though its open on three sides, it felt at least 15 degrees warmer under there. #turnontheAC.
The pax was very glad to leave the sauna and head out to the soccer field for some interval sprints. OK…they were just glad to leave the sauna. I hadn’t planned on including the merkins during this part of the workout, but all seemed very pleased that I called the audible on the spot. #ohmyarms
Welcome to our FNG Jim Ausmen (aka Blue Rhino)! Thanks for coming to be a part of launching our new workout, and I hope you’ll join us for many more.
Great work today men!

* Come support M. Runstopper and the Charlotte Roller Girls this Sunday for a double-header at the Grady Cole Center. Great family fun!
* 2nd F event – Pig Pickin’ on Saturday, July 13th. Bugeater is your contact.
* F3Dads this Saturday at Frances Beatty Park – 9:00am

About the author

Baracus author

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11 years ago

Looks like a great launch this morning, Baracus. Good job!

11 years ago

Way to go guys! I look forward to seeing you out there in the future.

11 years ago

Even a post work out jump in the pool failed to cool me off after this torture session! Great work. Blue Rhino (FNG) had quite a baptism. Tough work. Come again.

Young Love
11 years ago

Well done, BA. Great inaugural workout. You set the bar high. You know it’s a solid workout when this group of PAX walk away drenched and gasping for breath.

Run Stopper
11 years ago

Dude, im still trying to stop sweating! Excellent work by all and very successful launch!
T-claps to Baracus for leading the way!

11 years ago

Painful start to Anvil! Excellent stuff Baracus. Pretty sure I almost passed out during the decline merkins…part of the wonderful experience that is: F3! DK proved once again that he is part bear. Mistook Lex Luthor for Matlock with his LIFO arrival. And that’s the farthest north and west that Countertop has ventured in months! Great group this morning and T-claps to Baracus for delivering on the promised anguish.

11 years ago


Now thats getting a tad-bit-old!
Like I said to a Federal Judge once: “The game does not begin until I arrive. Before that everyone is just warming the bench.” (He promptly asked me if I brought my check book along that day.)

11 years ago

Whew! Just awoke from a “post Anvil” nap induced by Baracus’ sauna spell! Awesome launch! I knew you’d “bring it” strong!

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