Our one hour is up already?

  • When:5/6/2014
  • QIC: Chelms aka Tater Tot
  • The PAX: Chelms, Spackler, Leroy, Purple Haze, Splinter, Soul Glow, Slim Fast, Frasier, Gummy, Alf, Prohibition, Hannibal

Our one hour is up already?

The virtual shovel flag was posted and 12 men gathered for a stroll down memory lane to remember some of the greatest hits F3 has to offer.

Ball of Man – Chelms gave the disclaimer, noting it was particularly relevant this am since his plan was still being developed.   After a quick prayer, we got after it.

The Thang

Jog down to the track for a warm up lap and COP

  • SSH X15
  • 10 Burpees
  • Jumping lunges X10
  • 10 Burpees
  • Squats X10
  • 10 Burpees

Mini Yassou 800’s – Four sets of 800M at race pace and 400M recovery jog (4,800 meters).  Reverse plank until all the Pax finish

Gather on the football field (European markings) for more hits

Four corners (run to each corner of field and perform 10 of called exercise)

  • Merkins
  • Jump Squats with rotation (Q audibled after 2 since I was getting dizzy)
  • Jumping lunges

Modified Beast – Sprint field stopping on way down and back at 25, 50, 25 for six counts of called exercise (36 total count each round)

  • LBC’s
  • Turkish get ups
  • Burpees

Plank after each round with some extra credit thrown in (Elbows, Peter Parker, Parker Peter, Rock Hoppers, etc).

End line to end line sprints (slow squats in between each round)

  • Round 1 – down and back
  • Round 2 – down and backward run back
  • Round 3 – Karaoke half way and sprint other half, karaoke half way back and sprint to end line

Job back to starting point

Naked Moleskin

Great work by the PAX,  My legs are smoked right now as we mixed it up pretty good with different exercises in between a lot of running.   PH accused me of lip synching the greatest F3 hits. My singing may be taped but the workout was live and in person.

Spackler started mumbling something about the hour being too short and needing to extend another 15 minutes.   I did note he played nurse to Gummy for a round of Yassou so maybe he just needed another 15 minutes to complete the workout the rest of the PAX already finished.  Leroy can join him since he disappared for a water break in the middle of the Yassou portion of the program.

As always, it was an honor and privilege to lead such a great group this am.   Definitely making me stronger as the group has some strong runners.  Some of the other regulars need to step up and take a turn soon.  I would suggest Frasier but am worried we might run a 1/2 marathon in an hour (or 1 hour 15 minutes for Spackler and Leroy).


Still time to sign up for F3 Golf.   See weekly email blast and web site for everything else.  Lots going on.


About the author

Chelms aka Tatertot author

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10 years ago

Just for the record, I only play nurse with the M. And it’s not often enough. Couple things crossed my mind today before I took the warm down lap off:

1. I’m tired
2. It’s just the warm down lap
3. If I stop then I will have an excuse for getting lapped
4. Who is this that has stopped as well? Oh Gummy. Perfect. I can now stop.
5. My back hurts so if I lay down and stretch it won’t look like I stopped because I was tired.
6. If I sandbag now, I will look sneaky fast later in the workout

Things that crossed my mind after that:

1. Why am I here?
2. I shouldn’t have posted yesterday
3. Wow, Chelms can’t do a real merkin. Anyone else see this?
4. Turkish Getups? Yeah right.
5. Burpees? Maybe a few
6. I wish Frasier would wear a pair of shorts that didn’t make so much noise. Seeing him smoke us is one thing but hearing him as well is just cruel.
7. I bet Splinter is pissed his shoes are getting dirty
8. My shoes suck – this must be the reason for my poor showing today
9. Are we done yet? No really…
10. Wow, someone smells really bad in the ball of man

Spackler OUT.

Reply to  Spackler
10 years ago

What crossed my mind when Spackler was taking the warm down lap off.

1. Why did I try to keep up with Frasier? terrible idea
2. Why is Gummy running the wrong way on the track?
3. Why is Spackler laying down? For how long has he not been running?
4. I bet Spackler thinks if he lays down, everyone will think his back or legs are sore and he is just stretching aka “The Radar” move

Things that crossed my mind after the warm down lap.

