
  • When:03/28/2015
  • QIC: Glass Joe
  • The PAX: Belly Flop, Boondocks, Countertop, Double E, Espresso, Fishhead (FNG), Game Show, Goofy Foot, Hair Band, Horsehead, Shepherd (WD), Smokey, Sweat Shop, The Late Show, Turnpike, Glass Joe (QIC)


The Glass Joe one year anniversary Q. Well, I hadn’t planned on it coming in but my voice was a little, well, squeaky today which made me sound like Mike Tyson whose Punch Out video game I was named for due to the closeness of my hospital name to his. So, that gave the PAX something to harass me with during COP but I got them back later. Let’s go.

Great job by Shepherd and Turnpike for joining EE and I for the full 5 mile pre-run. Getting stronger guys!

The Thang:
Mosey to the flag

SSH x 20
IW x 15
3 second hold merkins x 12 (had planned on more but started laughing)

Mosey to Tri-Level ramp.
Low, Slow Squats x 10 while we wait for the crowd to gather.

Something new I’m calling Rail Hold Tunnel of Bear Crawls. Sort of like a modified Native American run except the crowd is doing rail holds forming a tunnel for the one on the end to bear crawl under and then do a rail hold himself and we kept the line moving until we had gone up all three levels. Well, since we bear crawled up and your shoulders already hurt, let’s Rail Hold Tunnel of Crab Walk back down. The chatter indicated it was a #crowdpleaser

Mosey to the back road finishing with a sprint to the stop sign.
You knew it was coming, backwards run up to the road that leads to the fields.
Stop to do Army situps x 15

Mosey to the fields.
Devin Hesters x 4
Going long-ways across the field (guessing 150 yards), buttkickers and then karaoke left and right.
Partner wheelbarrow with flapjack as needed back across the field long ways. #revenge

Mosey to the stadium
Stairway to Heaven with P1 stair running x 2 while P2 does the called exercise. Flapjack.
Exercises were:

Mosey to the track for the Road to Nowhere
1/2 track run and then a cadenced exercise. Here were the exercises:
SSH x 20
Dolly x 34 (random number of no significance)
LBCs x 10
10 burpees OYO.
This meant 2 laps around or 1/2 mile run.

Mosey to obstacle course and the PAX went through the entire course once
Mosey to the bottom of the hill for a jail break back to the flag.



I hope I met all your expectations for my one-year anniversary Q. It had the amount of running that you would expect from a Glass Joe Q but I hope the Rail Hold Tunnel of Bear Crawls/Crab Walks and Flapjack Partner Wheelbarrows across a field that was way too long threw some surprises in for you. Great to have such a large crowd today at Outland. Welcome to FNG Fish Head (Billy C.) and site FNG Sweat Shop. Hope to see you guys back out. And it was good to see Espresso return. Wise choice on switching the coffee for water this week.

Personal Note:
This Q did mean a lot to me. I started F3 in March 2014 after being EH’d by The Late Show. But, there is something bigger at play. Some of you know this but all of you need to know why this matters. My Mom passed away in November 2012 from a 9 month battle with cancer. In October 2012, she had to go into the hospital for a few days due to complications and in her hospital room, we had about 5 minutes together where we were alone. As you can imagine, we shared stuff with each other that I hold with me to this day and haven’t even shared with my M. But, there is one part I want to share with you guys. She made me literally promise to take care of my wife and my girls. Made me say it out loud. A few weeks after she passed away, I went for my first annual physical since literally middle school and because of my weight (nearly 240 pounds), my Dr. listened to my heart. I was 34. 34! Let that sink in. And I had just made a promise a month before to my Mom who had passed away. Things had to change. Even with that, I was stubborn for a while and thought I could just play basketball once a week and be okay. Then the group I was playing with stopped meeting so I took up running in May 2013 for the first time in my life with the Couch to 5K program. And I lost weight and thought I was meeting the promise. Then I started to slack up in early 2014 as #solo has no accountability. My demon of laziness had not been killed, just suppressed. So, all that to say, F3’s not just a workout to me. It’s something deeper. It’s a promise kept and you guys are my accountability to keep the promise I made. I am thankful for each of you always pushing me for more. You honor not just me but my Mom as well. I can never repay you for this impact each of you has made in my life.

