Author Archive Chipotle

Fight Club(

Another Monday morning, 4 men showed up to let out some aggression.

Warm up lap around the lake

1 round of pad work

Lap around lake. stopped at 1st buidling for 20 merkins, stopped at second building for incline merkins

another round of pad work…followed with lap around lake stopping again for merkins and incline merkins

2 men sparred each other for two rounds will the other two did pad work…flap jack

lap around lake stopping again for merkins and incline merkins

Another round of sparring….done

great work by all today.  sorry for landing a couple of head shots Wild Turkey.  When I decided to do some sparring today, I decided to take on Croft (Big 18 year old that can throw a hell of a punch), so i tried to make him tired with merkins and incline merkins before we sparred, do not think thiat worked.

We will spare some more, so get a mouth piece for the accidental head shots.



Then there were 4

Monday Morning rolled around early, and at 5:15 Curbie and I were the only two a fight club… we decided to do the following.

Lap around the lake….decided to go to fitness trail since it gets lighter earlier these days.

Did a round a piece hitting punching mitts 2:30 minute rounds.  About that time I saw Foley and Croft (FNG) arrive around 5:30.

Did another round hitting punching mitts, and lap around lake, did another two rounds, lap around the lake, followed by 5 minutes of Mary..

Moleskin: Foley brought out Croft (FNG).  Croft just graduated High School.  Croft has some mean punching power for an 18 year old (Hate), and not really looking forward to sparring with him.

To the regulars who were in bed, on vacation, or taking in laws to the airport, I will see you next week.


More Merkins Please

27 men showed up for another day of merkins.

The Thang:

Warm up with the old go to 20 x SSH, 20 x IW and 10 x Merkins

Short jog to behind shopping center

Speed Bump Merkin combo, each spped bump we did either 5 x merkin, wide arm or diamonds to the end and back twice.

Moderate jog over to Chipotle fountains with a stop in the target parking lot to do more merkins until the pak caught up.

At the fountains, partner up.  Partner 1 do lap around lake, partner 2 incline merkins.

Mosey over to hill behind Firebirds for merkin ladder.  10 merkins, run up to top of hill and back down, 9 merkins…etc to 1 merkin

mosey over to parking lot for 7 minutes of mary

Great workout by all today.  It was nice and hot.  Great job Leia, keep coming out, your making great progress.  Thanks Mic Check for the closing prayer.

Thanks to all for the opportunity to lead…

Announcements: F3 dads this Saturday at 9:00

Three Can Do

So what we had three, still a great workout.


The Thang

three rounds where you got to run around the lake while someone was holding the mitts, while someone was hitting the mitts.  The round went as long as it took the lake runner to get back.

then time to change it up with some sparring.  Each guy got to spare three rounds for about 2:30 minutes each round. Lite sparring chest to waist no head shots or at least on purpose. Great opportunity to work on counter punches and defense

Headed over to parking lot for 10 minutes of Mary

great work by both Gecko and Foley.  Thanks for coming back out Foley, and Gecko becoming a regular.



No Equipment Necessary

Posted on behalf of Wild Turkey

The Thang
Since we didn’t have gloves today was all about hand speed.
Shoulder Shredder
Each PAX planks just below a chalk-drawn box. For one minute each man alternate arms and tap the box.
20 LBCs (Foley runs to grab his gloves)
Next, while planked and both hands in the square, alternate left hand taps outside the left side of the square then right hands taps right side for the square for one minute. (It’s a looong minute.)
Each round is 2.5 minutes
4 men pair off for alternating jab/cross combinations
1 man on six for Mary
1 man gets the Super Ball. The goal of the Super Ball station is to keep the ball bouncing (no catching). Failure to maintain control is a Burpee penalty.
After a full rotation, 1 lap around Loch Ness with hands up
2 more boxing, Super Ball and Mary rounds
Where’s Chipotle? Where are the gloves, pads and medicine ball? (Chipotle reported an alarm clock malfunction.) No worries. We made it work. Thanks to the PAX for playing along. The shoulder shredders were absolutely horrible, but the Super Ball station gave everyone fits. T-Claps to Haggis who seemed to have had the longest run. Gecko’s fists are blazing fast. Linus and Foley are new, but putting in hard work. Fire Hazard is always poised and in perfect form.
Many AOs are hosting food drives for Calvary. Give if you can. (You can.)

Bagpipe Team 1

35 men today showed up to the Vine for a muggy beatdown after 14 Swift dudes were already into their thing.

Due to Bagpipe tremendous growth we know have two Q’s.  Those who counted off 1’s today had me and 2’s had Mermaid.  After reading Mermaids backblast, looks like 1’s got lucky.

