Caught a Striper and Tony Hawk at Base Camp

Caught a Striper and Tony Hawk at Base Camp

Warm-up: Ran to the track where we did 15 each of Side Straddle Hop, Imperial Walker, Low Slow Squat, and Mountain Climber. Followed with a one lap Indian relay around the track. First exercise series: Ran around track stopping at ¼ increments with the first stop doing 15 merkins, second stop doing 15 LBC’s, third stop 15 squats, and fourth stop doing 15 heals to heaven. Repeated this three times. Second exercise series: Ran to bleachers where we did three sets of 20 step ups, 20 inclines, 20 dips on the bleachers, and 20 pull ups on the sidewalk rails. Had planned to run around the triangle to three sets of bleachers for each exercise, but due to the mud from the weekend rain we stayed at the top bleachers. Third exercise series: Ran to concession and restroom building where we partnered up. Partner 1 did a set of 15 curls, 15 presses, and 15 triceps with a lifting rock. Partner 2 ran down the side walk, to the corner of the fence near the stairs, circled up the grass hill to the concession stand, and did 5 burpees. Then switched with their partner, repeating three times. Final unplanned series due to a slow watch: Circled up in the parking lot where we did Mary’s, 20 LBCs, 20 Dolly’s, and 20 Freddie Mercury’s. Three minutes still remaining so we ran a suicide using the basketball hoops as our suicide legs. Finally time expired at 6:15 for us to circle up and close out. At closing circle two FNG’s were introduced, all invited by Gladiator, F3 from Houston, who was in town for the holidays. Jeffrey, 13, Gladiator’s younger brother, was given the F3 name of Tony Hawks in recognition of his passion for skateboarding. Tony Hawks is apparently a famous professional skateboarder. Goes to show that you can learn new things at F3 too. Billy, 54, Jeffrey and Gladiator’s father, was given the F3 name “Striper” because of his occupation with a firm that stripes roads. Good think he doesn’t remove paint or we would have had to add a “p” to his name.

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Doug Boone author

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