Southern Raintree

Southern Raintree

Date: 2024-07-16 AO: fast-twitch Q: wildturkey PAX: Astro (Kyle Kirchhoff), Orange Whip, Benny FNGs: None COUNT: 4
WARMUP: 2 miles of hills THE THANG: Run up and down hill to S. Raintree fitness park for pullups, burpees at bottom Run back to AO MARY: Nope ANNOUNCEMENTS: Astro is hosting some upcoming mental fitness zoom classes COT: 🙌🤩🔥🥳

Find the breeze

Date: 2024-07-16 AO: bagpipe Q: kirby PAX: Abba, Hawkeye, Eleanor FNGs: None COUNT: 4 We went in search of a breeze on this muggy morning. Thinking of cool mountain breeze YHC took us up hill the long way to the top of the parking deck. Evidently there was none up that high😪. So we kept moving and only found sweet breeze at the launch. WARMUP: 10 merkins 10 squats 10 mountain climbers THE THANG: Mosey to basement. 10 merkins hand release then run 1 floor and 10 jump squats. After watching Abba crush it up thr ramps I asked if there were only hills in Thailand. Evidently its flat and he is just a beast. Hawkeye stayed with him and crushed the climb. Eleanor coming back from hip injury still made it look easy. After some reflection and called Mary on the 3 floor we made it back the bottom and did knees over toes on the curb. On wobbly legs we moseyed back to launch with a minute to spare for 20 squats. MARY: Pretzel crunch big boys and v ups ANNOUNCEMENTS: kid rock race, brolympics on July 27 and same day Date night at OMB. COT: Abba took us out in Thai. That was awesome!

Dropkick Skunkworks

Date: 2024-07-16 AO: skunk-works Q: MARTA PAX: Header, lois, Mountain Momma FNGs: None COUNT: 4 Mumblechatter: First Q at Skunkworks as I don’t like to travel. The Q also didn’t realize that music is encouraged. An audible was called to Spotify’ Celtic Punk playlist. Needless to say it was well recieved. No complaints were had for burpees. Must be the Q.
WARMUP: 2 laps 15 SSH 15 swings 15 IW Prying squats 15 squats Around the world x8 es
Emom 10 min: 1st minute: 3x to 5 x snatches ES + 5 jump squats 2nd minute: 1 lap
SQUAT Complex: 7 kb squats Waiter carry/rack/suitcase 7 kb squats Return X3
50 lbcs 5 burpees
10 count rest
20 heavy swings 5 rdls es 30 sec rest X3
50 lbcs 5 burpees
10 snatches Mary
Announcements: None
COT: Header takes us out

Stretch but Don’t Twist

Date: 2024-07-15 AO: firestarter Q: war_eagle PAX: Rudy, kirby, das_boot, Kelly, wildturkey FNGs: None COUNT: 6
WARMUP: Warmup by Target. It was here during runner’s stretch that it was decided by the group that the intention is to stretch and not twist specific areas. THE THANG: Paula Abdul with cinder blocks behind Target. Rifle carry block to first street light for 20 curls/10 right hand on block merkins/10 left hand on block merkins.
Put block down and run to next street light for 10 v-ups. Run back and rifle carry block to next street light. We made it through about 8-10 lights with 3-4 left when YHC called it.
Carry the blocks back to the double secret hiding place then mosey to the yoga stairwell. Partner up with partners going to opposite ends of stairs. 10 supine pull ups/up the stairs/meet partner in the middle for 10 hand slap merkins/back down other stair for 10 jump squats. We got 3 rounds in and time to return to launch.
We got in darn close to 200 merkins. MARY: The v-ups. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brolympics morning of 7/27 and then date night at OMB that evening. COT: YHC with the takeout.

An awesomeful workout

Date: 2024-07-15 AO: swole Q: voodoo PAX: Emoji, flipper, voodoo FNGs: None COUNT: 3 Three pax posted for my third KB Q in a week. The temps weren’t terrible but the humidity more than made up for it.
WARMUP: – SSH x 20 IC – 1-handed swing x 5 e/s – IW x 15 IC – High pull x 5 e/s – Prying squat x 2 – Cleans x 5 e/s – Arm circles, flapping and trunk twisting
THE THANG: Workout 1 of week 7 of the KBOMG3 program
16:00 EMOM: minute A was 5 double swings and 5 double cleans, minute B was 14 alternating presses (7 e/s)
3 sets of 25 2-handed swings
4 sets of 5 merkins with side plank e/s
1 set of 6 single arm row/snatch e/s
Carries: double waiter, double rack, farmer (Emoji requested these)
MARY: ran out of time
COT: I took us out.