The Thang

20 x ssh

20 x iw

15 x merkins

ran to workout trail and split up in three stations

station 1 15x supine pull ups

station 2 10x merkins

station 3 10x burpees

rinse and repeat 3 times

lap around the lake and meet at Synder/Lance building

paired up

partner 1 bear crawl to end of parking lot, partner 2 merkins (flapjack)

partner 1 crab walk or bear crawl end of parking lot, partner 2 merkins

partner push to end of parking lot flapjack on the way back

partner pulls to end of parking lot flapjack

circle up mary

10 x cruches

10 x lbc

10 x toe tap crunches

10 x alternate toes

10 x side crunch right

10 x side cruch left

10 x right leg out cruch

10 x left leg out cruch

jog back to vie


great workout today by all, all 49 guys looked beat between the two Bagpipe workouts and Swift.  Welcome back out Long Distance and Tuck from some time off.  Welcome 1 and Done (FNG) to F3, looking forward to see you out again.

Look at Mermaids backblast for announcement.

Always great to lead.





No title

5 men showed up to fight club for a full hour of what was presented during last weeks convergence.

Each man did six rounds of hitting mits, ran a mile, and 8 minute ab routine.  everyone was exhausted afterwards.

looking for a change and different workout come out on Monday mornings at 5:15.


Not a Commie

6 not 7 men showed up today for another Fight Club workout.

The Thang

Partner Up

3 stations of exercises

Station 1 and 2 Pad work for 2:30 minutes then flap jack with partner.

Station 3 just enough time to make it two laps around Loch Ness

Rinse and repeat after making it through one round of each station.  QIC let the PAX decide to make station 3 a light sparring station or more running.  Only Wild Turkey and Fire Hazard decided to spare.  No one got bloody, no head shots.

Just enough time for some good ab work

20 x crunch

20 x lbc

20 x toe tap crunch

15 x right leg extended cruch

15 x left leg extended crunch

20 x side crunch right

20 x side crunch left

20 x bicycles

20 x alternating toes

Great work by all today, welcome back Honey Bee for second week in a row, and Outback for first time at Fight Club (new day and time).  A lot of mumble chatter during the ab workout, espically from Curbie when you asked me “are you sure you are not a communist”.  We covered a little over a mile today, great work by Curbie on the laps around the lake, keep it up and it will get easier.

Always great to lead and thanks for the opportunity



Chipotle Holiday

26 men showed up for a Chippy  Cinco de Mayo beatdown

Ran to parking lot before entrance to Loch Ness for quick warm-up of SSH and IW

Ran to building 2 and partner up.  Partner 1 run lap around Loch Ness while partner 2 does exercise (flap jack)

Exercise 1: 10 merkins, 10 diamond merkins, 10 wide arm merkins…repeat until partner comes back

Exercise 2: 10 incline merkins, 10 decline merkins, 10 dip…repeat until partner comes back

Exercise 3: 20 squats, 20 step ups…repeat until partner comes back

Exercise 4: 20 LCB, 20 Flutters…repeat until partner comes back

Run over to Lance building and do some parking lot work

Bear crawl length of parking lot and back

Partner up, partner 1 suicides while partner 2 does merkins…flapjack

Partner push and Partner Pulls length of parking lot

Mosey back to Wells Fargo for Mary

20 crunches

20 lbc

20 toe tap crunch

20 some other ab work with no name

20 side crunch right

20 side crunch left

20 bicycles


Great work by all today.  Many thanks to Loogie and Bucky for helping Gieco get back to his car after a nasty ankle twist (hopefully that was all that it was).

As today marks 2 years with F3.  I cannot thank the group of men that belong to F3 that get out and encourage and push it other daily.  It is that commitment to one another that has keep me committed for the past 2 years.  It is always a pleasure to led and look forward to seeing you in the gloom again.



Plankin is for P’s

Spring is here so Screech and 21 other men came to The Maul to get a dose of merkins.

Warm Up

20 x SSH

20 x IW

The Thang

Jog behind shopping center

Speed Bump 1- 10 merkins

speed bump 2- 10 diamond merkins

SB 3- 10 wide arm merkins

SB 4- 10 merkins

SB 5-  10 diamond

SB 6- 10 wide arm

Jog over to fountains by the new opening soon Chipotle.

Partner up (partner 1 lap around building, partner 2 exercise, flap jack)

set 1 -combined 100 merkins

set 2- incline merkins as many as you can until partner gets back

set 3- diamond merkins as many as you can

set 4- derkinsrun as many as you can

had to cut the fun short due to being in the way of Stonecrest maintenance crew needing to do some work

Ran back over to behind shopping center to complete set above

set 5- wide arm merkin as many as you can

ran back towards parking lot repeating speed bump merkin routine above

ran back to parking lot for mary

20 x crunch

20 x lbc

20 x toe tap crunch

20 x side crunch right

20 x side crunch left

20 x bicycle led by Puppy Love

1 minute of merkins and that was all

Great workout by all today, I left a name off the list due to technical errors on the record so if anyone knows who I left off please let me know.

Announcements Dolphin said something about a race coming up, and said just sign up when announced

Always a pleasure to lead so thanks for the opportunity
