Practicing counting to 10

  • When:02/05/2015
  • QIC: Alf
  • The PAX: Splinter, Semi-Gloss, Bananas, Tiger Rag, Chum, Brown, Chanel, Run Stopper, Big League Chew (respect), Arena, Swiss Miss, Hairball, Spackler, Fletch, High Tide, Les Mis, Baracus, & Alf

Practicing counting to 10

This Thursday morning brought out a record number 18 PAX to Meathead.  There is some strong KB action going on this week with 39 posting at Skunk two days ago.

The theme this week was Ten.  As in Pearl Jam’s Ten album and the number of reps we were hitting each set.

A quick COP warm up

SSH x 25 IC

IW x 25 IC

Start Pearl Jam 10 album on “Once” and let it roll.  Some mumble complaints from the audience about the tunes but hey, while you can’t please all of the people, all of the time – you can certainly disappoint most of the people, most of the time.  And frankly I was tired of mash-ups of Quiet Riot and the Bangles.

2 – Handed Swings x 20 OYO

Good Mornings x 10 OYO

Tea Bags x 10 OYO

Romanian Dead Lifts x 10 R and x 10 L on your own

Main Event

First cycle:

1 handed swings x10 R x10 L

Cleans x10 R x10 L

High Pulls x10 R x10 L

Presses x10 R x10 L

Repeat the cycle over every ~3 minutes for 5 rounds

Second cycle

2-bell Deadlifts x10

Good Mornings x10

Tea Bags x10

RDL x10 R x10 L

Repeat the cycle over every ~3 minutes for 4 rounds


Flutter with press x 10 IC

Dolly with press x 10 IC

Louganis x 10 OYO

Pull over x 10 OYO

Finish with 2 handed swings for 1 minute.

The Moleskine:

It was a relatively warm morning for a change, just not warming enough for Run Stopper to leave the tights at home and put some shorts on.  I was looking forward to my first Meathead Q.  0.0 was a challenge for someone who likes to push the cardio and have no breaks.  So let’s keep the work nearly continuous and the suffering high.

Unfortunately my flannel plaid dry fit shirt was at the cleaners, but Pearl Jam 10 still came out to emphasize the theme “10-count” theme.  And while TR was grumbling about Eddie Vedder’s mumbling lyrics it was evident he had spent enough time listening to that album to throw in the appropriate radio edits for the few expletives throughout the songs.

Spackler wants it to be recorded that he was a site FNG on a record breaking day.  I figured that information was obvious to all when he modified into KB curls during the routine.  Don’t let TR see you doing that, you might get scolded.

Solid work by all the PAX today.  5 rounds (80 reps each) of single armed exercises certainly tests the grip.  When I dry ran this one I thought 3 minutes was enough for the cycle.  Forgot to consider the short arm speed advantage so pushed it to 3:30 each round for my Orangutan like cohorts.

Thanks to Purple Haze for officially correcting my grammar on twitter.  You’ve got you’re (<- see that) work cut out for you to keep up with F3’s grammar.  And speaking of Haze.  Appears that both you and Brown welched on your bet’s to post at Meathead and Fast Twitch respectively.  Maybe that payoff starts next week?

Splinter suggested some sort of back rub conga line type activity towards the end.  No takers on that one, but I did look up to see Chanel taking off his shirt, so maybe there was someone considering the offer.

Thanks for letting me lead and gratitude to Semi-Gloss for the send-off.



Sign ups for Mud Run, BRR and Golf are all live.

Q School – If you A) have been coming to F3 for 3 months and B) have never Q’ed or maybe only Q’ed once or twice or C) want to get better at it.  Sign up for the Q school.  Run Stopper leading the next session, pretty sure there will be burpee training.


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Alf author

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9 years ago

The squats were good but chicks dig ripped arms. Just ask Semi Gloss.

9 years ago

Other observations:
__Bad light Semi Gloss looks like Jake Delhomme.
__Bananas is a neck tattoo away from full blown roid monster. Even if he cheats on the presses.
__Runstopper: you deadlifting 2×35 is like putting gun rack in a Prius. Somewhere in the Spamhead, Soyhead territory. Nice effort (no sleeves); bad execution.
__Stick around next time for the swing finisher. But leave before bad plane stories. Oy.

Re curls:
1. Cleans will do the trick if you have the right size bell.
2. If you must curl a bell curl yours, not mine.
3. At least make it hard:

Reply to  Tiger-Rag
9 years ago

“You have it by the ball and you crush it the entire time. You crush it like this”

9 years ago

Excellent Q Alf – heart rate was up and the grip was certainly tested this morning. The fresh air we started with didn’t last long – lots of crop dusting going on this morning.

Reply to  Fletch
9 years ago

That damn Hairball.

High Tide
Reply to  Spackler
9 years ago

Yes, it seems Meathead worked a few “kinks” out of the Site FNG’s. Glad to have you out, nonetheless. And, think nothing of me staying on the other side of the circle next week.

Reply to  Spackler
9 years ago

Kinda like a locomotive, every time the engine turns a puff of smoke comes out

Reply to  Fletch
9 years ago

I was disappointed to miss this workout (excellent music choice) until I read this comment. At least at the running workouts I’m far enough behind for the inevitable smokescreen to dissipate before I get there.

9 years ago

was the plane story before or after Splinter and Chanel took their shirts off for “partner work”?

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