Monthly Archive August 2015

Nope It’s Still Hard

25 men were present for the 3rd of 4 consecutive trips to the Piper Glen hills in the run up to BRR.  There is a saying that 3rd time’s a charm.  Well this Devil’s Turn wasn’t charming and downright hurt at times.

25 is a big number for Devil’s Turn and even though we know in January we will wonder where everyone went, we relish the short lived popularity in the weeks leading up to the BRR.  The more the merrier and it is good to share some pain with so many PAX.

Since the BRR requires certain safety apparatus be worn while running, the PAX are starting to road test their gear.  Baracus was wearing something like a reflective sports bra which he swore wasn’t that short last season.  Someone also likened it to Chris Farley’s impression of a fat man in a little coat.  Of course, Baracaus isn’t fat, but the vest was just that small.   For the second week in a row, Hairball went metro with a suspender type reflective garment which resembled something Bruno would wear.  Luckily it didn’t include the banana hammock extension which would have been true Bruno style.

Bratwurst, Mr. Brady, Turkey Leg, and ‘Bout Time were kicking the pace with everyone behind them pushing themselves to the limit to try and keep up.

After calculating the difference in average pace between 8/13 and 8/27 (8/20 is neglected since it was a different format), the results showed significant improvements.  In fact, The Mouth and Sanka showed a 20 sec/mile and 25 sec/mile improvement respectively.  Talk about improvement in a short period of time!

Other gains were present but less drastic.  This stuff works guys.  Just got to give it some time to accumulate those gains!

Thanks for coming out and we will repeat for the last time next week then it is taper for the big relay. There is a proposal for some stretching activities during DT on 9/10 with Strange Brew taking the lead.  More to come if that becomes the plan.   Cobains on the late backblast.

Skunkworks – Hacker #50

Warm up:

  • Bring KBs to main lot.
  • 25 side straddle hops in cadence
  • 20 imperial walkers in cadence
  • 25 windmills in cadence
  • 25 2H swings on your own
  • One lap around parking lot

The Thang:

50 goblet squats or 50 tea bag squats
15 Wide Arm Merkins
jog around loop

50 deadlifts
15 Merkins
jog around loop

100 1-handed swings, alternating
10 Diamond Merkins
jog around loop

50 KB snatches (mix up sides)
10 Diamond Merkins
jog around loop

50 Curls
15 Wide Arm Merkins
jog around loop

50 2-handed overhead presses
20 Merkins
jog around loop

50 good mornings
10 merkins
jog around loop

Wall sits
two sets of 50-second wall sits with arm raises and arm extensions

50 LBCs
30 Flutter Presses

So I guess once you turn 50, things move much slower. Like the timing of this backblast. Hacker celebrated #50 and earned his RESPECT with a brutal workout to commemorate the day. Unfortunately, he provided no commentary to go along with the recap (3 days late). My hamstrings are still sore, very good work.

Harley, posted on behalf of Hacker


Almost 5

Eleven of the bravest braves braved the Brave for a 4.8 mile beat down. Fire Hazard had set a high bar the week before in covering 5 miles so today we attempted to match but came up just short at 4.8 miles. I think we would have made it except Mr Ben Nevis got in the way. Here’s how it all went down:

Mosey to parking lot across from CVS
No FNG’s so light form waiver provided
20 Imperial Walkers
Mosey to Premier Parking Deck with some stops on the way for squats and merkins

Was planning to use the fields but they were close so to the parking deck.
Crab walk half way up parking deck – had to say there were some sad looking crabs this am lads
Run back down and bear crawl half way up and run back down
Toe tap crunches

Next up, the Mic Check slalom course followed by a sprint across the Johnstone Rd bridge.
Sharp right after the bridge and then wheelbarrows down the field (hats of to Mario and Fire Hazard on this one for leading the pack). Headed to the next pond for some good old fashion merkins.

Then down the dark path and over to the wall. Yep 10 times up and down the bull ring wall sure got the heart a pumping. Called on Chippy for a ten count, which seemed to last a minute – good work Chippy!

Off again heading for Ben Nevis and stopped on the way for some LBC’s, Russian Twists and some more Toe Tap crunches just to mix it up. Arrived at bottom of Ben Nevis (time is running out). 25 dips at the bottom, 25 merkins at end of the railing, 25 toe tap crunches at first entrance and for the elite (Fraser, Mario, Fire Hazard, and Cable Guy) 5 burpees at the next entrance. Time is really running out so time to head back to the cars with minimal stops.

Appreciate all of the hard work this morning and good to have the temps in the mid 60’s.

Thanks for the lead gents


Time to Pay the Toll!

5 men woke up this morning not knowing they would pay a price to Turnpike! A price was paid indeed!

Warm Up:

Hairband Mile to get the PAX going.
SSH x 15

The Thang:

In typical Turnpike Q fashion a quick appetizer (warm up) and straight on the the entree!

