When are we going to do some running around here?

When are we going to do some running around here?

28 pax, including a late-arriving RT who overslept for a 0515 workout in The Fort and scrambled northward to join us, took on what Centurion had in store this morning.  No SF (Margo is DR), a marginal disclaimer (think I saw Mermaid shaking his head), and off we went.  Below is somewhat akin to what we did with some rambling commentary.

The Thang & Ye Olde Moleskine:

Apparently Spring is upon us.   28 pax, not including Chelms (who jabbed and baited me about a weak Q effort), did some plank work while waiting on RT to make his way over…he was, in fact, hustling.   First time I’ve ever started a workout with plank work, but might do that again.  After that we took a rare right turn out of the launch lot, and an even rarer right turn down the lane behind the visitors stands at the gridiron Home of the CC Cougars.  We then ran to the top of Cerberus (no wait, that’s the name of the new workout in UCoSOBA51 — I mean Tartarus.  We ran up the rarely used north short ramps.  As we were running up, Lorax (always out front but too kind to Larry Bird the Q) expressed his displeasure with my pattern interrupt.   Old School Bootcamp doesn’t mean Stale!  #makebootcampsgreatagain

COP at the top of Tartarus:

Slow Squat, H-R Merkin, Freddy Mercury & Groiner (yes – GROINER) x 15? IC

Run back down the stairs at Tartarus’ south end (does that mean his backside?) and over to the benches and ramp at front entrance of CCHS.  Partner up for 3 rounds of Box Jump Burpees while the other partner bear crawls the ramp and lunge walks the sidewalk.  Flapjack with partner.  Snuka, RT, Runstopper & Haze appreciated the shortish benches we used for the burpees.  You’re welcome.

We then ran to the picnic tables outside the cafeteria for 3 rounds of the following:

One-legged squat R x 10, One-legged squat L x 10, Incline Merkin x 10

Chelms must have come by earlier to turn on the patio lights, as they were on for perhaps the first time ever for Centurion.  Semi-Gloss and Puddin’ finished early or didn’t do the called exercises (likely the latter); and they refuseniked the call to plank up when finished…..I love you guys.

We then ran down and around to Little Avenue and over to the Natatorium lot, at the bottom of which were some plates for some hairburners.  On the way over, Drago asked my nickname.  Appreciate that the War Baby 20-year old forgot a name…makes me feel better about forgetting other pax names.  That being said, I did get 24 of the 28 pax names without having to go to the recording….85% ain’t bad.

Anyhoo, the hairburner portion of the workout was a bit of a cluster.  #cobains  28 pax and only 6 plates was not ideal.  But each pax burned some hair a couple times and did some burpees…..though there was a lot of standing around, pretty sure it was SG, Puddin’ again…among others.

We then made our way back to the launch lot for 7.36 minutes of Mary…..might have been more – Mermaid was very helpful in giving me the 30 second warning….I actually brought my watch to Q today #miracle

We did Makthar N’Djayie’s (of course!), American Hammers, Slow Flutters, LBCs, Dolly’s, Dancing Chilcutts all to 13 IC except the Chilcutts – I was hurting.  Oh, and we also did IW’s at the end, and I’m not afraid to admit they were considerably more laborious after all the hip flexor Mary we did.  Anyone else?….  Liars.

We renamed the pax formerly known as M____ Wood to Bottle Rocket because we needed to rename him.  T-claps to Bottle Rocket for posting 3 times in his first week at The Big House, The Maul & Centurion!

Did I mention Chelms was a no show?  So was Udder, and he wasn’t even scheduled to Q.  Crabcake was an FNG to Centurion – many happy returns brother….though noticed you did not bring your Porsche?  Was that due to the fact that Voodoo & Checkpoint were once held up at gunpoint at Centurion while stepping out of their nice automobiles?

Puddin’ was back at Centurion for the first time in a couple years; sorry you didn’t more well-acquainted with Tartarus.  You will if you come back.

Speaking of Tartarus….who picked up the quarter this morning?  Give it to Frehley’s for the Fishin’ Hole fund for the old & decrepit.

As for those VFD’s who park their vehicles “a$$ in” – I think Marconi may start doing so.  Our respectful brother got hit backing out of The Stand (3rd F) today at Panera….sorry brother.

I have no idea how far we went….not very far…less than 2 miles.  Did I mention Centurion is a bootcamp workout?

And thanks also to Puddin’ for a great takeout for the pax.

Love Q’ing the pax at Centurion.  I purposely hop (see what I did there?) around AO’s all the time, but Centurion is my go-to workout.  Thanks to Margo & Udder for Q’ing me up.

And I leave you Bootcampers with this thought:  Is there someone you know who needs F3?  If a name or two doesn’t immediately come to mind – then give it some thought and perhaps some prayer.  Let’s give away what we’ve found, aye?!  Thankful for you fellas.


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Chelms aka Tatertot
Chelms aka Tatertot
6 years ago

Was Chelms there?

I did show up early to turn on the picnic area lights and then got lost trying too find you guys (that lame excuse worked for RS last week). Actually, I was just lame and didn’t feel like leaving the fartsack.

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