Morning Slog

Date: 2024-07-15 AO: blakovery Q: Polly , bunker PAX: bunker FNGs: None COUNT: 2 WARMUP: Instant THE THANG: We ran through the streets of Providence Country Club ANNOUNCEMENTS: None

Summer vacation season

Date: 2024-07-14 AO: olympus Q: voodoo PAX: MARTA, Mountain Momma, voodoo FNGs: None COUNT: 3 Yesterday was a little cooler than usual and I think there might have even been a breeze. The numbers were light, most likely due to summer travel and swim meets.
WARMUP: The usual fare: SSH, swings, IW, prying squats, around the world, arm circles.
THE THANG: The workout was based on Joe Daniel’s’s KBOMG 3 program: week 6, workouts 3 and 4.
21:00 EMOM: Minute A was 5 clean and push press, minute B was 4 clean and push press, and minute C was 3 clean and push press
Heavy goblet or double squats: 4 sets of 7
3 rounds of Glutecifer Complex: – 6 double KB reverse lunges (3 e/s) – 6 double cleans – 6 double outside the leg swings
3 sets of 15 double calf raises on the curb
4 rounds of Michael Easter’s Liberty Bell Complex (The Rock pax joined us after round 3 and some of them did round 4 with us): – 10 swings – 3 goblet squats – 10 merkins – Single bell racked carry 30 yards e/s – Walk ~75 paces to recover
MARY: With the Rock pax: – Box Cutter – [Can’t remember Snowflake’s exercise] – Flutter kicks – Dolly
COT: With the Rock pax. Prayers for Tuna’s wife’s recovery from surgery. Welcome to FNG Esquire!

my Saturday Qs bring all the boys to the yard.

Date: 2024-07-13 AO: _sob Q: ToeJam PAX: Rehab, wildturkey, tagalong, lex_luthor, Roulette, brisket, butterfly FNGs: 1 butterfly COUNT: 8 Run to back lake 3x backwards run up hill then bear crawl hill run around pond half way do 5 burpees Run to grass turf 1x partner wheel barrows length of field 2x Do step ups 15 each leg Lifted some chairs for shoulders Mosey to playground 2x Play ground pull ups oartner dping curls and triceps with rock Back to launch for 4 corners in lot 20Air Squats 20Flutter 20 criss cross squats 20 box cutters Launch for Mary ANNOUNCEMENTS: none COT: YHQ took usbout

Surprisingly cool morning

Date: 2024-07-13 AO: run Q: Kielbasa PAX: Dosey Doe, frasier, jrr_tolkien, rock_thrill FNGs: None COUNT: 5

Sauna Tunnel

Date: 2024-07-12 AO: the-brave Q: Hippie PAX: frasier, wingman, wildturkey, Icarus FNGs: None COUNT: 5
WARMUP: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Mtn Climbers THE THANG: Loop through Ballantyne CC. It measured 4.3 in planning but registered at 5 miles.
Mercans at side streets with squats and LBC sprinkled in.
Began to rain much harder than expected. Headed to the tunnel for a rock workout. Weighted exercises included overhead press, bent over rows, squats, walking lunges.
Here’s what you missed, see you next week: 1. wingman has now unlocked the last frontier of BCC 2. frasier Lieutenant Zebulon Montgomery Pike will be proud to see you tackle the Grand Peak 3. Icarus is like the lead dog on a sled dog crew. Always wanting more. Mush On! 4. wildturkey ignored the temptation of his familiar Ruck pack and asked for double miles.
MARY: box cutters, dollie, LBC, bird dog, ANNOUNCEMENTS: July 27 – Bro Olympics in AM, Date Night in the PM COT: – Icarus’ M is crushing University – Great to have F3 Elsa out of the ice castle and into the gloom!