Well that wasn’t a complete failure.

Well that wasn’t a complete failure.

YHC had the reigns to Anvil this am as Flipper double booked his schedule is so excited to get back to boot camps.

YHC thought something different was inorder – so kettlebells were the focus of the day.

9 pax showed up ready to give the KBs a shot and get better.   

Disclaimer was given then quick mosey over near the hotbox.

COP – abbreviated

SSH x 15 IC

IW x 10 IC – YHC called it at that – a bit windy so time to get to work

Mosey to hot box and partner up.

YHC did a quick tutorial on the KB and its many advantages – most were listening somewhat.  Flavors of the day, Cleans, Goblet squats and swings.

Round 1 – total 100 cleans between partners – one partner doing cleans the other, 10 jump ups, 15 derkins, 20 dips – flapjack until 100 reps

Round 2 – 200 goblet squats – Partner  1 does goblet squats while Partner 2 runs to the nearest light post and does 5 burpees and returns – flapjack until 200 reps

Round 3 – 300 swings – Partner 1 does swings while Partner 2 does 25 heels to heaven, then flapjack until 300 reps.

Leave KBs for owners to pick up – quick mosey to launch

Few minutes for mary:

20 LBCs in cadence

20 flutter in cadence



Great work by everyone today and thanks for the willingness to try something different at Anvil.  KBs will kick your butt.  YHC highly recommends getting one and learning proper technique.  They provide a great workout in a little amount of time.  Great to see some old friends out too and great mumble chatter as expected.

Not sure what happened during mary but things got off the rails pretty quick luckily it was time.

Thanks men for showing up – that’s half the battle- and following YHC around in the gloom.  It was fun.  Thanks Brushback and Lorax for the opportunity to lead these great group of men.


HH at Brix South Park – Thursday at 5

Keep Fallout’s 2.0 in your prayers as he continues to heal up.

2019 coming to a close – hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season with their families and keep those less fortunate in our prayers.


About the author

Champagne author

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5 years ago

Preach, Champagne!

5 years ago

How things got off the rails during Mary was quite entertaining. It started with the Q moving away from a Snuka fart but moving into the Puddin “no fly zone.” Puddin proceeded to explain based on the fact we were in plank, he was ok because you clinch in plank. That led to the kind of flatulent that each exercise leads to, from the Freddy Mercury machine gun to the All Hell Breaks Loose Rosalita.

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