Line up at the Island. Each Member of the PAX will Crab Walk ten lines equaling ten parking spots and then complete 10 squats. Then we will Bear Crawl ten more spots and do 20 LBC’S.

Plank when complete

Going back we will Lunge Walk ten lines do 10 Squats then Bear Crawl ten more and complete 20 LBC’S

Plank when complete

Let’s Mosey

Next toll to be paid were some pain stations.

Each PAX will complete 10 of the following:

Carolina Dry Docks

Once complete we will Lunge Walk the from the beginning of the brick wall row to the end.

Plank when complete!

Repeating adding 5 additional reps to the exercises. Thanks Glass Joe for asking if we were adding 5 more Lunge Walks as well. If you could fit them sure but not in the agenda!

Plank when complete.

Let’s Mosey!

Mosey we did to the playground where I intended to continue collecting tolls!

Partner Up for a little Merkin Track work.

Idea is or was for each team to reach 100 Merkins combined however an audible to 50 was much appreciated by the PAX!

P1 starts with 10 Merkins while P2 starts running on the track. Upon being caught P2 does 10 Merkins while P1 continues to run. Rinse and Repeat until each team completes 50 then Plank where we started.

Hoody gives us a 10 count so breathes could be caught!

Playground time. Only for a short time as Q saw Eleven’s in the near future!

Each PAX will do 20 Donkey Kicks on the swings, 20 Step Ups (10 Each Leg)’ and as many Pull Ups as you can. Plank upon completion!

Let’s Mosey over to the hills. If you can dodge a car you can dodge a ball. Was the thought going through my mind as we were switching sides as the cars came through.

When we reach the hills it was the final toll the PAX would have to pay!

Eleven’s were the price to pay! Start with 10 Flutters at the bottom and 1 Dolly at the top continue until ending with 1 Flutter Kick at the bottom and 10 Dolly’s on top! Some of the PAX were relieved when time ran out on us. I know some of us didn’t finish the Eleven’s but still a great workout by all!

It was an honor leading the PAX this morning!

Thanks to Happy for taking us out.


BRR is right around the corner!

Sign ups for the October Mud Run is still going on not much time left so if interested sign up!

Please feel free to comment below!



11 pax showed up at Hydra to see what was in store. No newbies, so short disclaimer given and off we went. This is what we did:

SSH x 25 IC
IW x 20 IC
Merkin x 10 IC
Squat x 20 IC
Mtn Climber x 20 IC

Partner up for the MerkinFest:
Partner 1 does 20 merkins while Partner 2 does squats, flapjack.
Partner 1 does 19 merkins while Partner 2 does squats, flapjack.
So on and so forth all the way down to 1 merkin.

Now that we’re feeling all “chesty”, mosey over to the concessions area, keeping with your partner.
Partner 1 runs around the outside of the baseball field while partner 2 does AMRAP of called exercise, then flapjack.
Round 1: step-ups
Round 2: dry docks
Round 3: Sister Mary Catherine’s
Round 4: dips
Round 5: LBC’s

Mosey to the football field a line up abreast on the goal line.
AYG sprint to the other endzone, do 20 LBC’s, then mosey back to goal line.
Repeato x 3
Plank work

Back to the parking lot for Mary:
Dolly x 15 IC
Russian Twist x 15 IC
LBC x 15 IC (called by Frosty Paws)
Flutter x 15 IC (called by Iron Horse)


Great group out there today. Not too much mumble chatter except for some groans when the merkinfest was called. Everyone worked hard and pushed through to the end. If you made it all the way through you did 210 merkins (on top of the 20 during warmup). Strong! Iron Horse wanted to go back up the ladder but was quickly shut down. He may be war daddy, but he’s a beast. Thanks for allowing me to lead today, always an honor. Sound off with anything else I missed. Thanks to Iron Horse for taking us out.

10/4 Day of “stuff” at the Whitewater center. Bushwacker race, etc. Watch for preblast and check website.

I Can’t Hear You!

11 PAX assembled for a double dose of pain Peak 51 style as administered by Sensei and his evil henchman Slim Fast.  It went a little something like this.

Sensei’s dose:
Take a lap around the parking lot.  Circle up for COP:
SSH x 20
5 Merkins OYO
IW x 20
5 Burpees OYO
LSS x 20
5 Merkins OYO
Peter Parkers x 15
5 Burpees OYO
Parker Peters x 15
5 Merkins OYO
Hammie stretch left, right, middle

It was during COP that the PAX were wondering if we had been somehow transported to downtown NYC with all the sirens, train, and other big city noises in quaint downtown Matthews.  We were also joined by a couple of late comers who appeared after SSH.  Nice of you fellas to join us.

