11 men decided 25 degree weather and the fellowship of their F3 brothers trumped the fartsack and headed into the Foxhole this morning for the perfect start to a Holiday week.
– Jog around parking lot without the bells
Pick-up the bells and mosey to other side of the school
– Lunge walk with KB press x 50 yds
Still not warm! – extended warm up
– SSH x 30
– Imperial Walkers x 20
– Side Lunge x 10
– Toe Touches x 10
Line back up with the bells
– 2-hand swing with travel to the side x 20 steps
– Repeat going the other way
– Lunge walk with KB press x 30 yds
– Mosey back to original start line
Partner up (size matters)
– Partner 1: 2-arm military presses w/ both bells (crowd pleaser)
– Partner 2: sprint 50 yds and back flapjack until reach 50
– 10 count
– Partner 1: Merkin with row (2 bells)
– Partner 2: sprint 50 yds and back – flapjack until reach 100 (audibled to 40 – deceptively hard!)
– 10 count
– Partner 1: Calf raises (alternate in, middle, and out)
– Partner 2: sprint 50 yds and back – flapjack until reach 100
Farmers Carry / Catch-me-if-you-can around parking lot and to the playground
– Partner 1: pull ups
– Partner 2: 1-handed swings
– Flapjack until 30 pull-ups achieved (or 2 rounds each)
Continue to field for advanced maneuvers
– One arm split jerk x 8 per arm
– One arm snatch x 10 per arm
– Turkish getups x 3 per side
– Flutter with KB press x 30
– Protractor called by Frehley’s
Take it back home for COT
– With the cold weather, comes the interesting gear. Mighty Mite may need a rename to candy striper after the tights he wore out there today. He also donned a ski hat complete with tassels. He definitely wins most unique cold weather gear.
– Today’s workout was a tough one. Half way through, YHC realized there must have been some pent up aggression when this workout was being planned last night. The 2-arm military presses and Merkin rows were particularly painful (and that is with a mercy audible). Loogie said next time he would buy me a 6-pack to ease up a bit with the planning. Aye!
– The boot camp guys from Sports Connection haven’t been seen in a while. I guess with the $40 per month fee, you get heat and A/C included. For my money, YHC will be right here with my F3 brothers in the glorious (and frigid) early morning gloom!
Great work by all and have a great holiday week with family and friends!
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