Can’t Stop This Train

Can’t Stop This Train

15 of south Charlotte’s finest gathered on a still relatively warm late October morning to get a great start to their Tuesdays. After the normal disclaimer, where I both disclaimed myself and announced that Hopper would be the substi-Q if needed, and that he, too, was indeed covered by the disclaimer, we were off.

The thang:

Mosey to the turf field hockey and LAX field and circle up on the CL logo for COP. The relatively usual Hannibal warm-up:

  • SSH x25
  • IW x20
  • LSS x15
  • Mountain Climbers x15
  • Peter Parker x10
  • Parker Peter x10

Now that we’re warm, mosey to the end line, partnering up along the way.

  • Run to far end (100 yards) and do 100 squats (team), run back and plank
  • Run to 75 yard line and do 75 LBCs (team), run back and plank
  • Run to 50 yard line and do 50 merkins (team), run back and plank
  • Run to 25 yard line and do 25 burpees (team), run back and plank

Mosey to hot box, stopping briefly at the speed bump for 25 dollies to mark our territory.

At the hot box:

  • 20 step-ups, 15 dips, 10 derkins, run to speed bump and back, plank.
  • Repeat for a total of 3 cycles

Active recovery with high flutter x25.

Mosey back to turf field, line up abreast on sideline. Heels to heaven suicide (run across field for 10 HtHs, back for 9, and so on to 1). Each time you cross the midfield point, drop and do one merkin.

About out of time, mosey to the parking lot by the MAC for 5 MoM (Rosalitas, low fast flutter, protractor).

AYG back to launch. Done


It was touch and go as to whether YHC would be good to go for this one, which I think made Hops a bit nervous (Hopper evidently never had a doubt, despite the fact that he had to be well aware he was on deck). YHC severely sprained an ankle during his last Q 19 days ago at Hydra, which still has some swelling. The original plan was to stay off the legs as much as possible, but then I was to have “surgery” (medical lingo for “we’re going to charge you more”) to have a wart removed on the right index finger, which would have made upper body work difficult. The thought crossed my mind that we might stand around and just look at each other, which was an entertaining concept just to see how the refusiniks would refuse that (would they break out in burpees?). But alas, no “surgery” was required, the ankle held up in its one and only test yesterday at Base Camp, and so we were all saved.

All went pretty much according to plan. Pop Tart realized about halfway through the first set that we really didn’t need to partner up, but rather just do half the exercises each. #OnToMe But, the mumble chatter around the whole partner thing made it worthwhile in itself. One Eye and another (couldn’t tell in the gloom) crushed this set and were consistently out in front.

On the way to the hot box, Semi Gloss accused me of making the workout up on the fly. No brother, it’s just a sign of greatness that you can’t tell. Geraldo led the way on this set, opting to up his game and did jump ups instead of step ups. It’s you against you, and he’s better for it. We were forced to evacuate the hot box following the third set, as Semi Gloss unloaded the gaseous remains of last night’s dinner (or was it 2 nights ago?).

The PAX didn’t seem all to excited to go back to the turf, but all put in good work to finish strong. The single merkin in the middle was a disguised burpee, and even the refusiks seemed to do most of them. #ImSmarterThanYou. Finished strong up the hill to meet up with the Runstopper led Fast Twitch crowd.

Thanks to Hopper for the takeout, and to Hope and Hopper for the opportunity to lead this fine group of men.


  • Holiday party on 11/22 in Marvin.
  • Last day to bring coats in is Thursday.

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Hannibal author

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5 years ago

Yeah, I know I wasn’t there. But I thought about going to Fast Twitch until Purell made his track intentions clear. Nope. I let Sprockets down though because we had a Hydra Halloween Spectacular (Spooktacular?) planning call last night, and I told him that I’d promote it at COT this morning. So here I am. You should come to Hydra. Costumes are encouraged.

On an unrelated note, when I called Sprockets last night, he texted back that he was “in a movie theater” and would call me in 4 minutes. Upon further questioning, he admitted that he had been dropping the kids off at the pool and didn’t like the acoustics in his “office”. There are guys in my office who will absolutely take a call while taking care of business. I make sure to make as many bathroom-specific noises as possible while I’m in there to offend whoever they are talking to. Gross.

5 years ago

Even though Halloween is not until Thursday, I received quite a fright immediately after Hawks Nest! I was sitting in my truck at the Latin stoplight at Providence when I felt the glare of something hairy and hungry. I turned to my left to see both Motor Boat and Semi Gloss sitting shirtless in Motor Boat’s Explorer glaring at me expressionless. I jumped the light in fear the two werewolves would descend upon me, not only shirtless, but perhaps pantless as well. Beware pax!

Great Q Hannibal! We covered 2.25 today…..not bad for an injured vet like yourself!

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