The virtual shovel flag was posted and 12 men gathered for a stroll down memory lane to remember some of the greatest hits F3 has to offer.
Ball of Man – Chelms gave the disclaimer, noting it was particularly relevant this am since his plan was still being developed. After a quick prayer, we got after it.
The Thang
Jog down to the track for a warm up lap and COP
Mini Yassou 800’s – Four sets of 800M at race pace and 400M recovery jog (4,800 meters). Reverse plank until all the Pax finish
Gather on the football field (European markings) for more hits
Four corners (run to each corner of field and perform 10 of called exercise)
Modified Beast – Sprint field stopping on way down and back at 25, 50, 25 for six counts of called exercise (36 total count each round)
Plank after each round with some extra credit thrown in (Elbows, Peter Parker, Parker Peter, Rock Hoppers, etc).
End line to end line sprints (slow squats in between each round)
Job back to starting point
Naked Moleskin
Great work by the PAX, My legs are smoked right now as we mixed it up pretty good with different exercises in between a lot of running. PH accused me of lip synching the greatest F3 hits. My singing may be taped but the workout was live and in person.
Spackler started mumbling something about the hour being too short and needing to extend another 15 minutes. I did note he played nurse to Gummy for a round of Yassou so maybe he just needed another 15 minutes to complete the workout the rest of the PAX already finished. Leroy can join him since he disappared for a water break in the middle of the Yassou portion of the program.
As always, it was an honor and privilege to lead such a great group this am. Definitely making me stronger as the group has some strong runners. Some of the other regulars need to step up and take a turn soon. I would suggest Frasier but am worried we might run a 1/2 marathon in an hour (or 1 hour 15 minutes for Spackler and Leroy).
Still time to sign up for F3 Golf. See weekly email blast and web site for everything else. Lots going on.
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