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Hair Band
9 years ago

#EmbraceTheSuck lots of running as expected, but I enjoyed(?) the 3 count Merkins and I was good with the rails until they got pushed apart and I was no longer tall enough to keep the bridge alive.

We are glad to have you and honestly I was thinking the other day the different ways AOs do #BallOfMan and ours a little tighter than some. As an AO of core consistent guys (but glad we are growing) we have been through a lot in the past year or so from sickness to dealing with death in families, divorce, painting a house, building a fence and of course the recent events with Zip. A lot of things have happened that really brought us together as brothers and it’s an honor to be a part of something special like that.

As GJ would say, “Welcome to the Island of Misfit Toys, we are a little weird but really friendly bunch.”


The Late Show
The Late Show
9 years ago

I call dibs on being the weird Jack in the box guy…. Solid work today and couldn’t ask for a better group than Outland and Overdrive.

Drop Thrill
9 years ago

One of my SPEARHEAD brothers told me something good this week as I’m getting my head straight for the Challenge in July:

He said: It’s Team, Teammate, then you. In that order. That’s the way it is in GORUCK and it should be always in F3. We’re human and mess up, but that’s what I hope to strive for every workout, every time I’m with you guys.

Missed you yesterday, but I had made a downpainment promise to Ascent and ouch did I deliver. I’m sore! And I was Q for the whole hour! LOL

GJ I know God sent you into my life just when I needed you and you and are brothers for not just live, but for eternity. Can’t wait for heaven when we get to introduce our mom’s to each other (if they haven’t already met by then). Now you’ve got my crying. Stop it!

Till next time.

9 years ago

Good workout bud. Solid way to cap off my week. The Outland Pax have gotten to know the #armbanded #dripcoffee #bassackwards one this year and are better for it. From #sadclown to Site Q you have made quite a step in your leadership. As for the weight loss, it seems the more Glass Joe we see, the less Glass Joe we see – so keep posting my friend.

Reply to  Horsehead
9 years ago

Great workout, GJ! I like new stuff, and you mixed it up well to give us a real Beatdown! Must admit, I was challenged, especially after the 5-mile pre-run! I think some others in the Pax were as well. (Had to laugh when you started the bassackwards run, and The Late Show said you must have gotten your Q from Satan’s playbook!) Was awestruck by your stamina, Bro!

Thanks for sharing the Personal Note! Encouragement and Accountability are BIG! And it goes both ways! I really appreciate the impact you have had on me since I started posting back in the fall, and especially over the past few weeks!

Double E
9 years ago

Well, if I had closed my eyes during half of this workout, I would have thought some Pubescent 13 year old was leading this group!!! Thinking about starting #F3Voiceworks twice a week!! Also Anti-Tclaps for the #cropduster HH blasted while bearcrawling under the Rail Hold Tunnel of Love #NotCoolBrother #SmelledlikeaMoesHomewrecker??

This was a Great Anniversary Q GJ! I think it was a Greatest Hits of some of the unnecessary but creative exercises that you have helped develop over the last year. Very proud to see the #OutlandPreRunners growing into a much larger group and would encourage everyone to give it a try. The AO at Outland makes it easy to run a variety of distances and there are multiple groups running a variety of speeds, but still no man left behind!

And I am very grateful for the close bond between men and 2.0’s, the accountability among brothers, the inclusiveness of everyone that posts, and the friendship that continues long after the workout ends! Very Thankful for each one of you and they way everyone steps up to the plate when there is a need in the community or with another F3 Brother. Always looking forward to the next round with you guys!! AYE!!

Drop Thrill
Reply to  Glass Joe
9 years ago

Aye brother, leading for one hour at Ascent has me sore too.

Hair Band
9 years ago

It’s only about 2 miles from the Union County line so if you can unofficially launch an F3 AO then I am going to unofficially annex it into F3UnionCo!

9 years ago

DT – you are announcing your secret non-sanctioned workout on the F3 website? What the heck? I’ll make t the trip to post out there with you brother, but would like to see this go through the proper channels like all of the other successful workouts we have. Why fix an unbroken process?

– Horsehead

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