Mosey to benches by school for circuit work
Rd 1:  10 Merkins/15 Dips/20 Step Ups
Rd 2:  10 Inclined Merkins/15 Dips/20 Step Ups
Rd 3:  10 Decline Merkins/15 Dips/20 Step Ups

Mosey to playground for more circuit work
Rd 1:  5 Pull Ups/10 Squats/15 LBCs
Rd 2:  5 Pull Ups/10 Squats/15 Sit Ups
Rd 3:  5 Pull Ups/10 Squats/15 LBCs

Time for Slim Fast’s dose – mosey back to church parking lot:
Line up on white lines, one pax/line in plank position.  We called this “Walking The Plank”…
Rd 1:  Do a merkin, then plank walk to next line to the left, do a merkin, plank walk to next line, etc… 6 lines to the left, the 6 lines back to the right.
Rd 2:  Same concept, but instead of merkins, do CDD… 6 lines to the left, then 6 lines to the right.

Next pain dose… suicide!
Rd 1:  3-line suicide and sprint to end, rinse and repeat coming back.
Rd 2:  3-line suicide and lunge walk to the end

Circle up for mary and stretching:
LBC x 20
Dolly x 15

Great job out there this morning!  Thanks to Sensei for a last-minute Co-Q replacement … painful as always!

We’re very thankful to Mall Cop and Geraldo for taking time out of their busy morning schedules to join us!  Insomniac beat you guys, for crying out loud!!  I hope that shames you sufficiently!!

Great to have Happy join us!  Strong stuff out there… you are welcome back anytime!

Also great to see Sparkle City back out after some vacation time!

Swiss Miss, Kilowatt, Stay Puft and Tawney… strong as always!

Stay Puft took us out in prayer… thanks, bro!

1.  Kilowatt will be driving for the Mercury’s Minions at BRR… THANKS!!  (and condolences… )
2.  Sign-up for Mud Run in October

The Backblast of Who Could Care Less

Thirteen Pax found sweet succor in the bosom of 0.0.  Some came to avoid the hills.  Some came to get YUGE.  None came to run.  The step counter didn’t get much work today but the heart rate monitor did.

WARM UP:  1H Alternating Swings, Good Mornings, Prying Squats, Halos.

THANG: Partner up by bell size for doubles pyramids.

  • Double swings. x 3-6-9-12-9-6-3.
  • Dead Stop Swings 3×5
  • Double snatches x 3-6-9-6-3
  • Dead Stop Snatches 3×3
  • Double Cleans x 3-6-9-12-9-6-3
  • Sprinter Stance (single) swings 3×10 (5 ea leg)

Eternal Flame, KB Edition:  Attempt to outlast the Bangles with an alternating press wave.

Pax 1: One bell in rack, press bell overhead and hold. Pax 2-13 does same.  When it gets back to Pax 1 the first bell drops to rack, press the other bell overhead.  I think we made it through 3 or 4 presses ea side before we threw in the towel.  We finished out with 2H swings.



  • Doubles are tough.  Several first timers on the doubles. Not so bad once you get comfortable with that much weight that close to your kneecaps.
  • Dead stops are tough.  Form enforcers and quad burners.  That is the proper way to initiate and park the bell, by the way.  Every time.
  • Sprinter swings are tough.  Balance is key here.
  • The Press Wave is tough.  Thought we’d get a little further than we did….will need to run that back soon.


28 pax failed to heed the warning from the site Q, aka quitter on Dolly, aka #yahtzee ‘Proud’ guy.  And so we went…..

The Thang

Mosey down to field

30 SSH

25 LSS

Partner up and head back up to the #poopers

Gopher – P1 runs down and around track.  P2 runs down to bleachers for 20 step ups, 20 dips and 20 suppine pullies – meet back at #poopers for 50 combined hand release merkins.  Repeat circuit 2 times

We then did some air chair aka wall chair aka The Semi Gloss

Mosey down to the field for a mini Crusher – consisted of squats, CDD’s, LBC’s and 14 x 100 yard yoggers.



Good crew today.  Bunch of BRR participants honing in their strides.  Joker, Header and Fletch were out front in most of the laps in my group.  Quite easily if I remember.  TR refuses to do anything but run in the month leading up to BRR at any and all workouts #AttaBoy #FreeRange.  I was told on several occasions that the call for 50 hand release merkins over and over was a bit ridiculous.  You can blame the site Q’s for that because anything that happens on their AO is their fault.  BTW, Header doesn’t finish the Crusher in the bottom half of a a lot of you slack jacks queered out today.  You took a serving from #yoself.  You deserve better.  Boom.

Thank you SG for taking us out.


