Trails and Tarantulas

Trails and Tarantulas

Date: 2024-06-06 AO: the-phoenix Q: midriff PAX: wildturkey, teddyf3, kirby FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: Questionable and high-pitched counting for stretches in the Hawk Ridge elementary parking lot.
THE THANG: Mosey to YMCA small parking lot for 4 rounds of circuit work, with 1 pax being the timer. Head into the woods for some trail runs, tarantulas (thanks Rousey for the inspiration) and jump squats. We found lots of spiders in the woods
MARY: Joined at the end of the workout
ANNOUNCEMENTS: SAVAGE RACE coming up, a 12 HOUR RACE is also happening in September that WT and others are running
COT: Prayers for Roulette and family. Challenge yourself with 1 goal this month. Communicate that goal to another pax. Sign up for a race. Post at a new AO. Thanks wildturkey for this challenge and taking us into the rest of the day in prayer. I leave you this truth nugget from QSource:
“When I look back at the Leaders who have most IMPACTed me in my life, I see that they were all a bunch of jerks. Not jerks in that they abused me, but in the sense that they declined to let me wallow in my own excuses for non-Movement and jerked me out of my cloud of self-deceit. They were the kind of jerks who called bullshit on my desire to procrastinate by forcing my lips off of the Crackpipe Of Manana so that I could inhale the clear pure air of right-the-heck-now. They Dynamically Shame-Goaded me to set aside my fear of Hardship so that I could feel Pain and Chaos for myself and learn that it wasn’t strong enough to stop me. By jerking away my crutches they freed me to walk boldly.”

Return of the Gravedancer

Date: 2024-06-07 AO: kevlar Q: poptart PAX: Orange Whip, grave_dancer, Limey FNGs: None COUNT: 4 We took off to the church lot. Decided to run the parking and drop for some merkins, at least 100 total. Decided to get some upper body work with pullups, dips, and tummy tucks. Headed to rock pile to get our swole on. And finish with bear crawls across the fancy new field. The end

Guilt tripped by Marta

Date: 2024-06-06 AO: hydra Q: Focker PAX: IHOP, jet_fuel, Cheese Curd, Hops, Huddle House, puddin_pop, THE Rug Doctor, MARTA, Bootlegger, Sprockets, Queen, Slingshot, deep_dish, Cottonmouth, Emoji, Foghorn FNGs: None COUNT: 17
WARMUP: Mosey to other parking lot: ST 15 Hillbilly 15 SSH 15 THE THANG: Run to Good Sheppard church for triple nickel of squats and merkins 15 carolina dry docks at every mailbox back out to Rea Run to windyrush for various lights of LBCs and merkins Run down endinburgh to wesley United, grab a rock for All about the benjamins 25 each of curls, overhead squats, bent over rows and lunge in place Run down to bball hoop for 10 burpees and repeat twice more with reps reduced by 15 and then 10 Run to Rea for 10 merkins, cross the street to school for peoples chair and presses Back to launch for Mary MARY: Hops called too many flutters Cheesecurd called too many box cuters YHC called correct amount of HTH to end us right on time. Great work by all! ANNOUNCEMENTS: blood drive and savage race COT: thanks Cottonmouth for taking us out

[nocac] NoCac

Date: 2024-06-06 AO: nocac Q: Rhapsody PAX: Rhapsody, Jock Strap, Skyline, Home Brew FNGs: 2 Skyline, Home Brew COUNT: 5

GoRuck 101st Airborne

Date: 2024-06-05 AO: sacs Q: Starch PAX: Cheese Curd, Emoji, Focker, geraldo, Unplugged, wildturkey FNGs: None COUNT: 7
WARMUP: A lap around the track, calf stretch, and runner’s stretch
THE THANG: We’re following the GoRuck D-Day Rucking Challenge program. Today, we did the 101st Airborne workout: 3 rounds of 25 reps and 1 round of 26: Lunges Ruck swings Squats Each round followed by a 400m ruck
One we wrapped up, we did 3 rounds of a 100m suitcase carry/farmer’s carry with various workouts at the end of each 100, including: Flutter kicks with chest press Big boy sit ups American Hammers Merkins LBCs Overhead press
MARY: Throughout
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Savage Race 6/15 Blood Drive 6/21 July BYOF (Bring Your Own FNG)
COT: Prayers for Roulette’s mother-in-law and family YHC took us out

Bistro lights and pineapples

Date: 2024-06-05 AO: wamrap Q: Alf PAX: Alf, rachel, Orange Whip, poptart, double_e, Horsehead FNGs: None COUNT: 6
WARMUP: round 1 THE THANG: more rounds. We did squats and pull ups and merkins and burpees. Also some abdominals. COT: no announcements at COT but lots of discussion on new slack channel offerings (or slack channels that shouldn’t be offered). Questions to contemplate: What color is your mulch? What orientation is your pineapple decoration? Should you avoid introducing your M to Marines?

2.9 miles Bootcamp.

