A Skunk of Many Stripes

  • When:11/27/12
  • QIC: Tiger Rag
  • The PAX: Blue Cheese, Young Love, Countertop, DoRuck (Seasonal Modifier), McGee, Stone Cold, Monkey Joe, The Shore, Donkey Kong, Stage Coach, Short Sale, Dolphin, Wanker, Header, Hopsquatch (Seasonal Modifier), Ray Charles, Bug Eater, Crab Cake, Uncle, Baracus

A Skunk of Many Stripes

Twenty three #AnarchistSkunks pushed down old ladies, torched Peugeots, and fomented discontent.  Yet the Segway never came….



  • Walk of the Bone Stackers, Alternate L and R
  • Partner up for:   Pax 1: 2-KB Farmer Run.  Pax 2: 5 Burpees and sprint to catch Pax 1.  Flapjack around loop (1/2 mile).
  • SSH x 35
  • I-Walker: 20


  • 2-hand KB swing x 30
  • Sprint Hill 3x
  • 1-hand KB swing x 15L / x15R
  • Sprint to buses and back (+/- 100 yd)
  • Rotational 2-hand swing x 10L / x 10R
  • Sprint hill 3x
  • Goblet Squats x 10
  • Sprint 100 yds
  • Halos x 10CW / x10CCW
  • Sprint 100 yds
  • Renegade Rows x 10L / x10R
  • Sprint Hill 3x
  • Goblet Squat Jumps x 10
  • Sprint 100 yds
  • 1-Leg Romanian Dead Lift
  • Sprint Hill 3x

Walk of the Bone Stackers, Alt L/R, Back to Lot


  • KB Russian Twist x 10
  • Slow Dolly x 3 (Make a hole for the car)
  • Fast Dolly x 30




  • A direct ripoff of The Combine.    Imitation, flattery and all that.  The Skunk Works model is to bring pain in its manifold incarnations. #PainItForward.
  • Mall Cop, flapping the gums on the twitterz, goes UA Level 5.  Please turn in your plastic cuffs and baton at the Mall Office. Leave the keys in the Segway.
  • Kotters to Pretty Boy Quarterback, bum knee and all.
  • Dolphin (“Fish with womb”) disproves the notion of being the smartest mammal:  runs to Skunk with KB.  Then (the sweet irony) enjoys a KB/Sprint workout.  We all enjoy a good laugh at your expense, #WombFish.
  • Sign up for the GORUCK before #TheWorldsToughestPediatrician comes to your house and punches your kids in the throat.
  • Pray for the Browning family (Callaway).  His mother is in failing health.

“One good deed is more worth than a thousand brilliant theories. Let us not wait for large opportunities, or for a different kind of work, but do just the things we ‘find to do’ day by day. We have no other time in which to live. The past is gone; the future has not arrived; we never shall have any time but time present. Then do not wait until your experience has ripened into maturity before you attempt to serve God. Endeavour now to bring forth fruit. Serve God now, but be careful as to the way in which you perform what you find to do—’do it with thy might.’ Do it promptly; do not fritter away your life in thinking of what you intend to do to-morrow as if that could recompense for the idleness of today. No man ever served God by doing things to-morrow. If we honour Christ and are blessed, it is by the things which we do today. ” – Charles Spurgeon


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Tiger-Rag author

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11 years ago

When your form is crap, it’s time for a lighter hunk o’iron. Haven’t been that close to spillage in a long time. #gnarly #smoked

Ben Franklin
Ben Franklin
11 years ago

Glad to see the #Combine methods showing up elsewhere – the more, the merrier. Looks like a smoker, TR…nice work.

11 years ago

Actually I didn’t run to the workout with the KB – I may be crazy sometimes but I am not stupid. Header brought it for me. I did run to the workout and did some repeats on the “ring road” thinking ” surely we won’t be running today”. Thanks for the pain this AM.

Mall Cop
11 years ago

#MajorFartsacker! Ah yes, I’m affraid the UA Level 5 accusation is true. I’ve parked the Segway in the charging station and turned over the baton and handcuffs until I post tomorrow morning at Death Valley so I can redeam myself.

You can’t take a week and a half off even for a vacation or else you become soft and week like your other #sadclown non F3 friends!

Mall Cop
Reply to  Mall Cop
11 years ago

Weak that is!

11 years ago

I think I need to make my presence more known for TR to remember me in the backblast. Might have to go code red next week.

The Shore
Reply to  Harley
11 years ago

Harley should actually get extra credit for having the coolest design for his kettlebell. He might not have realized it at first, but in spray painting a simple white line down his black kettlebell, it now looks like a weighted version of a skunk! In fact, I think we should adopt that thing as our mascot at Skunk Works,

11 years ago

don’t take it personally Harley — he also forgot Pretty Boy QB in the Pax listing.
that was painful stuff this morning….though Hopsquatch like pain…..

11 years ago

Just when I thought I knew what a traditional workout at Skunkworks is like, TR surprises us yet again. Good beatdown my brother.

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