Bros, Blocks, Bridgehampton

Bros, Blocks, Bridgehampton

What a pleasant surprise to arrive in the clubhouse parking lot and see not just 1 pax, but 2 pax and another three in tow for the preun! Lo and behold Brexit’s scorching preblast trivia is not in vain – Fire Hazard has indeed made his triumphant return. This was YHC’s first opportunity to meet in the gloom, as we had only connected over Zoom. Shortly after exchanging pleasantries and receiving the blessing of a pleasant Lancaster County officer on duty, we are off into the cool dark of Bridgehampton hills. Instantly my plans to navigate towards the nearby elementary school are foiled. Brexit informs me of a recent neighborhood lawsuit that have blocked off the direct access point to the school from neighborhood. Well shucks, I guess we’ll just run up and down the hills and hit as many culdesacs as we can until returning to launch a few minutes before main event.

Main Event

With the rest of the dream team assembled we count off in 2’s. Team 1 shares 1 cinder block, Team 2 shares another cinder block. The block must be carried by a team member at all times. We begin our warmup and get familiar with the same exercises we will be doing for the next 35 minutes. 5 burpees, 10 squats at cone 1. 15 MC’s, 10 squats at cone 2. 20 merkins, 10 squats at cone 3.

Now that we’re warmed up, make our way down the hill, doing more reps in sequence at each cone. 5 burpees, 20 squats, 15 MC’s, 20 squats, 20 merkins, 20 squats. Work as a team and pass the block. Team 2 kicks off Mary at the bottom of the hill while waiting on Team 1. Repeat same sequence back up the hill. Finish with Mary.

Mosey over to North Carolina basketball court. Modified Killer B’s. Pay homage to the Sixers failed process with Dwight Howards instead of burpees. 1 Dwight Howard, then broad jump to FT line, bear crawl back. 2 Dwight howards, broad jump to half court, bear crawl back. 3 Dwight Howards, broad jump full court and bear crawl back. Mosey back to parking lot for 1 shortened final set


  • Fantastic to meet the man, the myth, the legend Fire Hazard for the first time. Dude hasn’t skipped a beat and continues to crush beatdowns. During the prerun he nonchalantly shared that he routinely runs 9 miles 3 times a week. Didn’t even break a sweat during this workout. This man came out swinging with the zingers too, from calling out my form (“Can I get another demonstration of that thrust???”) to repeatedly jabbing Cobbler for his finance-related prowess.
  • Speaking of Cobbler, I lost track after 15 of the number of times I heard the word “container”. Something related to the Suez Canal and bitcoin. If you need investment guidance, make sure to ask Cobbler about how to buy bitcoin with your Biden stimulus money. Buy high, sell low! Congrats on the new job opportunity and look forward to hearing more.
  • The Bridgehampton Bunch continue to impress, showing more stamina, endurance and explosive strength with each workout. Myrtle and Inkwell were putting in solid work on Team 1 while Schooner and Toro rounded out the Team 2 crowd. Can’t wait to see these men step up and lead a workout soon.
  • Since there was no shortage of entertaining conversation at Team 1, I didn’t have a chance to overhear much of Team 2’s mumblechatter.
  • While I lamented the absolute collapse of the Philadelphia 76ers against the Atlanta Hawks, War Eagle had a fantastic dig against KD. With a straight face and his toe on the line he asked if this would alter the outcome of the next called exercise. Fortunately War Eagle doesn’t have size 18 shoes so I think he’s ok on that one.
  • With plenty of grunting down the final stretch of cinder block exercises, YHC affirmed the importance of modifying as needed, but to not compromise good form. Loved Kirby’s quip about never cheating on form, just on reps. I’m gonna steal that one.
  • Got to catch up with Gimbells afterwards. Rest up that knee/ankle and hope you can join us back in the gloom soon.
  • There’s a beautiful simplicity of a concrete block. 28 pounds of mundane material that’s not too heavy but not too light and the perfect addition to any beatdown. F3 has given me a more profound appreciation for the simplicity of fitness and along with it the key to sustained accelerating behavior. Sharing the physical suffering of these workouts with other men. A single cinder block is pretty pointless and ineffective, but lots of cinder blocks together make a strong fortress and serve a greater purpose. I’m grateful for the men that challenge me physically at these workouts and sharpen my mind, spirit and soul for even greater present and future challenges.
  • Always a privilege and honor to lead such fine SOB’s


  • Monday, July 5th 2.0/young-at-heart friendly workout and kickball game. Ballantyne Backyard, see War Eagle’s preblast – it’s going to be a blast
  • Waxhaw 1776 workout/celebration. Something about running 177 miles then doing 6 exercises. Or running 1 mile and then doing 776 exercises. It doesn’t make sense to me, but maybe it will if you show up.
  • Q school coming up in July

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