Date: 2024-06-05 AO: the-maul Q: Franky PAX: picasso, wingman, Hippie, teddyf3, midriff, Super trooper FNGs: None COUNT: 7
WARMUP: easy mosey to HT parking lot. A few butt kicks and high knees along the way. Circle up for 15 SSH, 15 imperial walkers, 15 merkins, and dynamic stretching THE THANG: mosey to behind target and enjoying the speed bumps. First round starting with 8 merkins and working down to 1. Then repeat with 10 American hammers at each speed bump. Last round was supermans. Them moseyntonthe fountain by the office. First round was 20 dips and a lap around the building. Repeat 3 times. Second round was 20 LBCs and a trip around the building. Repeat 3 times. And last round was 20 incline merkins plus a trip around the building. Repeat 3 times. Then an easy mosey around stone crest back to the speed bumps behind Target. A few sprints between bumps. Back to launch for some Mary. 2.9 miles total. MARY: flutters, air jumpers and dolly. ANNOUNCEMENTS: we have a lunch and happy hour coming up. Happy hour is moving to OMB. We couldn’t figure it out when. Wingman will share details. COT: Lord, thank you for the strength and health and for the fellowship shared this morning with these fantastic men. We have faith in you Lord to guide us to be better men in all aspects of life! Amen.

Embracing the Circle of Strength

Date: 2024-06-03 AO: firestarter Q: midriff PAX: wildturkey, Rousey FNGs: None COUNT: 3 Grabbing our trusty cinder blocks, we delved into a series of strength-building exercises. Through exercises like block squats, bent over rows, curls and overhead presses, we pushed ourselves to new heights.
But this workout wasn’t just about physical strength. Interspersed with our exercises were moments of reflection on the broader circles of influence in our lives. As we caught our breath between sets, we discussed how we could better prioritize our relationships, commitments, and personal development, aligning with the principles of Concentrica.
The chapter on Concentrica in the F3 QSource book outlines a framework for prioritizing and managing relationships and responsibilities in a man’s life. The concept is visualized as concentric circles radiating outward from the individual, with each circle representing different levels of influence and importance.
M: At the bullseye of the Q’s Concentrica is his M, his relationship with his wife, the one upon which all of his other relationships are founded. The M is the HIM’s transformative relationship because through it he becomes something new–legally, practically and spiritually. Before marriage, a man is an “I”, but afterwards he is part of an “Us”. The HIM aims most of his arrows at the M because if that fails, the rest of his relationships will fail as well.
Shorties: The HIM’s relationship with his children is unique in a critical way. It is the one connection that can never be fully severed. He can quit his job and get a new one. He can divorce his wife and remarry. But every child he has remains his child forever regardless of how far he may roam, how distant he may become or how many other children he may have. A man may depart from his children, but he cannot quit them. While he may hide from them physically or emotionally his responsibility for them is eternal, as will be the consequences if commits relationship malpractice in their upbringing. The seeds of discontent sown by the ineffective father will yield a legacy of damaged fruit.
Shield Lock (Close Friends): In this way, the first two rings of the Concentrica are inherently configured to warn him that he is out of Relationship Rhythm and in danger of committing malpractice. But the third ring, the Shield Lock, is different. If a man’s horizontal relationships with other men are Decelerating (or worse, non-existent), there will be no jangling alarm to warn him of the danger. Gradually, he will become accustomed to trying to hunt and defend alone, despite how unsuccessful and unfulfilling the effort is. Such a man may not even realize that he is not Right until he finds himself completely un-Prepared for the unexpected. Then, like the Amateur he is, he will wonder why all his friends have “abandoned” him when the truth is that it his own negligence that is to blame.
Whetstone (Mentorship): Here, the focus is on mentorship, both receiving guidance from mentors and providing it to mentees.
Mammon (Work and Money): While Mammon is critical to a man, his family and ultimately his Community, it is still the least important relationship on his Concentrica. As a Pro, the HIM prepares for the expected by always bearing the following in mind: – If he places work before his M and Shorties he has committed relationship malpractice–and risks losing them – If he places work before his Shield Lock and his Blades the Community will suffer and erode–ultimately it fall prey to what lurks outside the walls – If he loses his family and his Community to his work, there is nothing for his work to sustain–ergo, Mammon is least important
Overall, Concentrica encourages men to prioritize their time and energy effectively, ensuring that their most important relationships receive the attention they deserve while maintaining a balanced and purposeful life.


Date: 2024-06-04 AO: run Q: frasier PAX: Cheese Curd, soft_pretzel, picasso, bratwurst, midriff, fletch, citgo, kirby, Wolverine, Gump, Teddy FNGs: None COUNT: 12
WARMUP: Light mosey followed by some bratwurst inspired stretching. THE THANG: pretty simple. Run three minutes up a hill and two minutes down. Focusing on looking up as you run uphill and maintaining effort as you run downhill. Trying to get back to the spot where you started from was the goal after the five minutes. MARY: ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hope to see the 12,guys plus more next week. We will do five minutes up four minutes down with two minutes of rest. Feel free to bring a water to drink during break. COT:

Speed work

Date: 2024-06-04 AO: fast-twitch Q: Alf PAX: Alf, Astro (Kyle Kirchhoff), Benny, Runstopper FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: We did a proper Astro warmup with a few stretches for good measure THE THANG: Speed bump speed work on Strawberry Ln COT: Astro with the Takeout
A lower mileage hill-less recovery and speed work this morning. Several comments how the mileage was a lot less than my last Q!
Thanks for the guys who came out. Should have had more. Where were the rest of you this AM!