Its warm in the Foxhole

Its warm in the Foxhole

11 men decided 25 degree weather and the fellowship of their F3 brothers trumped the fartsack and headed into the Foxhole this morning for the perfect start to a Holiday week. 


          Jog around parking lot without the bells

Pick-up the bells and mosey to other side of the school

          Lunge walk with KB press x 50 yds

Still not warm! – extended warm up

          SSH x 30

          Imperial Walkers x 20

          Side Lunge x 10

          Toe Touches x 10

Line back up with the bells

          2-hand swing with travel to the side x 20 steps

          Repeat going the other way

          Lunge walk with KB press x 30 yds

          Mosey back to original start line

Partner up (size matters)

          Partner 1: 2-arm military presses w/ both bells (crowd pleaser)

          Partner 2: sprint 50 yds and back flapjack until reach 50

          10 count

          Partner 1: Merkin with row (2 bells)

          Partner 2: sprint 50 yds and back – flapjack until reach 100 (audibled to 40 – deceptively hard!)

          10 count

          Partner 1: Calf raises (alternate in, middle, and out)

          Partner 2: sprint 50 yds and back – flapjack until reach 100

Farmers Carry / Catch-me-if-you-can around parking lot and to the playground

          Partner 1: pull ups

          Partner 2: 1-handed swings

          Flapjack until 30 pull-ups achieved (or 2 rounds each)

Continue to field for advanced maneuvers

          One arm split jerk x 8 per arm

          One arm snatch x 10 per arm

          Turkish getups x 3 per side


          Flutter with KB press x 30

          Protractor called by Frehley’s

Take it back home for COT 


– With the cold weather, comes the interesting gear.  Mighty Mite may need a rename to candy striper after the tights he wore out there today.  He also donned a ski hat complete with tassels.  He definitely wins most unique cold weather gear.

– Today’s workout was a tough one.  Half way through, YHC realized there must have been some pent up aggression when this workout was being planned last night.  The 2-arm military presses and Merkin rows were particularly painful (and that is with a mercy audible).  Loogie said next time he would buy me a 6-pack to ease up a bit with the planning. Aye!

– The boot camp guys from Sports Connection haven’t been seen in a while.  I guess with the $40 per month fee, you get heat and A/C included.  For my money, YHC will be right here with my F3 brothers in the glorious (and frigid) early morning gloom!

Great work by all and have a great holiday week with family and friends!

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Honey Bee author

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Mighty Mite
Mighty Mite
11 years ago

HB promised on Twitter that regardless of the temperature, the workout at Foxhole would warm us up and he was right!

The peppermint tights will be making more appearances around Area 51 if this frigid weather continues.

11 years ago

Always good times in the hole.

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