

The rain fused my entire weinke today.  A burpee mile, triple nickel along the hill at the first school entrance and Foundations infamous 4 corner suicide near the the stadium….all squashed do to rain and myself trying to appeal to the masses. You’re welcome! We still managed to get 2.5 in while remaining mostly dry.


Money to portico, you’re welcome Dasher…circle up!

Totally threw the pax off opening with a toe touch/back stretch. It felt great.

Right over left.. I ouch you’re toes and listen to that hamstring scream at you. Flap jack

Someone mentioned yoga…ok, I’m game.

Upward dog hold; transition to downward dog hold; then 5 merkins x 3

IW x 10 IC

LSS x10 IC

The Thang: Partner up

Combined 100 squats 200 merkins 300 speed skaters (you’re welcome shake)

P1 runs half lap P2 puts in the work. Flap jack

Burpee run x 2

P1 runs P2 does burpees until they get back. Flap jack

Inch worm run

P1 runs full lap ( it stopped raining) P2 does inch worm flap jack

Plank run

P1 runs P2 planks Flap jack

Jump lunge/bear crawl web.

1 jump lunge/4 bear crawls. This was a crowd pleaser.  The pax crushed it.

Modified Ab web web

10 v-up / 4 AH’s 10/8 10/12 etc. this hurt!

Grab some wall.

Shoulder press/jam web 1/4 2/8

The last round on the jabs we went hard.  Nice work guys.

Mosey back for COT.

The Molskine:

Great work today guys! All mumble chatter was at a low only because the best group was kicking a#% and taking names! Thanks for letting me lead, next time we run!


Mad Dog has promising interview this week. Keep him in your prayers.



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Deadwood author

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