1. Wow Frasier is fast.
2. How often does Slim Fast run? b/c he is fast too.
3. Why does Chelm’s body look like an obtuse angle when performing Merkins. I bet I could do a 1,000 merkins in that manner.
4. I am about to get my shoes dirty…hmmm maybe I will just keep doing the Yassou (yes serious thought that I considered)
5. Turkish get ups? man now my back is going to get dirty and itchy also.
6. My shoes are dirty, I have grass all over me, I am itching, what else can I complain about? are my nipples chaffing? Purple Haze can only beast Burpees b/c he is short
7. AYG sprints. That is what I am talking about! Wait? How is Frasier so fast? What material is his shorts made of?
8. I bet Haze is going to race me to the parking lot.

Purple Haze
Reply to  Splinter
10 years ago

Splinter, no doubt there is a distinct #ShortManBurpeeAdvantage. But don’t hate the player.

No doubt we were racing up the hill from the field. I was about to pass you too for the victory when you pulled up with the “I’m going to get some water” routine. Of course you only went to the water fountain for a drink so you could save your water bottle for hosing down your shoes afterwards.

Reply to  Purple Haze
10 years ago

you know me too well brother.

Reply to  Spackler
10 years ago

also loved Prohibition’s comment about the effects of Cinco De Mayo on his bowels during the run. Or as haze said, maybe that is not pellets from the field being aerated. classic.

10 years ago

I should’ve stayed in bed. I did Muthaship Monday and mistakenly thought my legs felt pretty good when I went to bed. Sure! I can do another hard running workout! Terrible idea. I was cooked after the warmup lap. I was glad to see Spackler give up early too. At least I didn’t lay down.

Thanks to Slim Fast for dragging me up and down the field. If it hadn’t already gotten bright enough to be detected, I would’ve just left.

My watch said I covered 4.5 miles. The rest of you probably did 5.5. Pretty strong for never leaving the track.

Reply to  Gummy
10 years ago

You didn’t lay down because you were delirious and running in the opposite direction. However, running in opposite direction was one of my thoughts as well that I missed in my list above. If I do that and say I am pulling a “no man left behind” trick then I certainly won’t have to run as many laps……

Reply to  Spackler
10 years ago

Exactly. A track is the only place where going backwards shortens the workout though. I was about to get lapped. My other option was to fake a pulled hammy.

10 years ago

Today was my first day back at FT after several month hiatus. If the 15 minutes less sleep didn’t make it evident, it sure was when most of the PAX blew me away out of the gate. I held off getting lapped so I had that going for me.

And where were the kettle bells? It’s Tuesday? At least we got to do some pain stations on the back half of the workout so I could keep up.

I think Chelms’ Burpee was worse than the Merkin. He went from a half squat to a downward dog, then back to half squat with about a 3/4 inch hop at the end. If you ain’t cheatin’ you ain’t tryin’.

Splinter – watch out for my next Q. It’s going to be all mud puddles and log rolls for you.

Looking forward to being back in the FT rotation more often.

Purple Haze
Reply to  Alf
10 years ago

Alf, the Chelms burpee is a thing of wonder. I’ve seen it a gazillion times at Centurion but was unable to adequately describe it to anyone. You captured it beautifully in your comment.

Purple Haze
Reply to  Chelms aka Tatertot
10 years ago

I don’t believe I’ve ever commented on form unless its the burpees or your Dolly. I see the Dollies from across the MOM circles while I’m doing them correctly, amazed at the 45 degree leg position and the form that’s reminiscent of a Suzanne Somers thigh master infomercial. And I see your burpees because I’m always done with mine so fast.

Reply to  Chelms aka Tatertot
10 years ago

I’m surprised you haven’t pulled something in your neck with that form. Best be careful.

10 years ago

The water break cost me 2 laps, but was well worth it. To suggest I am only 25% slower is an insult to the rest of the pack.

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