No Announcements

Lucky 7 for 7s and Other Fun

Started with 8 this morning at Dromedary and finished with 7.  Stump Hugger came out for a pre-run with Bratwurst and then had to leave before COP for early start at work.  Good to see you this morning Stumpy and kudos on posting for pre-run at 0500.  With Bananas traveling we had to gather around the Virtual SF before heading out to cover some terrain.  With all the focus lately on the sprawling student parking lot and the front of the school, decided it was time to revisit the fields behind the school.  And so we were off for a slow mosey across the parking lot and around the high school.

Stopped along the way for Incline Merkins on the curb x 20, continued with high knees and butt kickers, another pause for Decline Merkins w/ feet on the curb x 10 IC, and then finished the mosey around the high school to the soccer practice field behind the tennis courts.


  • IW x 20 IC
  • Squats x 15 IC
  • Plank Jack x 20 IC
  • MC x 20 IC
  • Peter Parker x 20 IC

Nice warm up run and a few exercises to get the blood flowing.  Time for a little field work.  PAX lined up on the goal line and we first led off with Karaoke down the soccer pitch and back.  Next we completed a backwards run down and then regular run back.  Nice flat surface and not too many uneven spots to worry about, but that would change.

With that completed we headed over to base of hill next to the soccer fields for some 7s.  Ran up the hill and completed 6 merkins and then back down the hill for 1 prisoner squat.  Continued the cycle for 5/2, 4/3, etc.  Not a huge hill, but it definitely added something a little extra to the 7s.  Soft Pretzel commented on the uneven terrain and how he hoped he did not turn his ankle before BRR.  Right there with you and definitely don’t want to see anyone on F3 BRR SOBs (or any other F3 team for that matter) head to the IR this close to D Day.  4 legs is plenty and not looking for any extra credit.

Once everyone was done with that round we headed off for the benches near the tennis courts for a little circuit work:

  • Completed Dips, LBCs and Decline Merkins w/ feet on bench x 20.
  • Plank & wait for the 6 followed by 10 count from Bratwurst.
  • Rinse & repeat x 15 followed by Plank and 10 count from Soft Pretzel.
  • Final round x 10 of Dips, LBCs & Decline Merkins.

With that round of circuit work behind us we headed down to the lower football practice field.  Nice smooth even surface for The Stack:

  • PAX lined up along the sideline and then we ran across to the other sideline and completed 5 burpees.
  • Run back to start point, 5 burpees & 10 squats.
  • Little plankorama as we waited for the 6 to wrap up this round.
  • Run to other side, 5 burpees, 10 squats, 15 LBCs.
  • Run back to start, 5 burpees, 10 squats, 15 LBCs, 20 wide-arm merkins.

Having explored a good amount of the back of the AO we headed through the open area between the Middle School and the High School.  Bus drivers were gathering in the Bus parking lot, but no catcalls this morning.  Must be too early in the school year.  Made our way around to the Middle School patio area for another round of circuit work (civilian count):

  • Jump-ups/Step-ups x 10, Dolly x 10, Russian Twist x 10
  • Rinse & repeat but replace the Dolly with the Flutter
  • Rinse & repeat but replace the Flutter with the Rosalita

Head down to the track for a quick lap and then we headed back to the launch point for 6 MOM.  Went around the circle and each PAX member called an exercise and led the count:

  • Camacho – LBCs
  • Bratwurst – 1 legged Flutters
  • Enron – J Lo
  • Soft Pretzel – Dying Cockroach
  • Beano – Low slow squat
  • Silicon – LBCs



  • Great morning to be out in the Gloom, if you can call it that.  Temps in 60 with little to no humidity.  Hard not to enjoy this time of year.
  • Strong work by all the PAX this a.m. as we covered a lot of ground.  Camacho and Enron pushing it hard throughout the morning and Soft Pretzel up near the front throughout.
  • Beano claimed the title of War Baby and learned a new word from the Lexicon as he was the youngest out with us today.  Silicon claimed War Daddy status by just a month over YHC.  Glad to let you have the title this morning.
  • Thanks to Bratwurst for always looking out for the 6.  When you’re leading it can be a challenge to keep any eye on everyone and always good to have co-pilot keeping an eye out for anyone who may be falling behind a bit.


  • BRR just around the corner with 9/11 Start Times officially posted on the BRR website.  There may be a need for another runner or two and possibly a van driver or two.  It is a CSAUP (completely stupid and utterly pointless) event that you will loath and love at the same time.
  • Mud Run sign-ups are now active.  Race scheduled for 10/24.  Deadline for sign-ups is 9/12.  Sign up individually and then form your team or let Mermaid ( know & he will attempt to help you find a team.  Registration link is:
  • Always an honor and a privilege to lead a great group of men for an F3 workout.  If you have been taking part in F3 for 2-3 months, talk to one of the work-out and/or site Qs and get signed up to lead a work-out or part of a work-out.

Field Pass

Nine men gathered at the Charge this morning for a beat down in the gloom. It was a balmy 69 degrees, so we didn’t work up a sweat until we started moving. It went something like this: Read More